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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by trancesun2

  1. only clubs that i know that are SEX oriented are the swinger clubs..and for those..u have to share to get access to the pootietang,...so if your not a couple looking to swap..dont bother.
  2. lets keep going... who else loves arg??!! ARG ARG ARG <chanting his name as the crowd goes wild>
  3. woooopp wooooppp...who else here loves kimeeeee??lol
  4. The Beat Goes Onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn....
  5. the beat goes onnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
  6. hey liquid, you know carol???? she is great, ive done bussiness with her and the owner of NORTH in philly before..its the same guy that has fashion 40(richie)
  7. ohh man that sounds like a good idea.
  8. ok..not only is this a double post....BUT ITS A TRIPPLE POST! STOP THAT..NOBODY WILL TAKE YOU SERIOUSLY.
  9. ahhh, always a pleasure to hear from you mask. yup...you live, you learn.. ahaha yup, what can i say....its funny how the world consists of 98348240205027502540258058 different people, but at the same time..for everything that makes us different, there is something the makes us alike. btw, i know your not in the states..so this should make you feel good... ...guess what? ITS FREAKING COLD AS ICE TODAY IN NYC!!!!,...GRRR. WINTER IS ON ITS WAY!!...so if anything, enjoy the nice weather
  10. damn, alot of promotion on this site for nation...BUTTTTTT..i dont hear anyone complaining..which is a good sign . I still say u bring some TRANCE there...either way..sounds good.
  11. no place on longisland is worth going to in my opinion. (except nation..havent been there...but from what i can tell...its pretty damn nice for a long island club...good talent..etc etc..but like i posted b4 somewhere else..i hope they can stay that way....cause sooner or later when it blows up up up...the guido crowd will enter and kill it. and whatever u do..stay AWAY from bogarts and all those places..its not nightlife its just plain stupid.. its a bunch of stupid long island bars that try to act all cancun-ish with wet t-shirt contests..girls dancing on bars...yada yada..if u dig the shallow slutty..stupid spoiled brat long island college crowd(with their horribly bad wanna-b "fast and furious" peice of shit badely hooked up cars).....then go..but otherwise..i wouldnt..but like i say in most my posts. this is MY opinion..and im simply stating it and not forcing it down anyones throat..if u dig that stuff..then by all means..go have fun.."whatever tickles your pickle". BOTTOM LINE (IMO): LONG ISLAND IS INFAMOUS FO TAKING POPULAR CULTURE AND RUINING IT. ITS THE MTV OF GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION..IT MAKES EVREYTHING SO CHEESY...THEY ALL TRY TO ACT HARD EVEN THOUGH THERE ISNT A GHETTO BONE IN THEIR BODY...THEY COPY EVERYTHING "FROM THE CITY"..AND THEY JUST SWALLOW UP ANY LIFESTYLE AND RUIN IT..FROM NIGHTLIFE..TO THE IMPORT CAR INDUSTRY..TO EVEN JUST GROWING UP IN QUEENS..(EVERY LI KID TRIES TO ACT LIKE HE/SHE KNOWS THE ROPES IN QUEENS..LIKE ITS SOOOO KOOL..WHEN 95% OF US JUST LIVE THERE AND ITS NOTHING MORE BUT OUR HOMETOWN THAT WE LOVE!.. grr dont get me started..lol. ^Correction:^ not al..li has ALOT of super chill people...but its definitly not as big as the other population which was listed above. Or maybe im just basing this off my one year experience at a highschool on longisland...because let me tell u..it was a major culture shock...1 min your in queens..being with people who are just themselves..living life..next min your in a bad scene from the movie clueless...loll
  12. i did that last year..pretty good time. Webster was interesting...mixed crowd..some really fun people..But like i said..this year..a woodcabin...some booze..some bbq..some 4-wheelers and some music sounds AMAZING..oh yeah.l.cant forget the horror movies..moo haa haa
  13. ehh, i didnt read all the posts..but from just the last page, i can somewhat agree with starscream.... I personally cant party with the guido crowd . (see www.njguido.com for more info) I just dont get a good vibe off them. I feel as if the nightlife culture to them is a trend..because thats how they treat it like..when to silverbull..myself...and many others..its a lifestyle. and im just sick of seeing pretty boy juicemonkeys go out to a club...get drunk and rowdy and act like idiots..i dunno. YES its unfair to label all those guidos like that..but what can i say..i truley feel that the njguido style crowd RUINED nyc nightlife. The same giudos were probably the wanna b whiteboy thugs in highschool before turning into "ravers" now. It just annoys me. Once again..this is simply an opinion. I am not stating any "facts" or anything of that nature. This is just how i truley feel. I really cant party with the JP crowd...in my mind..the majority are skanky girls and loser juicehead shallow assholes. But i could be wrong and im wiling to accept that. But after seeing NJGUIDO.com is pretty much think that if we "whacked" all those wanna b soprano non cultured morons...the nightlife in nyc would be ALOT better. btw- This does not mean ALL italians. I know MANY good italians from good families that hold on to their culture and value as if they never left sicily or anything like that. The are educated on their background and are very proud and serious about keeping their roots. BUTTTTT the typical NYC "guido" is jsut some moron who has an italian last name and all of a sudden claims he is a die hard italiano with his italian flag on his arm talking about whacking this..and gotti that....oh god.....actually speaking of gotti..EXACTLY..check out that Growing up gotti show..damn those kids are annoying.
