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Everything posted by funks0ul

  1. funks0ul


    i just don't see them doing that... i think they'll try to put in more security.. but i don't see them moving the fans further away from the court or getting rid of liquor... but I gotta agree with serg on this stuff...
  2. funks0ul


    you kidding? they'd never do that.. that's money for them...
  3. funks0ul


    indeed, definitely the same fan.. http://msn.foxsports.com/id/3179322_7_2.jpg
  4. mannnnnnnnnn now i'm mad i didn't finish watching the game!!!!
  5. i thought you were never moving out
  6. lol, check out the other pics in their gallery.. http://www.people.virginia.edu/~ty2a/website/gallery/ http://www.people.virginia.edu/~ty2a/website/gallery/dumbhats.jpg
  7. do you know this girl in real life or do you only know her on the internet?
  8. greeting cards are pretty pointless...
  9. No Wire Hangers!!! http://www.jonahfalcon.com/fayedunaway.jpg
  10. 1-How old are you? You can be vague or as exact as you like. What state or city do you call home? Do you speak any languages other than English? 23, dc, english, a bit of french, hindi/punjabi 2-Are you in school or college; what is or what was your major? What is your career, or goal for a career? neither, marketing was my major, i don't have a career yet, just a job 3-Are you married? Do you have any children, and if so, how old? hell no 4-Who were your childhood heroes or role models? my sisters 5-What fictional film or TV characters do you vaguely or largely resemble in appearance and/or personality? hmmm, no clue 6-What is the origin, reason, or meaning of your user name. Why did you choose it? was something someone used to call me from time to time b/c of my style 7-Why do you frequent these boards? What do you get out of it; and what do you hope to give to others? kill time at work 8-At the end of your physical life, what do you most expect or hope to be remembered by, by those outside of close family and friends? And, what message do you want inscribed on your tombstone? i'm hindi, we get cremated 9-If you could contribute one aspect of yourself to all of humanity, what would it be? hmmm, don't know, but i know a lot of which i wouldn't want to contribute 10-If a book or movie were to be made about your life, what would you have it called? Funk Phenomenon 11-If you could figuratively “consume†or absorb three people to gain or understand their particular knowledge, experiences, attitudes, and insights, who would they be and why? my eldest sister, my director (mad smart), my mom 12-What do you like better: Twice as good but half as long, or half as good but twice as long? twice as good but half as long 13-If you could be any person in the world for one week to experience an aspect of their life, at any given time in history or the present, who would it be and why (not friends or loved ones)? Bob... just to see why she's so damn bitter all the time 14- Do you think that other posters see in your messages a real indication of your actual personality, an extension of it, an alternate identity or alter ego, or an aspect of who you wish you really were? actual personality 15-You find a genie in a bottle, who grants you three wishes. Not world peace, or an end to poverty, or health for yourself and family, but three things of pleasure for yourself to occur over the course of three seperate days; one thing per day. What will you wish for (can’t use 3 more wishes.)? money, endless supply of clothes, and endless supply of food
  11. i'd hate it if my phone was in my name..
  12. this movie always used to be on lifetime...
  13. 17 - went to college 19 - moved back home 20 - moved to ny 21 - moved to cali 21 1/2 - moved back home, been here ever since 23 - my dad's kicking me out...
  14. yay!!!!!!! and thank you serg, i now have that song stuck in my head
  15. i thought he was gonna get off for some reason...
  16. ppl aren't supposed to flow to all types of music ?
  17. damn, that's psycho... my best friend does background checks at the sheriffs office on guys she talks to... that's just crazy too
  18. they said i lived in forest hills...
  19. Happy Birthday! (woohoooo, another scorpio)
  20. damn, i guess i'm a brat, cause i have no idea how much my insurance is cause my dad pays for it...
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