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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Man... You'd think this guy could get away with murder... lol
  2. http://www.newsmax.com/archives/articles/2004/3/9/154650.shtml
  3. This is true. The well is definetly tainted.
  4. Makes a lot of sense if you're a moron but since I'm obviously on a computer that would make everything you've said a big negative. You don't have to read your resume to try and figure out who I work for. Nice try clown. This is getting boring once again. Have fun fingering yourself, poopy pants.
  5. "Please... uncle..uncle... I can't take being exposed anymore" - Igloo You're a pathetic little bitch, Igloo. Can't take getting bitch slapped by your own shit? Have a nice life licking dubya's nuts, fuckboy. :laugh:
  6. Ok, my little misguided racial equality challenged little buddy..I'll tell you. I work across the street from the white house. What do I do? I fuck your mother...It's fun too.
  7. lol... It's entertaining to see you reach for something to blast me on but you have nothing. What a fucking clown you are Mahs you little video game play cake boy. Good luck jerking off, once again. Fucking sell out. :laugh:
  8. Once again quoting your mother... tsk tsk, iggy-poo. It's ok little buddy. You're a fraud and you've been exposed. I'm sorry this hurts your feeling so much but it's the truth. There there little buddy.
  9. Is that what your mother said to you this morning when she found you eating captain crunch in your underoos and watching cartoons this morning?
  10. It's interesting how proud the GOP has gotten on how much money they've spent to keep Bush in office. There was a good article in the post today that illustrated that the actual money that Kerry has vs. Bush isn't a good comparison and I'll tell you why. Think of all the independents that are dying to get Bush out of office and have no one to get behind and all this money. Sorry, to say... but the left is united in getting Bush out. So Bush is going to have to kick his fund raising into overdrive if wants to stay in, even if that includes him renegging on campaign rethoric criticize lincoln bedroom sleepovers. Exposes his hypocracy nicely though. Here's the article Democrats Forming Parallel Campaign Interest Groups Draw GOP Fire http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A44513-2004Mar9.html?referrer=emailarticle
  11. You brought yourself into the Haiti thread with your goofy coconut comment. Don't try and deflect that you're a pathetic douche bag that has nothing to say of Haiti. Your question that you're dying to know...What I do for a living? I get paid very well to fuck your mother. It's none of your fucking business what I do. Unlike you I don't define myself by what I do. Now piss off unless you've got something intelligent to say about Haiti which you've proved you don't you worthless degenerate sheep. Yet again, you've proven how worthless you and self loathing you are. Sorry to keep exposing you like this...but it's begining to be too fucking easy. Now go wank off to Sean Hannity picture silly boy. :laugh: This is really getting old handing trolls their shit. Anyone here with have a brain cell mind sticking to the thread's topic now, I'm really getting tired of embarassing this fucking clown Mahs?
  12. Bush Fund-Raisers Among Overnight Guests Mar 10, 7:22 AM (ET) By SHARON THEIMER WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush opened the White House and Camp David to dozens of overnight guests last year, including foreign dignitaries, family friends and at least nine of his biggest campaign fund-raisers, documents show. In all, Bush and first lady Laura Bush have invited at least 270 people to stay at the White House and at least the same number to overnight at the Camp David retreat since moving to Washington in January 2001, according to lists the White House provided The Associated Press. Some guests spent a night in the Lincoln Bedroom, historic quarters that gained new fame in the Clinton administration amid allegations that Democrats rewarded major donors like Hollywood heavyweights Steven Spielberg and Barbra Streisand with accommodations there. That scandal and Bush's criticism of it is one of the reasons the White House identifies guests. In a debate with Vice President Al Gore in October 2000, Bush said: "I believe they've moved that sign, 'The buck stops here,' from the Oval Office desk to 'The buck stops here' on the Lincoln Bedroom. And that's not good for the country." Full Article http://apnews.myway.com/article/20040310/D817GH180.html
  13. I rest my case. Fucking morons have zero intelligence and nothing to add to this thread but complete idiocy. Not one comment on drug dealers and murderers taking over Haiti. I guess he likes it that way. Bravo, assmunch, and congratulations! You've officiall proved that you are a worthless piece of shit to everyone on this board but don't stop there... Keep going because everyone still can't believe how fucking stupid you are. Honestly, I can't believe it either. :laugh: Fucking, clown ass buffoon.
  14. Nothing for nothing but I thought your mother would've admited to this years ago. It's good to see she's finally come clean and exposed her fraud. Now if she can just admit to making all those crop circle with her labia that would end that.
  15. First of all, you're a bafoon. Second, you'll do what you're told, beyaach. Third of all learn to spell and use better punctuation. That is all.
  16. Ok...you really want my opinion on what would happen if Bush said he wanted be the 2nd black president. Probably the same thing that's happening to Kerry. Many people would chuckle because the reference is to Clinton having soul and being in touch with african americans and understand it's a "tongue in cheek remark". Others would be pissed and demand an apology. Same as Kerry. Probably more black people would be pissed at Bush because he's done very little specifically for blacks.
  17. booo fucking hooo! Get over it, beeyoch!
  18. Moron. If you don't have anything intelligent to say then shut your hole just like Mahs and Iggy-poo are doing. You never answered my question by the way, shit stain.
  19. Kerry should apologize. It was a stupid fucking statement.
  20. No point trying to show these two fucking douchebag clowns any facts. They'd follow this skinny ugly cunt Coulter in the seventh layer of hell of she told them too.
  21. Wow.. That's a lot of bullshit. Not one word dedicated to the fucking topic. Nice try again....but the fact remains that you are pathetic lonely shit stain that never gets laid. Sad, isn't it? Sad you can't stick to the topic or comment on anything I've said but "i know you are, but what am i" You amuse me you fucking idot clown. Keep it up. You show everyone how much of an extreme cry baby fucking loser you are when you're shit gets handed to you. Don't worry... little buddy. You'll get laid one day and you won't be such a choda boy troll on cp. Even I have hope for you... But untill that happens... you can continue to butt fuck yourself with your Ann Coulter doll. We all know how much she pleasures you so. I'm getting tired of arguing with trolls. Happy stroking, fuckface.
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