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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Pay? Paying for drinks is for peasants! lol Jokes aside, drinks are on me.
  2. Since the Massachussetts Sepreme Court decision he's had it with Barbie. lol
  3. I told you already. I give your mother and igloo golden showers for a living. None of your fucking business where I work. Unlike you, I don't define myself by what occupation I have. Sad you need to reach for clout, isn't it. Fucking pathetic.
  4. Broke is your mother coming over my house every night to get 5 dollars for a crack rock. What do I do for a living? I chew bublegum and fuck your mother and it's hard fucking work.
  5. What are you laughing at mr. latent homosexual. You talk more about gay people married then a gay person. Why are you so afraid of homosexuals? hmmm? Homophoebia is sign of latent homosexuality, cake boy. I'm done exposing you too douches. Have fun eating each other's asses.
  6. Why don't you show Bush getting arrested while he was jacked up on Coke instead of Kerry, peacefully protesting the vietnam war at the height of it's hypocracy, fucking hypocrit.
  7. That was the weakest shit I ever heard. Stop trying to be like your idle, Igg poo, cause your half ass weak come backs are like your mother's pussy....Played the fuck out...and stinky too. Yes, I said video games, mr broke ass "soldier of fortune". What a cake boy!
  8. Igloo owns my nuts in his gaping mouth. And so do you, you non trash talking beeyoch! Go back to playing your sorry ass video games and downloading porn, bootlicker. lol
  9. As much as I think you're a total ass cheek...You are an entertaining fucker. I'll give you that....well at least it's entertaining kicking your ass, that is.
  10. It's been a while since I paid for a drink at dragonfly.
  11. :) UN now backs elections in Iraq Sistani's clout increases as world body supports his call for elections over US plan for transfer of sovereignty. By Matthew Clark The United Nations has opted to support calls from one of the main leaders of Iraq's Shiite Muslim community for early elections. The move to back Grand Ayatollah Ali al-Sistani's insistance on one-person-one-vote over the US plans to hand back sovereignty took place amid heavy security in the wake of two recent suicide bombings that killed nearly 100 Iraqis. In a nod to Sistani's rising influence, UN diplomat Lakhdar Brahimi announced the decision after a two-hour visit to the reclusive cleric's home in the holy Shiite city of Najaf, 90 miles south of Baghdad. Mr. Brahimi said that Sistani "is insistent on holding the elections and we are with him on this 100 percent because elections are the best means to enable any people to set up a state that serves their interest." Brahimi leads a UN team that is in Iraq to assess the feasibility of holding the early direct elections that Sistani has been urging in opposition to the US plan of holding regional "caucuses" to elect an interim government by June 30. Under the plan, the interim government would not hold direct elections until 2005. The team will have its work cut out for them. As The Los Angeles Times reports: [The UN team] must sound out competing Iraqi interests and find a way to select a government that all sides find legitimate. They must do it without appearing to take sides, and they must not let the UN be forced into a role that is larger than it is willing and able to handle. It is this highly-charged environment that made Brahimi reluctant to go to Iraq after two years of nation-building in Afghanistan, reports the Times. Full article http://www.csmonitor.com/2004/0212/dailyUpdate.html?s=mes
  12. Repost http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=210902&referrerid=145826
  13. Don't make me kick your proverbial ass again and send this thread straight to the drama forum, nazi nad licker.
  14. Weak! Trying to paint Kerry as this drug enduced, anti-government hippy is not going to work because he actually served his country and saved lives of his fellow soldiers. How many soldiers' lives did Bush save during the Vietnam war while he was in Alabama helping out with a failed political campaign or when he was doing drugs and boozin it up. Please! I think Kerry has the right to protest his gov't's actions in the 70's during the huge anti war movement in the US for vietnam especially since he gave the ultimate sacrifice as opposed to the deserter George Bush.
  15. Stfu, assmunch. I'll rest easy when you're dead of gonorrhea, you anti-american shit bag. Why don't you go stick a shit kernal up your neo-fascist ass, you pathetic fucking bush nut hugger.
  16. I'm supporting my nuts on the back your mother's throat. None of your fucking business, beeocth! You support terrorism so vote for Bush, fucktard.
  17. Sex scandels!!! Alright that's what I'm talking about. Get that douchebag Kerry out of there.
  18. Who's ignoring the no WMD in Iraq issue?? The lefties are all over the fact that NO FUCKING WMD's WERE FOUND, JERKOFF!!! It seems that the Bush Administration are the ones that is ignoring the evidence. Fucking loser. lol
  19. Violence in the name of god by anyone or people is crime against humanity, not just muslims.
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