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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. "Duck hunting trip?...please! Now if we're talking about a quayle hunting trip... Then you got yourself a supreme court decision, my friend"
  2. Poll: Americans still believe in Saddam-al-Qaida link Saturday, April 24, 2004 By ANDREW GUMBEL THE (LONDON) INDEPENDENT A majority of Americans continues to believe that Saddam Hussein was in cahoots with al-Qaida and that Iraq either had weapons of mass destruction or a significant program for developing them, according to a startling new opinion poll. The poll, conducted by the University of Maryland's Program on International Policy Attitudes, suggested that months of revelations challenging Bush administration policy had so far had little effect on public opinion. In fact, most respondents seemed unaware of the devastating revelations made by David Kay, the administration's chief weapons inspector who found no weapons, or by Richard Clarke, the former counterterrorism czar whose book "Against All Enemies" has been the talk of Washington for weeks. A staggering 82 percent of respondents believed most experts supported the notion that Iraq was providing "substantial support" to al-Qaida -- a contention that President Bush himself has been forced to disavow. Almost 60 percent were unaware that world opinion was overwhelmingly against the war in Iraq, with 21 percent saying the world was behind the U.S.-led invasion and 38 percent saying views were "evenly divided." The organizers of the poll attributed the confusion -- or ignorance -- to the groundwork carefully laid by the administration before the war and its largely uncritical echo in the mainstream media. Among those who believed inspectors had found weapons of mass destruction in Iraq, 72 percent said they would vote to re-elect Bush in November and 23 percent said they supported his Democratic challenger, Sen. John Kerry. Among those who knew that no WMD had been found, the numbers were almost exactly reversed -- 74 percent supporting Kerry and 23 percent backing the president Link to article http://seattlepi.nwsource.com/national/170469_iraqpoll24.html
  3. I called you a jerk off because you are a 20 year old jerk off. Havn't finished school yet, either, huh? Funny how you try to accuse people of being uneducated when you haven't graduated yourself. Nice try you sophmoric douchebag. I don't argue with Trolls, this will be the last time I address you.
  4. This has been proven to be a fake. Nice try douche. www.johnkerryisadouchebagbutimvotingforhimanyway.com
  5. She actually did testify to part of the 9/11 commission in non public testimony. The gov't is keeping her from testifying to the firm representing the victims families under threat that she'll be sent to jail if she does. But yeah, I agree with you... she should be allowed to testify to what she knows.
  6. Jesus you really are a nut! Listen, kiddo... What you believe in doesn't apply to everyone in North America. Where the fuck do you get off talking about "these people are destroying your future and your way of life" Go shit in your hat, jerk off.
  7. Agreed. Abortion is horrible procedure and should be avoided but women will continue to have abortions even if it's outlawed. Just like people will continue to have sex when abstinence is preached. Keeping it legal and safe is good for women so we don't digress to once again using coat hangers to abort pregnancies.
  8. Lawyers try to gag FBI worker over 9/11 The Bush administration will today seek to prevent a former FBI translator from providing evidence about 11 September intelligence failures to a group of relatives and survivors who have accused international banks and officials of aiding al-Qa'ida. Sibel Edmonds was subpoenaed by a law firm representing more than 500 family members and survivors of the attacks to testify that she had seen information proving there was considerable evidence before September 2001 that al-Qa'ida was planning to strike the US with aircraft. The lawyers made their demand after reading comments Mrs Edmonds had made to The Independent. But the US Justice Department is seeking to stop her from testifying, citing the rarely used "state secrets privilege". Today in a federal court in Washington, senior government lawyers will try to gag Mrs Edmonds, claiming that disclosure of her evidence "would cause serious damage to the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States". Full article http://news.independent.co.uk/world/americas/story.jsp?story=515270
  9. There is no doubt about it, Roe vs. Wade will be a campaign issue again this November. Yet again, we've found a hugely divisive issue to split the vote. President Bush gave a statement yesterday to counter the hugely popular rallies and demonstrations that brought forth an estimated turn out of over 1 million people on the National Mall yesterday. Kerry also joined in on the fray in a move to show soldiarity with the movement: "More than 30 years after Roe vs. Wade became the law of the land, it has never been more at risk than it is today. We are going to have a change in leadership to protect the right of choice," Kerry Also, Jane Roe whose case led the legalization of abortion in the US has recently came out to argue the reversal of the supreme court's decision 30 years ago. The supreme court is split on reversing it's decision but momentum is growing to move back to where we were 30 years ago as legislation continues to be created to eventually abolish abortion. So where do you stand in these pivotal times?
  10. Hellz yeah. Pimphand should be in full effect this weekend.
  11. Got to give it to him... He had balls. Poor guy.
  12. I think I'll be going to South Beach this weekend. I love cheap mojitos.
  13. Hey, Krish who's all going tomorrow?
  14. Unless we want to totally scrap the bill of rights, I believe we should remove this act. Nothing will 100% protect us from attacks so please don't argue that stripping the rights of US citizens will protect us.
