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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. aww that's a cute dog..
  2. i found out what qb was listening to nas
  3. you apparently never listened to nas
  4. hotness! http://www.internmentcamp.com/wp-content/paulwall.jpg
  5. I grew up in a wealthy white neighborhood, and used to talk/dress/act a certain way, not because i was trying to be someone i wasn't, it was what i was comfortable doing.. and the fact that i went to college in the ghetto might have played a part in it... with what you're trying to say, it's like anyone who lives in the ghetto should be ignorant and uneducated to fit the mold of that society...
  6. when me and my sister are at the grocery store, we constantly talk and argue with each other in indian accents and the ppl there just look at us weird...
  7. have other priorities..
  8. it's cause you're mexican
  9. i haven't been clubbing in almost a year. and i don't do drugs.
  10. only if it comes from you.
  11. 12/m/japan hot, what about you?
  12. it's not such a struggle anymore, but when i was younger, it was kind of confusing..
  13. i've dated different races.... it's not really about skin color to me, it's more in the cultures and customs... family values...
  14. because no matter what, i'll always be considered a foreigner here. People always see or hear my name, they ask where i'm from, if i say dc, that's not what they mean, they mean what country... they see my skin, it's the same thing... If i go to india, i'm a foreigner there, you can tell from the way i walk, talk and act, that i was not raised there. My roots are from india, the values and customs that i grew up with are indian. But in my family, i'm considered too "american"....
  15. dude i'm kidding, i'm not having an arranged marriage. although i did tell the people at work i was having one so this guy would stop hitting on me. although i don't think that they're all bad. I just don't think I could have one, and my parents have always said we can marry whoever we want. (but they'd prefer the guys be indian) people marry for different reasons, some for security, some for love, some for loneliness, others for money... all depends on what you think a marriage is for and about... my parents had an arranged marriage, and they had the happiest marriage out of any couples i've ever seen. not saying they all work out like that, because they definitely don't.... but it's not impossible for it to work out, depends on your mindset going into it.
  16. no, but he's paying for a greencard. i figured i'd have a marriage of convenience.
  17. i was born in canada.. i'm an american citizen.. ?
  18. no he's back home.
  19. http://www.tibetfamilytours.com/images/india-map.gif
  20. nope. i'm having an arranged marriage... it's already all planned out.. no need to date.
  21. don't you have to pay for the pro?
  22. funks0ul


    i'd have to agree with phatman.. i'd need a nice house, car, be living comfortably, but i'd also need a good chunk of investments and savings...
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