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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. What does "finishing it" mean? Killing 20 or 30 thousand more Iraqi's and setting up a controllable government in Iraq?
  2. Link? EDIT: Nevermind. http://www.commondreams.org/views04/0413-02.htm
  3. The press was too easy on him. He had most of the questions and bush is a bungling bafoon with no humility. He'll be judged in hell.
  4. What would be definitive proof of military activity on the grounds of a mosque? Would it be militia outside the mosque with machine guns protecting who ever is inside like a radical cleric? Is that grounds for bombing a mosque? Or is it militia men shooting from inside the mosque? Or both?
  5. Here's the problem I have with this rule...'if the forces believed they were inciting violence from the grounds' of the mosque it will be bombed. This is too subjective we'll be bombing mosques everywhere in Iraq. How do you prove that this is where the violence is coming from? Sounds like mass killing to me.
  6. Mosques will be targeted: commander SENIOR US army officer said today that Iraqi mosques will be targeted by his troops if they are used as fire bases or weapons storage depots. Brigadier General Mark Kimmitt, speaking to CNN from Baghdad, said US forces had dropped two 227kg precision-guided bombs on a mosque compound in Fallujah, Iraq, because local insurgents were using the compound as cover to fire at US soldiers. "It (a mosque) has a special status under the Geneva Convention that it can't be attacked," Kimmitt said, adding "however, it can be attacked when there is a military necessity". He said such religious sites would be struck if his forces believed insurgents were "storing weapons, using weapons, inciting violence, (or) executing violence from its grounds". Kimmit said he could not confirm precise damage to the mosque or additional reports that a second Fallujah mosque had been attacked by US troops. Link to article http://www.news.com.au/common/story_page/0,4057,9225135%5E1702,00.html
  7. Go fuck your mother, retard. I was talking about the guy that beat his infant baby for shitting in his diapers. Something I might do to you if don't fucking shit in the toilet like I told you to, poopy pants.
  8. These sick fucks needs to be hung by the genitals then after they tear off they should be stoned to death.
  9. I think we should listen up when the GAO say this.
  10. "We don't do civilian casualty counts" -Tommy Franks
  11. I hear ya... I'm not missing your point. I actually take your point. You can't trust Al jazeera numbers of civiilian deaths but keep in mind doing what you've suggested would cause mass civiilian death. I don't believe everyone in that Falujah or Sadr City should be condemned to death and indiscriminant killing should commence, although we're not far from that.
  12. No I don't disagree. You are absolutely right on that. The same goes for our side as well as Raver has pointed out. Blackwater employees are civilians but when they have automatic rifles and grenades then they are paramilitaries just as these shi'ite fucks.
  13. Thanks. You've just proven my point. No shit sherlock... a war zone is a war zone but let's not deny that it's a toxic environment to returning troops and not assist them. It's called the socratic method, dipshit. The first reported use of depleted uranium munitions by US soldiers was in 1991. So, just curious, how have they dealt with it on a daily basis for the last 20 years? Now go fuck yourself rocket man.
  14. The same way the right wing press trumps a left wing lie or vice versa. You don't see the "liberal media" shutting down fox news because they don't like what they report. That's freedom of Speech and democracy, my friend. The message that we've sent the Shi'ites is that 'we don't like what this cleric says so we are going to down shut this paper...What? Still pissed? Ok, no we want him arrested/caputred/dead." You see how these people are pissed? Doesn't seem like freedom to them. They've lived under Saddam long enough and deserve freedom. First things first. We need de-escalate this violence. Again, attacking mosques isn't going to work.
  15. I'm not going to argue with you that they're weren't spreading lies in that newspaper but you combat lies by showing the iraqi people the truth, not taking away their voice. We totally played into Sadr hands by doing this and as you can see with the past weeks events this hasn't help quell the violence or do you see things changing for the better?
  16. My point is, this doesn't help change the hearts and minds of the iraqi people by blowing up their place of worship. Not a good move in my opinion. It just fuels more anger and hatred and further escalates this bullshit.
  17. I'm still waiting for you to answer to my questions, but I'll play along. Yes, two classes in college and two years in High School. Contemporary Physics and Modern Physics. Question#1 Question#2 Question#3
  18. Add the Matt Drudge to that list...I got the al jazeera link from his site.
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