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Everything posted by moidah

  1. there are ways but it depends on what dilated them in the first place. the only way i know i wouldnt reccomend. you will just nod off at your desk after you finish puking.
  2. bd-thats about right-the ten year mark. the last time i had a pure pill in NY was in 96. until a few months ago when one of my friends was in town from austria for the tattoo convention. you gotta love it. as far as what its like...just fucking georgous. all that shit out there now is like dope and speed and it sucks. i used to be a pill popping rave girl in the 90's and was rolling every weekend for years. now that is one pill at a time. maybe two a weekend but not like peeps now. i see kids flat out faced, jaw grinding, drooling, and sweating something awful. really not attractive in any way. and when they start to catalog their drug in take for you its kinda sad. you should not need four pills to get off. clue #1 they suck. but maybe i'm just a jaded lady.
  3. what you can do is evaluate how much they mean to you. how far are you willing to go. and make sure you love them enough to be ok with them hating you. i also have two friends who are functioning addicts...functioning meaning they arent dead yet. i let them know i know what they do and gave no shit. just let them know they can always come to me and i will not judge. nor will i give them money. but i will wipe the puke from their faces and the shit off their asses when they decide to kick. i check in on them every so often but all in all there is little i can do. they re grown adults.
  4. wet blow is one of the signs that summer is in full swing in NYC...there are ways to combat this. you can put it in the microvave. 9 seconds and put it on a peice of paper. do not micro the baggie. if you have a lot then put some rice (uncooked.duh) in the bottom of your bag. granted it will absorb a small amount of your fun but its not enough to worry about if you have more than a few grams. my friend puts it in the fridge for an hour. i
  5. uh huh. i hear you. i dont fuck with the stuff personally. all those pharm opiates give me the ichy scratchies... and to the demarol question-it is a dissociative drug. in small amounts you will still know something hurts-you just dont care. thats all i know. had it in the hospital once...prefer it to morphine.
  6. last october one of my friends od'ed two times in one night while shooting oxy. he was on a number of different drugs as well but it was the oxy that did him in both times. he was one of the lucky ones and did not die...not for very long anyway...but from what i read here (and i went to page five and then to ten...) you all have conflicting stories. all i know is that there is a class action suit against the pharm company that made it and possibly against the doctors who prescribe it. scripts for it are watched by the fda closely. be careful kids. and for who ever is getting it for next to nothing - you should make a friend at colombia who is a chemist and have that shit analysed. its cake to buy raw crap from pharm companies on the net and press your own pills...
  7. once you cannot function to the point that you have to stop and change your life you have gone through some sort of personality change already and are no longer the same person as when you began doing the drugs. there is a vulnerability there now that you have to protect like a child. its good to take breaks. i do. we all should. and that vulnerable part of you that you are now more aware of can be a tremendous well of stregnth...this is not to you personally-i use the *you* as a general term...but i think no. when you decide to stop=its not healthy to go back to visit. i hate ppl who say *oh man, i shouldnt do this, this is bad* while they are getting high. i cant get high with them. if you aint ok with what you are doing then dont do it. that shit sucks.
  8. BD- i dont remeber. it was not mine-it was a friends and i held it for him for a few months beccause of his occupational hazzard...should his place ever get jacked up he didnt want to lose it. later when i returned it some crack head stole less than a week ever. it was a great book. i like to read up on what ever i am putting in my body and have volumes on the different intoxicants i have enjoyed. you seem pretty well informed too. i have to say i often appreciate our veiws on shit. right on big daddy.
  9. i get bored of drugs too. i was a mad weed head for years and years. ounces a week. not for sale. for smoking. and literally one day i woke up and just didnt feel like it anymore. now...do i still smoke? hell yeah. but i didnt for 2 years (maybe like three times) i smoke every day now but not all day like i used to. for some ppl it works. i'm just not one of them. pretty much with every thing i have done there comes a point when it loses its shine for me. when i am not having new expierences with it, no new blinding realizations, no creative anything coming out...and then i move on...
  10. there's many places it would be totally unacceptable to be getting high but it seems to me that those places are often intolerable with out getting high. there fore there are no unacceptable places to induldge, some are just filled with people you shouldnt share it with.
  11. there's many places it would be totally unacceptable to be getting high but it seems to me that those places are often intolerable with out getting high. there fore there are no unacceptable places to induldge, some are just filled with people you shouldnt share it with.
  12. there's many places it would be totally unacceptable to be getting high but it seems to me that those places are often intolerable with out getting high. there fore there are no unacceptable places to induldge, some are just filled with people you shouldnt share it with.
