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Everything posted by moidah

  1. for five or six hours of sleep i would reccomend tylenol pm taken an hour before you want to sleep or half an ambien .5. you have to know if you are prone to grogginess or not and if you are not fazed by downers then then that would be my starting rec dose. one ambien .5 knocks me out when i sniff and drink moderately (105 lbs 4 beers 4 shots teq 4 hrs) hee hee. but with out alcohol it takes longer.... just my little salad garnishes there
  2. ok.ok. i see your point...but exactly why i specified that its for sleep.
  3. "kinda scary?" its used to go to sleep. nothing too scary about that. unlike other seditives this one is specifically for sleep. and that is when you should use it. and i mean no offense by this but...your wording is strange in your post (hence the kinda scary quote) is this why ppl think you are a narc or is that some kind of joke i dont get yet?
  4. there are a lot of different fabricators out there other than the occ. they have only been building bikes for a few years. thanks to them tho the rest of the world is catching on. there are lots of bike rallys all summer to go and see lots of cool stuff. clothes. bikes. ppl. i just came back from laconia a few weeks ago and the booth i was at hosted dave perewits for two days. his bikes are nice. and indian larry sharred a booth with us last weekend in conneticut. he had the discovery bike there and it was in no way old school. you want old school choppers? google bike fabricators and the list is long. there are also these kids in brooklyn building badass bikes and their company is bulletproof custom choppers. more of the long forks and what not. sturgis is coming up and i am trying to go/any of you guys?
  5. xanax is the only thing i've ever done that gave me blackouts...course thats b/c i dont fuck with k. me no likee tings maka you go in hole. but five? FIVE? shit. i'm a lightweight when it comes to downers and i usually take a half of a stick when i am ready for bed...five? you lucky thats all that happened.
  6. duh maimimonk. and well put but what i was curious about was that maybe there were less harmfull ways to enjoy...
  7. i have been at the waldorf with six or seven ppl in and out at all times with some ass trying to cook base in the fucking complimentary coffee pot...narry a peep from the staff...at the ho jo's off houston i've never gotten shit either...but some places are different...and if you stand in the hallway of most you can hear bits and pieces of what is going on in the rooms you pass. err on the side of caution (ie towel below the door, all locks locked, all illegals easily hideable or erasible) blah blah...but i am sure there are not cameras in hotel rooms simply because most were erected before this age of information and are not equiped to screen or record so many rooms...that and its illegal...if you get real pnoid then take the firealarm off to look and take the battery out until you go to sleep...
  8. after years of partying i notice my nose getting more and more sensitve. i like to get high but shit sucks when i'm all blowing my nose a million times the next day and going to sleep miserable when i'm not smart enough to preplan bed time sleep aids...there have to be better ways to do this shit (blow-duh)...any advice/knowledge? will my nose slide off my face if i'm not careful?
  9. does this only happen on coke? if you just started doing coke and coincidentally noticed the problem it may not be the blow at all...if it persists it could be a urinairy tract infection...(sp?) or maybe you push too hard. stay home one night and get high and learn what works for you.
  10. moidah


    would i change it? you mean would i do anything to stop her short of shooting her in the leg with the gun? yes. i would even shoot her in the leg with the gun. i told no one i knew what she was going to do even after the event and not till years later did i talk about it with anyone. it sucks. it will always suck. and every time i think of her it hurts in ways i cant describe. i dunno. thanks for sharring your stories with me as well. im gonna go smoke a blunt. its moidah
  11. moidah


