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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Seems to me, that 'terrorists' are emboldened more by Bush. He says, "bring it on!!" and the terrorists say, "it's already been brought-en" How many 'terrorists' are we creating by killing 11,000 innoncent Iraqis? 'Terrorists' are stronger than ever...thanks to Bush. So who do our enemies want to win the 2004 election? Our enemies want Bush for another 4 more years. He didn't quite finish bringing on the apocolypse and there still are some innocent people he needs to waste before he leaves office. Was that too much propaganda?
  2. Genealogists call Bush and Kerry kin Big Isle researchers claim the president and his top opponent are distant cousins Democratic presidential candidates are constantly being compared with the current commander in chief. Now, two Hawaii genealogy buffs say they have proof President Bush and the current Democratic front-runner share similarities thicker than water. Bruce and Kristine Harrison, publishers of historical databases, traced back the family histories of Bush and Democratic Sen. John Kerry. The result? They're cousins. Well, 16th cousins, three times removed, to be exact. But cousins, nonetheless. Truth be told, one might find such distant family ties between Bush and any of the four other major Democratic candidates. The link between the president and the Rev. Al Sharpton might date back a bit further, Bruce Harrison said, but tracing ancestries helps illuminate a greater message on human interconnectedness, if not one on the centrification of the nation's politics. Full Article http://starbulletin.com/2004/02/16/news/story3.html
  3. Yep... It's usually Tom B or Patluv official pimphand diplomat
  4. :laugh: Nice...but you're still a shit bag on the wrong side of history. Have fun in hell fucknut.
  5. Care to elaborate. Or is this bullshit. Now's your chance to spew propaganda and lies, bush agent.
  6. I let you slide all the time with the bullshit that oozes from your pathetic posts. Would you like me to hijack your thread again, you pathetic piece of shit stain, and send this crapola you dish out like it's the word of god to the drama forum again? Then I suggest you know your fucking role before I bend you over my knee and spank your bitch ass again so everyone can see how much of a cry baby little tool boy you are. Fucking degenerate. Kick my ass? What the fuck dream world do you live in, douche bag? It's the internet. It's a message board. The only ass kicking that you'll see is when I'm at your crack whore mother's house when the bitch doesn't have my money. I can do this all day. You're so easy but like I said, I'll let you slide. Silly, kid.
  7. Translation: "Someone respond to my dull propaganda posts!! Please, I need all the attention I can get!" There, there iggy poo.
  8. Give me details here.
  9. Like midnight or so.
  10. I did as well. It's good to see a presentation of the facts with great oversight of events.
  11. Nah. Tonight is the night to go.
  12. I think we still do. We're always hating someone or something. So much hate in the world.
  13. Gulf Tonkin never happend. Vietnam was a very shameful war indeed. Idealism and Pax Americana is what drove this war. Not to mention that for so long the actual extent of the war in South Asia was a proxy war fought through China and Russia.
  14. War is definetly hell. I'm not going to argue with you there. It's just ironic that we put ourselves, humanity, through such hell for peace. Classic catch 22.
  15. Somewhat disturbing. http://www.bushflash.com/swf/thanks.swf
  16. I know quite a bit about the secret bombing we did in cambodia. Even after we pulled out of vietnam. Very, shameful. Unfortunetly, the normal citizens as with any bombing campaign, are the ones that suffer. Millions died and even continue to die today because of embedded bomlets from cluster bombs dropped over 25 years ago. It's important for humanity to learn the lessons from the past but it seems that most americans don't even understand 5 years ago or 10 years ago much less 30 years ago. Lot of misinformation and lies. It's like the old saying, "lies told over and over again long enough become truths."
  17. I really don't see what the big deal is. I'm not gay or homophoebic and have no problem with gay marriage or union or whatever name we're calling it today. It's none of my business if two gay guys wanna pump each other in the butt or two women wanna lick each other. It's none of my business...and it's none of anyone elses however "gross" it might seem to some. Let people do whatever they want, it's still a free country. Free meaning freedom to do whatevery you want, whenever you want as long as it doesn't involve physically damaging yourself or anyone else.
  18. Kinda mixed up. Swanky and guccified is how I would describe it.
  19. Well, this could give some ligitmecy (spelling?) to the occupation and Boost bush's popularity if it works.
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