  13. with you on that one, weed snob. some shit aint worth smoking. so my two cents... 1. smoke good stuff 2. from a bong 3. hold that good shit in 4. choke you know what they say you dont get off till you cough
  14. i came across a book one day in a friends house. a friend of his gave it to him. it was loose leaf paper bound buy those black spiral like binders. it was called the cocaine hand book and was one of the most informative things i have ever read on the subject. it suggested the bleach. if i remeber correctly it suggested to put a few teaspons of bleach (liquid) in to a shot glass and drop in like 1/4 teaspoon of blow in. it will seperate coke from cut but i dont remeber which one floats and which does not. i have never tried personally. when ever i have coke-its for putting up my nose.
  15. with any sort of delivery service, pretty much across the board as far as i know, you get the number from some one you know...either you meet the connect with your friend and make your intentions known or if there is no prelim meeting then when you use the number you let the service know how you have the number and the knowledge of what its for...ie-hey so-an-so gave me your number i am blah blah blah, can some one come by? but anyone you dont know personally trying to engage you in a deal is not trustworthy in my mind. if they are pulling you in on a *good thing* because they like you or what ever...why pulling in someone they dont know well? because all the ppl who know them well wont do it. and when you think they are sincere-wonder just how imbalanced they are. no well grounded person will pull someone they barely know in to a deal. it waves big big red flages all around. but you are bd. i know you know all this already.
  16. wow. i still love the stuff and prefer to do it in a club than chilling out at home. when i am out dancing or hanging out i am occupied and do less bumps so i never freak out...sometimes when i'm at home with friends it seems like i'm bending over with a straw in my hand way too often...the only times ppl have freaked paranoid is when they are smoking it...no good.
  17. they grow on cow shit. literally. check out erowid.com (i said that in the last two posts too hate to sound so repetitive...oh well) they have the largest database of images expierences and information i know of on the web. check it out.
  18. first off you should take them with some one who knows about them and has taken them before. i perfer to be in nature but if that is not possible just be safe and with ppl you love (like what ever). if they are dry just bite the bullet so to speak and eat it. one cap the size of a nickel or quarter should be fine. wait like an hour to see how you feel. you could eat more if youd like...just be with people expierenced. it always makes any trip better. peek comes in like three or four hours. total trip should be like eight to ten. shrooms for me are way different than lsd because they produce a more emotional high. more empathy. groovy. you can crush them up and eat them in a peanut butter sandwich if you can take the taste. they dont taste good. i just chew em. shit. i'm from the south and we used to collect them by the shoe box after the first big rain in the spring. they grow on cow shit. vary in size and stregnth. check out erowid.com because they have lots of good info.
  19. be sure you have gone to the bathroom before you plug any drugs. push it in as far as your finger will allow and resist the urge to use the potty for at least another hour. different vehicles for using drugs give different absorption. intranasally is like 70% absorption. orally is similar. iintravenous is 99 to 100% and believe it or not so is plugging. the walls of your transverse colon (last part of your large intestine) are full of bloodvessels and have high absorption. the drug should hit you harder. beware. and for petes sake-dont poop it out.
  20. that take it one time trip forever theory came from a real thing but it was not lsd. its from pcp. angel dust. when you are high on pcp some of your brain waves match the patterns of a schizophrenic. there is an obscene percentage of people who's brain does not have the capacity to return to normal after the drug has worn off. its close to one in four. as far as that happening on lsd the possibilities exist but i have never heard of it being true. know no one who it has happened...and personally-i have tripped extensively on single hits and larger amounts...had one flash back years ago...it was nice. do it with ppl who have done it before and dont be afraid. go to erowid.com to learn more.
  21. i dont go uptown to cop but been getting some good shit from my delivery service...white rhino ties with hashplant for me...right now i'm waiting for my round the corner nic guy who gives five for 20...love that kid. tee hee. but uptowns had to cop on the street unless you know someone or live there...wouldnt reccomend it. aint never heard of ppls giving haze in nics or dimes...
  22. moidah


    ummmm. i've done my fair share of lsd. and e. and shrooms. my fair share-and yours-your cousins and maybe their best friends too. its once in a great blueish green moon when i do any of them anymore. i used to live with a guy who would write to pharmacuticle companies posing as a colombia med student and get unclassified drugs sent to him. would then research more and dose out correct amounts and store said expieriment in an abonded excedrin bottle in the medicine cabniet. i found out the way you would expect. i just tripped so much that one day in the middle of my excursion i figured out that i had learned all there was for me to learn in this place and since then tripping has lost its flavor with me. but you can tell me all about yours and i would love to hear it.
  23. moidah


    i'm familiar with a myriad of mind alterers...but dont know what dmx is...not dmt? is that what you mean? shit makes you talk to god. and i know no one who took it more than once.
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