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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. Do you know what your saying, dude?
  2. Nice. I don't associate myself with democrats either. They're a bunch of sellouts just like republicans. Yes your are correct they obviously don't mean the same thing but my point is by conjuring up the spirit of "evil-doers" he's essentially created a monster or bad guy with out naming an actual person. Get off of George Bush's cock, loser. lol
  3. lol... When we say evil do-ers, Bush might as well say the boogieman. Means the same thing. lol
  4. I agree with ya that people should stop being a bunch of little bitches ever time they have to go through security. In fact I'm for security at necessary places. But I just feel that the path that we've chosen is a slipery slope toward a police state. (giving up civil liberties for a false sense of security) Regarding the right to assemble, we can't equate people gathering and expressing their views to something horrible happening like a terrorist attack. I don't know about you, but I thought we live in "the land of the free and the home of the brave" not "the land of a bunch of scared little bitches and the home of the paranoid slaves"
  5. What else is there to do in the car besides talking on the phone?
  6. You obviously have never been harrassed by a cop let's say for being black or needlessly over scrutanized by a security checkpoint because you look middle eastern. Have you ever been pulled over simply because you were driving in the wrong neighborhood? How bout arrested for exercising your constitutional right to assemble? I enjoy my rights as a US citizen and I'm not letting anyone, whether it's a terrorist or some dumb ass wanna be "captain america" cop take away my rights and you shouldn't either.
  7. Are you kidding me, Iggy aka king of insults. lol
  8. Why don't you just eat my ass, fucking newbie.. Did I spell that right, shit head?
  9. FROM FACE SCAN CAMERAS TO THUMSCANNERS: BIOMETRIC TECHNOLOGY IS THE POLICE STATE SYSTEM FOR TOTAL CONTROL FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: AUGUST 16, 2001 http://www.infowars.com/biometrics_pr.html Austin, TX – From fans at the Superbowl having their faces scanned to kids thumscanning to purchase lunches in the school cafeteria, Americans are being conditioned to give up their privacy and independence in exchange for the "safety" of biometrics technologies. Police departments across the country are debating the implimentation of invasive and unconstitutional Big Brother biometrics "for our safety and convenience," or, in the case of Ybor, Florida they have already instated and misused faces scanning cameras to victimize an innocent man. Across the US and the world, from Odessa, Texas to Beijing, China populations are being forced to accept the incredibly invasive technology of biometrics. Right out of the gates biometrics is being used only in Big Brother type surveillence monitoring and tracking efforts. Just imagine elementary school children in Pennsylvania who attend the Lakeside school district classes being forced to digitally fingerprint to obtain their lunches. We’re talking about everybody – all the children – no cash allowed! Two things are happening here: The children are being trained to accept a cashless society where all of their transactions are recorded and, more importantly, they are being put into Federal and State databases. In the past, only criminals were fingerprinted. You see, we’re all being treated as if we’re guilty until proven innocent. In fact, Detective Todd who runs the biometric cameras in Tampa, Florida stated to the press, "I don’t see the big problem with it if you don’t have anything to hide." Yes, this was the mantra of Nazi Germany: "You are free to go – once we see your papers." Imagine what Hitler would have done with this Orwellian tool which is already being used in England to deny people to stores and sports arenas. (full article) http://www.infowars.com/biometrics_pr.html
  10. Why not fingerprint everyone then? Makes great sense to only fingerprint certain people?
  11. So the answer is yes, then? 9/11 is your excuse for everything. Wake up, man.
  12. Yes or fingerprinting anyone for that matter unless they've done something wrong.
  13. He can still go at as 3rd party and he will. He's has about a snowball chance in hell of winning though.
  14. What wll never happen? Him go all the way?
  15. Definetly Edwards, but I wouldn't want him as vice president either. Drop = Sharpton Braun = Drop Kucinich = Go all the way and not get elected Gephardt = Drop out and get behind Clark
  16. Am I still considered a newbie?? Ok Here's my answers... Where are you from? Born, bread, and buttered in Washington DC but my family is from Reggio Calabria, Italia. (Napoli) Now live in the butt crack of Maryland just outside sowfeast dc. What do you do? I do lots of things. It's really difficult to describe my job without sounding like a dweeb. I'm a technology analyst for a not for profit relocation association in downtown washington dc right across the street from the white house. Are you a Geriatric Raver? Yes, In fact I catch myself telling people all the time at parties, "I rember when we didn't even have a dance floor and had to walk 10 miles to a party in the snow up hill." Actually the other day I turned in an old throw away camera that I found lying around my house to get developed and to my amasement there were party pics from like '95 on there. The wide legs were blazin and along piercing... Kinda scarey flashback to see how you use to look as a full fledged raver. So I guess you can say I'm a geriatric party go-er. Favorite DJ or genre of music: I like Tenaglia, Lawler, S&P. Tribal or Funky House and little prog is what I listen to mostly but I would limit myself to EDM only. I'm pretty eclectic. Now some bonus questions: 1. IF YOU COULD BUILD A HOUSE ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD IT BE? I always wanted one on your uranus. lol Shit, I don't know. I already have a house. I guess I would wanna be in paradise somewhere with coral sand beaches and turquoise water. 2. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE ARTICLE OF CLOTHING? to wear: Thermal underwear in the winter time makes me feel like a superhero. 3. FAVORITE PHYSICAL FEATURE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX? I like the whole package. Although exceptionally good looking teeth on a women is attractive. Then there are eyes, and big noses and pinky toes. I'm wierd about what I think is attractive so It's hard for me to pick one thing. 4. WHAT'S THE LAST CD YOU BOUGHT? Can't remember. 5. WHERE'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? Lately...At home sleeping in my bed. 6. WHERE'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE PLACE TO BE? Jail 7. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PLACE TO BE MASSAGED? As in location on my body? uh... Doesn't eveyone like to be massaged the same place? 8. WHAT'S MOST IMPORTANT, STRONG IN MIND OR STRONG IN BODY? Definetly Mind. 9. WHAT TIME DO YOU WAKE IN THE MORNING? 6:00 AM 10. WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE KITCHEN APPLIANCE? My Jack Lelain Juicer. 11. WHAT MAKES YOU REALLY ANGRY? War 12. IF YOU COULD PLAY ANY INSTRUMENT, WHAT WOULD IT BE? The pan flute like Zamphir 13. FAVORITE COLOR? Brown 14. WHICH DO YOU PREFER, SPORTS CAR OR SUV? What would Jesus drive? 15. DO YOU BELIEVE IN AFTERLIFE? Not in the traditional sense of afterlife but yes. 16. FAVORITE CHILDREN'S BOOK? Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit 17. WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE SEASON? Primavera!! (spring) 18. WHAT'S YOUR LEAST FAVORITE HOUSEHOLD CHORE? Cleaning the tub ***I'll finish the survey later... This is taking to friggin long.
  17. Cleveland is so fucked up. I wonder why they always seem to have problems whether it's police brutalizing blacks, budget issues, or their stinking football team. I think that place is cursed.
  18. This forum really does attract a whole pletheria of real dumbasses.
  19. http://bbs.clubplanet.com/showthread.php?threadid=200405&referrerid=145826
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