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Everything posted by trancesun2

  1. MASK = Super Supportive of the scene ..i dont know him or his crew ..but through a breif PM , i got very good vibes...definitly need more people supporting the scene like he does. Go to different parties...dont nitpick and bash every little thing...etc etc...too many people do that.......BUT NOT GOOD OL MASK
  2. I was in teh south of france this past summer....for "popping bottles and models" style clubbing..check out LUX. for an all otu hosue no dress code dancing loud music...sick ass crowd..there is a place called SEX ON THE BEACH..its right by the last casino at the tip of the boardwalk in cannes. Also..check out LE GRAND CAFE...great place to get trashed.
  3. very kool, i thought that stament would have been taken too seriously and an internet flaeway would ahve started..lol..nah, very kool to take that as mellow as i emant it..no serious insults here. but yeh, i think both parties have their opinions..and they are both soemwhat fair..i beleive mine for my reason..you belive yours for yorus..its all good..stil doesnt gaurantee a safe future thuogh,AND THATS whats scary.
  4. ok ROACH. im waiting for you to come through the computer screen and attack me like that girl frmo the ring...TRUROMEO..wow..i bet the women just flock to you so much that you HAD to make your name that...i mean..its obvious isnt it?..your just the #1 casanova...mmmM please. Im going to go out on a limb here and take a guess. Your picture is DEFINTILY on this site ..and if not...im sure you would fit in great.
  5. truromeo..i feel sorry for you. Your like a roach...you can never convince a roach that he is ignorant and oblivious to the world around him..the roach just knows what he knows..and because his little mind cant understand the bigger picture......he think that he knows all that should be known.....poor little roach..poor little truromeo.
  6. lets see bush created more terrorists...he didnt go after terrorsism at all..he went after an innocent country that didnt have ANYTHIGN to do with 9-11. He killled thousands of innocent people..and besides that..has killed many of our soldiers. Lets also not forget, that if your 14 years old in iraq right now..and u see your family getting killed and bombed..your going to grow up and become a terrorist(who wouldnt?..so in 20 years..OUR CHILDREN will be attacked again by the children of those who saw their innocent families die! in Iraq)...second of all..BUSH IS GOOD.......FOR EUROPE..because of him..the E.U. is becoming the world power..and soon the US will be taught in highschools as the nation that ONCE was the most powerful. Bush is doign this for only himself..and his penny..isnt it funny how he didnt go after the saudis?..THE REAL TERRORISTS>.but he went after IRAQ?..a country that never attacked the US!. Yes saddam was no good.>BUT THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH TERRORISM...he was a terrorist to his own people..NOT TO US. ahah and WMDs?...where are they/.north korea HAS wmds..and its proven..and we dont do SHIT to them.Kerry might not be any better...but BUSH GOT US INTO THIS MESS. id rather have someone else take a try on running this country..this guy already proved that he is no good for ..the economy...international relations..and national security....isnt it ironic how bush actually DOES BUSSINESS WITHE THE BINLADEN FAMILY!!!..doesnt that even make you think?. The educated know that its time for a change ...we realize that if we dont play our cards right..we wil be in even more trouble..the IGNORANT say..>BOMB THOSE TOWEL HEADS...USA #1...WE WILL KICK ANYONES ASS....haha keep beleiving that..because we will become the next roman empire..we NEED the other countries....i have a feeling in the next 50 years...the E.U will become the power of the world..they really started to get their shit together. I mean...think about this..after 9-11..we had EVERY country on our side..they all felt our tragedy and where willing to do what was needed to help us.....not even 2 months later..WE HAVE NO ALLIES BUT ENGLAND...(even costa rica backed out from helping us...i mean comon..COSTA RICA>.they could use our help..but they STILL backed out) so what does that say?..that they are all wrong and stupid?..and what we are doing is right....haha i dont think so....iraq is a country with innocent people..if the usa decided to bomb italy or greece because we thought that they had something to do with 9-11..im sure 90% of the USA would be like whoaa whoaa..wait a minute...are we doing the right thing...dont we need proof first?..but NOO because its a middle eastern country..we act like its a freaking landfill and we can do whatever we want. THINK ABOUT IT!
  7. I LOVE THAT SHOW...if anyone here on the board listens to it every once in a while...i have only one statement to make..... "I know I wanna do it...........I know you wanna do it to...out here on the dance floor........we can make sandwiches..........so make your thieghs like butter easy 2 spreaddddddd....and we can make sandwiches....."
  8. exactly..i apologize..i should have worded myself better...no no..im calm...but i was under the impression that you were talking about having some KTU promoter make a trance night..lol and i know exactly what u mean, we are all in the same scene..different genres..but when you break it down..the true..all want the same thing. Its just a pitty that ny has soo many people who dont know what the scene is all about and they do it to be kool. Everyone is a dj..everyone promotes..it really fucked up ny.. but i think we are going to get it back..slowly but surely. And glad to hear about nation. LI clubs were nightmares when i checked some out...the crowd..the music..made me soo sad..lol..but i hear good things about nation. thank you EDIT: ALTHOUGH..MY EX GF GOES THERE WITH HER FREINDS AND THEY ARE GOLD DIGGING HOES..WHO DONT GIVE 2 SHITS ABOUT THE SCENE...lol jk..but every club gets those...hehe had to edit that in. but yeah NATION sounds like a great place keep up the good work and dont let it go down with alot of the other clubs in ny. Glad to see you are doing very well.