    when i was 15 my best friend came to me because she had no where else to go and we had made a pact that if one of us was to commit suicide then we would do it together. i was at another friends house when she snuck in in the middle of the night and wanted to know if i was ready. i was not. but i spent that whole night with her talking about it with her dads stolen gun and her brothers *borrowed* car. she came to me because i had already sworn i would not try to stop her or tell on her. she could trust me. and so she did. and i kept my word. after the whole night of talking, after hours of trying to change her mind, discussing every detail our 15 year old minds could fathom-she was determined. and so she dropped me off where she picked me up and i let her go. i kept my word and did not tell anyone. i even went back to sleep. and when i woke up i knew she was dead. dead locked the keys in the car so no one would steal it and blew her brains out on the sidewald of a park in atlanta. its a permanent soultion to a temporary problem. i cant tell you what this did to me. to her family. mine. everyone who knew her. lots of ppl who did not. i will never not feel this pain. the only thing that kept me through the aftermath of that very very bad choice we both made was something my mother always says when shit sucks... and this too shall pass if you would like you may pm me anytime for resources to get help or just to vent i will post then later anyway....have faith. this too shall pass
  12. just my 2cents...i have taken viagra with both e, and seperately with coke (sniffin w/drinks & weed) and both times i took it as a pill and both times after 30 minutes or so i did feel more horny, though when i was all skied up i still didnt feel like foolin around. oh yeah, and i'm female. hey it290 why do you think going to sex clubs makes it obvious that you are gay? curious
  13. **Fuck that guy, why does everyone say the cops were wrong!! They were defending themselves! The guy was 350, on drugs, and hitting them. Everytime they got him down, he got back up and tried hitting them. Fuck him, they did nothing wrong.** posted by jumk29 he's dead. they beat him to death.
  14. thanks for the info daddy (can i call you that?). for some reason you always make me smile. (except when you thought i smelled like pork ) i read all the extraction material on erowid but i'm not a needle girl and that seems the most common method aside from oral. right now i be feeling fine. moidah that makes sense. gotta laugh at myself. but they feel nice. i feel nice. now. wheeeee. disk-ofreak- i moved out here to write. i lived in ny for the last ten years and found it very hard to write when i was getting up at dusk every day. i dont live in both places but i go to the city for a few days probably twice a month to see my friends and party.
  15. that makes sense. gotta laugh at myself. but they feel nice. i feel nice. now. wheeeee.
  16. hey now! my ass is smooth and lovely. you need a spanking. now get over my knee!
  17. i took them in pill form (orally kaydub-whats this preoccupation with my fine ass?) but i like to know my options. thanks m
  18. if you are not crushing your shit fine enough then it sits on your septum in little hard rocks just rotting away. it will eventually burn a hole but you can avoid this if you follow bumpdaddys advice and probably find another dealer. other soultions are to buy a product called *ocean* which is a saline soultion for your nose and use it every time you sniff. it is in the same place in your local drugstore as afrin and dristan (which you should not ever use). it will help to keep the blow from . i know ppl who have used for their whole lives and do not have nose bleeds or holes or sores or whatever. it is possible. you could always eat it. there are two veins under your tounge and if you coat them with the coke then you will get the same effect as intranasal if not better. that should give your nose time to heal a little. the only draw back is your whole mouth goes numb but i kinda like that sometimes.
  19. having a nice little down day here in LI, i got some of these from my roomie. i am pretty sure that each pill has 60 mg of codeine and i took two, weigh 105, on an empty stomach about oh-five minutes ago...erowid has good info on all sorts of codiene stuff (all sorts of lots stuff actually) but did not tell me two things i wondered about a. can you snort it or will it make you feel like your nose is on fire b. can you smoke it with out all the chem lab extraction anyone know? m
  20. *big sigh* i came on this board for just what my post had said. and knowing that none of you all know me from a hole in the wall i can see the paranoia...but there is no need to be nasty. i was just stuck out in butt fuck and bored as hell. dont know what i expecting but not this. i am headed to the city again this weekend and wouldnt be suprised if some of you all knew me or friends of mine. i am no cop...and no worries-i dont need your connects. i want to extend the invite to meet me to assuage any concerns about who i am or what i do so if any of you are intrested you can pm me before friday... thanks again for the kindness some of you sent my way. m
  21. lol bumpdaddy. no pork here. i did meet some ppl at my local walbaums (in the cake isle-teehee) and things have not been so bad lately. thanks everyone for responding. i'm still here but not bored so much anymore.
  22. lol. sheet. dont come out right does it... that was a little pity party and an attempt at wit...tho i am damn cute.
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