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Everything posted by jamiroguy1

  1. The cadilac of minivans. lol
  2. I'm doing the typical New Year Resolutions... *Working out more. *Save money. *Giving up prostitutes. What's yours?
  3. Yes, everyone be safe. Happy New Year, People.
  4. I hate labels. Labels are used to sideline and defame people of ideas and cultures they don't like and wish to oppress. To some people on this board that's all they have.
  5. According to Webster's dictionary: nigger \Nig"ger\, n. A negro; -- in vulgar derision or depreciation nig·ger ( P ) Pronunciation Key (ngr) n. Offensive Slang Used as a disparaging term for a Black person: “You can only be destroyed by believing that you really are what the white world calls a nigger†(James Baldwin). Used as a disparaging term for a member of any dark-skinned people. Used as a disparaging term for a member of any socially, economically, or politically deprived group of people: “Gun owners are the new niggers... of society†(John Aquilino). Nigger doesn't mean ignorant.
  6. Lewinsky Denied Reimbursement of Legal Fees Court Says Taxpayers Should Not Pay $1.1 Million By Carol D. Leonnig and William Branigin Washington Post Staff Writers Tuesday, December 30, 2003; 3:23 PM Former White House intern Monica S. Lewinsky is not entitled to be reimbursed for $1.1 million she spent in legal fees related to an independent counsel investigation of President Bill Clinton and his affair with her, a federal appellate panel ruled today. The three-judge panel, led by Justice David B. Sentelle of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, found that Lewinsky failed to meet the standard for reimbursement of her legal bills by U.S. taxpayers in such cases. The judges said Lewinsky could -- and likely would -- have been investigated by the Justice Department for perjury if independent counsel Kenneth W. Starr had not been looking into the matter. Sentelle, a Reagan appointee, was also part of the three-judge panel that appointed Starr. Full Article http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/wp-dyn/A42172-2003Dec30?language=printer ******************* Lewinsky was contacted for comment. Her only words were, "THIS SUCKS!"
  7. There Are Much Larger Threats Criticism of Israel is not Anti-Semitism By MICHAEL NEUMANN Jewish and non-Jewish commentators alike have deplored a recent upsurge in anti-Semitism. In Europe, journalist Andrew Sullivan says, "Not since the 1930s has such blithe hatred of Jews gained this much respectability in world opinion." Yet, Jews like myself and the Israeli journalist Ran HaCohen feel quite differently. He writes in Antiwar.com: "It is high time to say it out loud: In the entire course of Jewish history, since the Babylonian exile in the 6th century BC, there has never been an era blessed with less anti-Semitism than ours. There has never been a better time for Jews to live in than our own." Why would a Jew say such a thing? What is anti-Semitism, and how much of a danger is it in the world today? If both sides agree on anything, it's that the definition of "anti-Semitism" has been manipulated for political ends. Leftists accuse ardent Zionists of inflating the definition to include--and discredit--critics of Israel. Zionists accuse the left of deflating the definition to apologize for covert prejudice against Jews. It's a sterile dispute. Even in this age of intellectual property, no one owns the word. But the definitional sparring does have its missteps and dangers. Full article http://www.counterpunch.org/neumann12302003.html Michael Neumann is a professor of philosophy at Trent University in Ontario, Canada. Professor Neumann's views are not to be taken as those of his university. His book What's Left: Radical Politics and the Radical Psyche has just been republished by Broadview Press. He is also a contributor to The Politics of Anti-Semitism. He can be reached at: mneumann@trentu.ca. This article originally appeared in the Los Angeles Times.
  8. I loathe the title of this thread. It's racially loaded.
  9. It seems that bush administration is petrified to let anything remotely accusatory or showing any responsibility of 9/11.
  10. lol You took the words out of my mouth. Raver_mania's lost it!!
  11. This question is so important it needed to be asked three times instead of one. I hear that vip clup is off the heezy, Yo!
  12. Shock and awe, buddy. It's called Psychological Operations aka terrorizing the populations to obtain their natural resources.
  13. Sure.. I'm def down to meet up ealier before the official meetup. I may come up there with the usual suspects. Hodd at least. Khaliq is in Tennessee of all places going to massage school. Ha! I told him he's going to school to become a professional jag off. lol
  14. If this is true... Why did the US military use more cluster bombs than in any other bombing campaign in the history of all bombing campaigns? Cluster bombs have been known to leave leave up to 45% of it's hundreds of bomblets per cluster bomb unexploded for innocent civilians mostly children to stumble upon and also has been condemned by amnesty international. Therefore the aformentioned statetement above quoted is bullshit.
  15. Wooo hoo!! Drunken goodness Can't wait.
  16. This could be Bush's chance to win the world over, People... If he could make the middle east a nuke free zone and broker it through israel and syria? Think of the diplomatic reprecussions... He would be a champion of world peace and nuclear disarmament. The opportunity is there. Chances are it'll never happend. Israel barely acknowledges that it even has nukes.
  17. I'm still waiting for a team called the honkies.
  18. Is there any way we can tie this into Halliburton and then my day is complete.
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