  9. promoters arent the people who should throw i. If promoters do it, then its just going to be the typical..juice monkey trendy crowd ..because the promoters are out to make money and blow it up. NY needs a true old school vibe. Addicted w/ skoof was slaming ..if u dont count the fact taht the club management was sooo bad that they actually had the nerve to play like 30 min of hip hop because one of their biggest customers came in popping bottles and demanded a hip hop song for his girl. THAT DESTROYED THE VIBE. but i see people agree with me..because i just read the review above and it says the same shit.
  10. what about cheetah??? (i really have no idea where the pumping hip hop clubs are, but when i used go to centro...it used to look like alot of shit was going on across the street)
  11. yea man, who cares if its gay. in my opinion (coming from a str8 guy also) gay clubs are awesome. Really kool people...there for the music...NOT ONLY gays either..lol KRASH in astoria was one of the best nightclubs. I would say do it. Because it seems to me that you want to go ..but the fact that its a gay club makes u double think....i think thats a stupid reason(once again..just my opinion so dont get offended) music is music..people are people...and regardless we all come together for the same reason. To connect..to learn.
  12. The RaveMission Series. I think it was volume 4. backkkk backk in the day. Soo good...even to this day, the music is dated..and sounds NOTHING like trance today..but oh man..it used to get me so high..just from laying back and listening to it.
  13. A Free Gift From Downshiftradio.com -Thank you for all your support to download, rightclick mouse and choose "save as" (Cd includes tracks by: DJ Tiesto, Blank & Jones, Thrillseekers,Paul Oakenfold,Motorcycle,Andain and more!) please enjoy this free download: The Journey
  14. whoever had the sign,..will not admit it..lol it can be any one of us....(dramatic music plays as we all take a quick look around the roomm..EVERYONE IS A SUSPECT)
  15. from what i read, that is 100% true. Mr bull loves his music..loves to dance..and loves the fact that he loves this scene/industry. KUDOS TO YOU SILVERBULL
  16. Skoof isnt playing anywhere now. From what i heard, he is in the studio till the end of the year, and then addicted is reopening somewhere else as a weekly trance club. BUT i could be wrong because im not 100% sure. But i doubt there is really anymore information. And as for the party digital recommended, i havent been there but sounds great. I mean...Downtown + Trance = awesome. I'll check it out all in the name of supporting our beautiful scene **EDIT: oh yeah, also on a cd i have somewhere in my room- it mentions that he is joining downshiftradio "coming soon" - its not really helpful because it doesnt say when or anything, but maybe you can get your trance fix there..DSR has all types of music too..hip hop - soul- deep - etc etc**
  17. wlecome to a chapter in the story of our lives. I think all of us feel that way. Growing up (which i am still doing and will continue doing till the day i die) as a little kid and teenager...music was my escape. Its all i dream of..its all i think. Its captures my emotion and makes me feel that there is more to life than what we see. Our passion flows witht he music and seems to make everything ok. From good times to bad. To this day...it can be 100 degrees outside...but i would much rather sit in my crappy jeep with the windows rolled up (with NO AC!) sweating my balls off..listening to a track...instead of ahving the windows open on the highway and barely hearing the track to the fullest volume and quality.
  18. eveyrone always has such high expectations, i have yet to see ANY party within the past year where everyone agreed it was a good event. Last night someone @ tiesto was like, TIESTO SUCKS. BUT THEN HE HANDED HIS TICKET TO THE GUY TO GO SEE HIM. Man everyone seems to act as if they have to prove that they know more than the next guy(none of this is directly to any member posting ont ihs thread). Just making an observation. Nobody really goes out and has fun anymore..peopel always feel the need to make some complaints. No party will EVERR be PERFECT. thing is..back in the day..IT DIDNT MATTER. it was just fun. anyone agree with me?
  19. yeah but when i hear "classics" so many old school nervous & groovalicious tracks come to mind..and i never hear any of those....i dont go to these tpye of parties because im afriad that "classics" to them is blow the speaker by moon..lol NYC classics IMO = baby wants to ride(hani)..hypertrophy(beautiful day)...orange e(the music)..this joy....let me take u on a tripppp..let me take u on a ride ride ride ride..lol (b4 1998..those to me i consider classics)...oh comon..how bout some nice SASH?...even release me by veronica...u know what i mean?..but thats just my memories of classics..we all have our own i guess.
  20. its very wrong for me to label someone..BUTT i got a VERY bad vibe off this guy..talking all that shit to silverbull. Bottom line thiago... Just dance...be passionate...love the music..all the music..and most of all..if your a part of this scene..NO TRASH TALKING - we are all in this together..whether you love deep house...trance or hard house etc...we are here to support each other..learn off each other and grow / enjoy life. Starting shit and making this a "competetion" with all your battle shit is just wrong. WE ALL HAVE TO STOP COMPETING..THIS SCENE IS FOR US..FOR EVERYONE TO BE WELCOME..FOR EVERYONE TO DANCE..AND FOR EVERYONE TO LOVE. respect all music..respect all art..respect all people.
  21. its really outdated..but like you said..you made it back in like what '01?...sounds like you were going with the popularity of hard house..and you threw some trance in it...LONGG song..but i dig...and as for SFTUNNEL ..we all have different taste...If you like SF music which is banging pots and pans and a bunch of juice monkeys and whores, thats all good too :)soo jk, so relax b4 you do an internet flame fest..hehe lighten up....nobody takes the net seriously.
  22. its really outdated..but like you said..you made it back in like what '01?...sounds like you were going with the popularity of hard house..and you threw some trance in it...LONGG song..but i dig...and as for SFTUNNEL ..we all have different taste...If you like SF music which is banging pots and pans and a bunch of juice monkeys and whores, thats all good too :)soo jk, so relax b4 you do an internet flame fest..hehe lighten up....nobody takes the net seriously.
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