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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. I think that your correct. I was trying not politicise this issue but unfortunetly it's already very political.
  2. I think it's bold. I'm all for space exploration and colonization. This could be a global project that could unite all nations.
  3. None of howardstone's images work. lol
  4. I think the righteys loves this ad more than the lefteys. lol
  5. GIs in Iraq Scoff at Re-Enlistment Bonus Wed Jan 7, 4:05 PM ET By MATTHEW ROSENBERG, Associated Press Writer BAQOUBA, Iraq - At a checkpoint on the barren plain east of Baqouba, word of a new U.S. Army plan to pay soldiers up to $10,000 to re-enlist evoked laughter from a few bored-looking troopers. "Man, they can't pay me enough to stay here," said a 23-year-old specialist from the Army's 4th Infantry Division as he manned the checkpoint with Iraqi police outside this city 35 miles northeast of Baghdad. His comments reflect a sentiment not uncommon among the nearly two dozen soldiers in Iraq (news - web sites) who have spoken with The Associated Press since the Army announced the increased re-enlistment bonuses for soldiers in Iraq, Afghanistan (news - web sites) and Kuwait on Monday. Other soldiers at home were divided about the offer. Full article http://story.news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20040107/ap_on_re_mi_ea/iraq_paid_to_stay_1
  6. I guess they didn't get the message from David Kay.
  7. huh? I think the point was raver_mania and I were trying to make is the title of this article is misleading.
  8. Bursey found guilty, fined $5000 The State -- Bursey, who faced up to six months and a $5,000 fine, told the judge he would not stand for his rights to be "neutralized or sanitized" by the U.S. Secret Service, which sets presidential protection zones. http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/breaking_news/7645909.htm
  9. Listen asshole. Your the one that brought up al queda. If you weren't such an asshole then maybe people wouldn't want to jump all over you every time you post something. Get a life, would ya?
  10. Repost. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=204075&referrerid=145826
  11. Iraq's Arsenal Was Only on Paper Since Gulf War, Nonconventional Weapons Never Got Past the Planning Stage By Barton Gellman Washington Post Staff Writer Wednesday, January 7, 2004; Page A01 BAGHDAD -- Of all Iraq's rocket scientists, none drew warier scrutiny abroad than Modher Sadeq-Saba Tamimi. An engineering PhD known for outsized energy and gifts, Tamimi, 47, designed and built a new short-range missile during Iraq's four-year hiatus from United Nations arms inspections. Inspectors who returned in late 2002, enforcing Security Council limits, ruled that the Al Samoud missile's range was not quite short enough. The U.N. team crushed the missiles, bulldozed them into a pit and entombed the wreckage in concrete. In one of three interviews last month, Tamimi said "it was as if they were killing my sons." But Tamimi had other brainchildren, and these stayed secret. Concealed at some remove from his Karama Co. factory here were concept drawings and computations for a family of much more capable missiles, designed to share parts and features with the openly declared Al Samoud. The largest was meant to fly six times as far. "This was hidden during the UNMOVIC visits," Tamimi said, referring to inspectors from the U.N. Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission. Over a leisurely meal of lamb and sweet tea, he sketched diagrams. "It was forbidden for us to reveal this information," he said. Full article http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/articles/A60340-2004Jan6.html
  12. Yeah where's the celebration at? I don't see it.
  13. This can only help the skins. I'm excited for next year!!!
  14. He's responding to Igloo's posts saying that I'm misinformed that al queda are cia trainied and funded islamic fundamentalist. marksimoms's cnn article elaborates on that.
  15. This story is so good it's been posted three times. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthrea...ferrerid=145826 http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=203539&referrerid=145826
  16. I'm all for guns ownership. I'd go out and buy one now if I could.
  17. I think it's overstated. Obviously these Al queda cock suckers are dangerous...they're cia trained islamic fundamentalists. Let em die. But I doubt they are thousands of sleeper cells everywhere.
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