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Everything posted by intoxikated

  1. I just typed it into ebay and they're selling the dvd for like $3.50...good movie
  2. Is it okay to smoke while you're taking antibiotics? Will it counteract with the antibiotics or make them stop working?
  3. i read about a few deaths in kids who took pills thinking it was mdma but it turned out to be pma...very scary, you have to be really careful
  4. Ooh, I just read up about it on Erowid, this stuff's scary...all the trip reports are bad, there have been a lot of deaths due to cardiac arrest, and the stuff's supposedly legal in Europe..
  5. nope, i actually havent even tried that many drugs...i just saw an article about 2ct7 on a web site and it looked cool, but they didnt give any info on it and id never heard of it before...lol i get most of my drug info from here
  6. Yeah, I donno how they could work underground...if they do, that would be awesome though, lol I think Id get it then...
  7. argh, all the time...i was trying to make a CD before and I know for a fact that i dled this song about four times last night, but it seems to have completely vanished from my computer lol
  8. I knowww...this movie definitely looks awesome...I was surprised to find out that Quentin Tarentino codirected it
  9. Haven't they had a few girls gone wild theme nights there??
  10. This is going to be an awesome party...I'm definitely going, I can't wait!!
  11. This is probably a stupid question, but does k come in capsules or pill form?
  12. What exactly is this? What are the effects? Is it difficult to get around the NYC area? I saw a picture of it on a web site and it comes in pill form, it looks just like ecstasy...it also comes in liquid form..does anyone know anything else about it? On the web site, the name or brand or whatever was called blue mystic...
  13. lolol...its such a shame, too, MJ was a cute black kid!!
  14. that new show, the office, is pretty funny...
  15. that sucks arse...if it makes you feel any better, i just started a new job then caught the flu like three days after i started so i had to call in sick for 2 days during my first week...i went back to work after the weekend feeling kinda better, and the next day, I freaking get a relapse, probably from some gross person on the train who doesnt have the manners to cover their mouths when they cough or sneeze...plus, i just ordered like $200 worth of stuff and i checked the status of my order, and it was sent out three weeks ago, but I still haven't gotten it and its not at the post office, so Im prolly going to be billed for it..yay..lol hope I made you feel better
  16. lolol im from bergen co nj, but i live in nyc now...the last time i was at webster hall, I saw like 4 drunk girls from bergen county in the wet t shirt contest...there are more NJ ppl at that club then Ive seen from all the clubs combined lol
  17. This is just SICK...it makes me ashamed to be American!!
  18. Eww....I saw this guy on the subway this morning, coughing up his lungs, it sounded like he had SARS or something, not even covering his mouth...its like, THIS is how people get sick lol, I wish I didnt have to take the train to work
  19. I don't generally like them on women...I haven't seen a guy look bad in one, though...they're just very flattering...it is starting to seem like overkill, though...I saw about 30 wall streeters wearing them on the train today lol
  20. lol me neither, they get my friends completely blasted, and I'm just like, er, am I supposed to feel something?!
  21. Who cares? As long as the music's good, it shouldn't be an issue..
  22. haha I knowww....people are way too gullible
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