  15. Patriot Act gets boost from 9/11 hearings Controversial law faces a renewal vote this year. Bush calls it a 'needed tool' in helping to catch suspected terrorists. By Gail Russell Chaddock | Staff writer of The Christian Science Monitor 4/19/2004 WASHINGTON - While the Bush administration took heavy hits in last week's 9/11 commission hearings, the hearings may have given the White House a public relations boost on one important front: its effort to win renewal this year for the controversial USA Patriot Act. Pressed by commissioners as to why their agencies failed to "connect the dots" before the 9/11 attacks, law enforcement and intelligence officials in both the Clinton and Bush administrations cited powers now included in the Patriot Act. The act, for example, makes it easier for agencies to to monitor the activities of suspected terrorists, and lets agents conducting criminal probes share information with intelligence officers, and vice versa. That's one reason why the White House - embattled on many fronts - is touting the Patriot Act this week in events in Hershey, Pa., Monday and Buffalo, N.Y., Tuesday. In his weekly radio broadcast on Saturday, President Bush stepped up his bid to renew Patriot Act provisions slated to sunset at year end, describing the act as a "needed tool" in the war on terror. To abandon it would "demonstrate willful blindness to a continuing threat," he said. The new push by the White House doesn't mean Bush won't continue to face criticism from civil libertarians for the controversial act. But it does make it harder for Democrats to score points on an issue that has been a sure-fire applause line against Bush and Attorney General John Ashcroft in campaign stump speeches. The vote on renewing the act will be a tough one for many conservatives, who worry that the law gives big government too much power to delve into private life. "The idea of retaining the parts of the Patriot Act that are set to expire is going to split the Republican Party. It will be a very decisive and a very close vote," says Tim Lynch, director of the project on criminal justice at the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank in Washington. Although Bush's Democratic rival for the White House, Sen. John Kerry, voted for the Patriot Act, he been critical of civil liberties abuses on the campaign trail. In response to the president's radio address this weekend, he called for "reforming our intelligence system and strengthening our antiterrorism laws" so that agencies can communicate with each other. "The Patriot Act, however, does not do that on its own, which is why it needs to be fixed," he said Full Article http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0419/p02s01-uspo.html
  16. You forgot... Education - (leave no "white" child left behind) Enviroment - (unClear skies initiative)
  17. The WWII Memorial is being dedicated on our National Mall here in Washington D.C. officially on the 29th of May 2004, but will be opening the middle of April. The website below will let you view if you have relatives that will be named on the memorial and how to add them if they are not. Please take the time to search the registry of names to ensure your relatives that might have died serving in WWII are honored. I have 9 relatives that will be named on the memorial. Please honor your family's memory and add them to the registry. http://www.wwiimemorial.com/default.asp?page=registry.asp&subpage=search
  18. FBI Whistle-Blowers Go Unheard 9-11 Commission disregards survivor families' interests April 14th, 2004 4:30 PM by James Ridgeway WASHINGTON D.C.—Despite the best efforts of the Jersey Girls, leaders of the 9-11 Family Steering Committee, no member of the 9-11 commission this afternoon asked FBI chief Robert Mueller embarrassing questions about two former FBI translators who claim to have knowledge bearing on the attacks. One of them says she is being suppressed and can't talk because Attorney general John Ashcroft has placed a gag order on her. Instead, the commissioners lauded Mueller for his running of the agency, which only yesterday they were bitterly attacking as incompetent and ineffective. Today one commissioner after another lavished praise on Mueller. Commissioner Richard Ben-Veniste briefly alluded to accusations by the translators, and said he would pursue it in private. In particular the Jersey Girls wanted the commission to closely question Mueller about Sibel Edmonds, a former FBI translator, who is openly challenging the agency's veracity in the 9-11 investigation. Attorney General John Ashcroft has put a gag order on Edmonds by making her internal complaint to the inspector general secret. Soon after she came out publicly, Edmonds was fired. She subsequently told the commission that the FBI had information that an attack using airplanes was being planned before September 11. "Some of our group has met several times with Edmonds, and from what we can tell, we think her claims are extremely credible," Lori van Auken, one of the leaders of the Jersey Girls, told The Voice. "So much so that some of our group hand walked her in to testify before the 9-11 commissioners." They are also eager to find out more about the unconfirmed story of a second FBI linguist, Behrooz Sarshar, who claims he translated for an FBI informant with information on a supposed Al Qaeda plot to attack the U.S. with planes back in April 2001. "Some of the group have also met with Sarshar," said van Auken. "His claims seem to back up what Edmonds is saying." Edmonds came to attention most recently following Condoleezza Rice's assertion in a Washington Post op-ed piece that the White House had no specific information on a domestic threat or one involving planes as "an outrageous lie. And documents can prove it's a lie," according to Edmonds. Edmonds, a Turkish American, has been a citizen for 10 years and speaks Farsi, Turkish, and Arabic. The FBI assigned her to translate documents seized by agents in its post–9-11 probe. "President Bush said they had no specific information about September 11, and that's accurate," says Edmonds. "But there was specific information about use of airplanes, that an attack was on the way two or three months beforehand and that several people were already in the country by May of 2001. They should've alerted the people to the threat we were facing." Full article http://www.villagevoice.com/issues/0415/mondo10.php
  19. Neither was I. Let me clarify, We're up to 13,000 dead Iraqis acording to amnesity international.
  20. Good! Poor guy almost had his whole life destroyed.
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