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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. funks0ul


    for some reason, i thought you were currently unemployeed.
  2. dude they're so cute, and everytime i see a deer, i always say awwww deerrrr! even when they're dead on the side of the road.. but the babies are cute, they can't really walk normal, the legs are all shaky...
  3. the deer, cause sometimes they go prancing through our lawns and stuff... in the summertime, they lay out underneath the trees in our yard...
  4. i was gonna watch that last night... haven't ever seen it though
  5. i gotta finish putting the lights up outside too, but it's cold, and I need help, cause i gotta use the ladder and i don't want to fall and break my ass... my neighbors got the wooden deers that light up at night and they move, so annoying.. and we have a lot of deer in our neighborhood, i wonder what they think of the fake deers...
  6. thanks i didn't finish, the foyer area was nicer...
  7. i started putting up the decorations in my house..
  8. the mascara's pretty good, i'm not that big into mascara though, got long lashes as it is...
  9. our company party is on the 22nd, during work hours at some restaurant i believe (they haven't finalized the plans yet) but last year, it was a ghetto fabulous party. It was at one of our warehouses, in a room that looks like an old 80's basement with the wood panels on the wall, the xmas light strung up around the wall, the food set up on an old table, random chairs places whereever, but we did have a dj (he played the jams for the old folks i work with) and we were originally supposed to have our party at a restaurant, but since it was in work hours, if we did that, the people wouldn't have been allowed to drink, SO it was at the warehouse, and there were clear cups and blue cups, the ppl with the blue cups kept going into the back room and getting liquored up.
  10. t-mobile has ugly phones http://www.t-mobile.com/images/products/612090/250x270.jpg
  11. are you trying to work to see if th at was from a "friend" and if this "friend" is still around or is there another "friend" in her life... ?
  12. got your ppl mixed up on that one...
  13. i went to 2 of their concerts...
  14. we're doing that too... everyone in my office drinks coffee (aside from me) i just get starbucks giftcards.. makes life simple...
  15. on a regular, i'd have to say that it's always from my cousins.... they see us often, see how we dress, talk about the clothes we wear, and yet, every christmas (notice i didn't use the X, just for you) they get us clothes that we would NEVER wear, like grandma shit...
  16. agree, not a fan of dark chocolate either, and don't eat much white chocolate.. but i loveeeee chocolate covered strawberries.. but a lot of places use dark chocolate to dip strawberries into. i like dove chocolate.
  17. nope... and i don't like using other restrooms aside from my own, even if i'm at my house, i always feel the need to use the bathroom upstairs in my room...
  18. i always thought you were a girl...
  19. it sucksk too.. it's on the same level as applebees and ruby tuesdays...
  20. too bad i'm not hot, that coulda secured my top spot...
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