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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Full sovereignty? lol
  2. That wasn't an Iraqi woman, that's Connie and she's spanish. She's been holding a 24 hour a day peace vigil in front of the white house since 1981. I walk past this lady and speak with her just about every day. She has an interesting story. http://www.prop1.org/conchita/
  3. I have my reservations with Moore because I think he's a bit of a hypocrite and I don't really agree with him in all of his analyses but here's my review: Some of the most memorable and shocking scenes in the movie were the footage of the troops in 9/11. It was pretty horrific to see a roadside bomb blowup around these young troops and having them carried away with parts of their legs blow off. If not for the interview with the mother of one of soldiers that was killed in Iraq it could come off as not supporting the troops. Her conversations with Moore were probably the most touching and I heard quite a few sniffles in the theatre it was so moving. Other more moving parts of the movie were of his footage of the wounded soldiers at Walter Reed Medical Center here in DC. His conversations with the wounded troops were fascinating. This is probably one of the most under reported stories in the whole "war on terror". The injured and maimed soldiers. All the laughs in the film are at the expense of Bush's murder of the English language and were nothing more than cheap shots. Not that Bush doesn't give comedian/satirists ample opportunities to make fun of him wit his verbal missteps. Moore's most artistic moment of the film was the way he presented September 11th to the audience with only audio of the planes hitting the wtc and people screaming over a black screen as opposed to showing the actual planes hitting the building. Less is more. All in all I give this movie a thumbs up even though I think Moore is a douche bag. Thank god he stayed off the camera for the most part. I think the jest of what Michael Moore was trying to say was that the Bush administration didn't necessarily let 9/11 happen but rather seized the opportunity to use the 9/11 attacks to wage war with impunity.
  4. I saw it. I had no idea Bush and Cheney actually flew the planes into the world trade center on 9/11.
  5. My friend Pat bartends there. I didn't think the mojitos were that bad.
  6. Yeah, this guy is a cult leading full blown nut job! lol
  7. The Rev. Moon Honored at Hill Reception Lawmakers Say They Were Misled By Charles Babington and Alan Cooperman Washington Post Staff Writers Wednesday, June 23, 2004; Page A01 More than a dozen lawmakers attended a congressional reception this year honoring the Rev. Sun Myung Moon in which Moon declared himself the Messiah and said his teachings have helped Hitler and Stalin be "reborn as new persons." At the March 23 ceremony in the Dirksen Senate Office Building, Rep. Danny K. Davis (D-Ill.) wore white gloves and carried a pillow holding an ornate crown that was placed on Moon's head. The Korean-born businessman and religious leader then delivered a long speech saying he was "sent to Earth . . . to save the world's six billion people. . . . Emperors, kings and presidents . . . have declared to all Heaven and Earth that Reverend Sun Myung Moon is none other than humanity's Savior, Messiah, Returning Lord and True Parent." Details of the ceremony -- first reported by Salon.com writer John Gorenfeld -- have prompted several lawmakers to say they were misled or duped by organizers. Their complaints prompted a Moon-affiliated Web site to remove a video of the "Crown of Peace" ceremony two days ago, but other Web sites have preserved details and photos. Moon, 85, has been controversial for years. Renowned for officiating at mass weddings, he received an 18-month prison sentence in 1982 for tax fraud and conspiracy to obstruct justice. In a 1997 sermon, he likened homosexuals to "dirty dung-eating dogs." Full article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A61932-2004Jun22.html Related articles http://thehill.com/news/062204/moon.aspx http://www.npr.org/features/feature.php?wfId=1972357
  8. I heard theyre was a strip club in Atlanta that has nothing but big (obeast) women. You should check it out and report back, vic.
  9. I long as Kerry keeps his mouth shut. lol
  10. Fuck Reagan. He was an lying murdering asshole. Let him rot in hell.
  11. Kerry had it right the first time.
  12. http://www.nationalreview.com/hanson/hanson200406040840.asp
  13. According to the Bush Administration... A job at McDonald's is considered a manufacturing position. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/02/20/politics/main601336.shtml
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