  14. the guy at the door isnt a jerkoff..lol...well...for the type of crowd that this club brings in, he should know by now that electronic music fans..dont like to get "pimped out"..but heez actually a really kool guy...ive known him and his brother for years....they usually work at like "suite 16" and all those models and bottles clubs..so i guess he is just used to treating people that way at those snotty places....but yeah..i think avalon should A) get over the dress code problem , and stop that black guy from karate chopping everyone's balls apon entering..i sware...i was pretty fucked up one night walking into the place..and BAM!!! i feel some big hand literally massaging my balls ....i freaked out..not because im a homophobe or anything stupidl ike that..but..i soo didnt see it coming...damn..he is aggressive.
  15. sounds like a great place...definitly should check it out. You guys bring any trance djs? or is it strictly house? Either way give me..music...good people...and im a happy person. I just hope your club stays that way. We all know after a while, once a place is exposed..yous tart to get the typical guidoish/slutty crowd. But when their is NO HIP HOP....they usually dont bother to come(which is good)...except for the juicemonkey soprano wanna b dorks(like that guy from that mtv show where they followed some losers to the jersy shore..haha that guy thought he was vin fucking diesel...hhah..keep those guys out..and i'll be there..... (damn i sometimes stop and think..i really shouldnt be judging others...they might be in love with the scene just as much as i am..BUT..i dunno..i just get bad vibes at the parties with that type of crowd.)..back to the point .... NATION SOUNDS GREAT..I WISH YOU GUYS THE BEST. L.I REALLLLLY NEEDED A PLACE LIKE THAT. MOST LI CLUBS ARE HORRIBLE AND HAVE THE ABOVE CROWD MENTIONED. so how bout some trance?..maybe a little Victor Dinaire ?? a little skoof? maybe even someone international..that would be great..but i think local talent is even better. Keep up the great work..and much love to all your supporters.
  16. haha ehhh, it made it this far..lets keep going!... and yeah xxboxx...SKOOF is the shizzile (that probably makes no sense in ghetto ass slang..but ehh...if they can make up their own words..so can I..so let me restate that.. SKOOF IS THE MOONSLAPPINDOGGYHUMPINBADASSWATERLOODOOBIE....that means he kicks ass in my lingo..hahah BUT BACK TO SILVERBULL.... read a few of his posts...seems to love the dance..seems to love house music..and seems to be a huge suporter of this industry..so he gets thumbs up...ALTHOUGH..i get the vibe that he is the type that is "its either deep soulful house..or nothing at all for me"..but i could be wrong..but i guess it makes sense...so many different types of electronic music...people have different preferences...for an example...so many bands have drums..guitars..etc etc....BUT...u can have Bruce springstein..and then u have Metallica...still considered ROCK in a generic sense..but NOTHING alike...i myself am a trance person..but i have a deep special love for funk house as well.
  17. I would have to agree with the above post.
  18. "welcome back mase...................welcome back to being puffy's BITCH" jk...i think i heard that on chapells show
  19. ahh..i can feel the love. YA HABIBI !! - ARABIC SE AGAPO !! - GREEK add some more...lol..Mmm i smell a post whoring thread!
  20. yup, but like i said..NYC unfortunately has a horrible crowd..they bitch..they moan..they dont support the local scene unless your the 1 in a million rare "fanboy DJ" ...vicious..peters..etc.but i love seeing others who just love the scene for what it is..small party..big party...if there is music and people smiling...its an event worth going to. I think too many wanna b dj/producers jump the gun too quick to become the next famous guy..when instead they should focus on doing what they love..eventually people will notice..or eventually you will learn enough about the scene to the point where you know everyone from every aspect and genre of the scene...and like i said above..if you got it..and you present someone with what u can offer...they will bring you into this lovely yet sometimes dark...industry. anywayz..in another post i read you were in egypt....i love egypt. Many of my close freinds are from that area...and we get along great..im greek...and the egyptians are very similar..when it comes to family values...partying..music....all the good stuff. n e wayz..once again..expressing my love for others true to the scene....ya habibi ...
  21. damn, that was unneccasary....you ask people for something on a msg board leaving MINIMUM info...and when some people kindly responded telling you what they think would help..u tell them their assistance was no good.. lets be honest...NOBODY GETS WORK OFF A MSG BOARD>.and since "the resume speaks for iteself", you wouldnt need to post..or you would ba aware..that nobody is taken seriously on messge boards because "everyone is a dj" these days...and the odds of meeting people who are TRULEY important in the bussiness aspect of this industry is HIGHLY unlikely - simply because..even if they did see your post...there are 109320392 other guys that post the same thing every day...the ones that make it...are the ones that hit the streets...if they have something special to offer, word of their talent spreads around. Everyone is always so quick to try to jump in this game and get "a name", they start praising every little thing theyve done..and every gig..and yada yada...well guess what...you and 1000000 other people...so instead of trying to make yourself sound good..just shutup and let the music talk for you and if you really think you have something to offer(and i dont mean this in a cruel way..more of a figure of speech)...people will react..... anywayz.... the computer is not the place..i dont care what anyone says..and i think the response u had up there was pretty damn cocky..especially to people who just wanted to help you.
  22. Halloween is always GREAT in NYC...so far i really dont have much info on anything super special...so im just packing up some shit and going out to a cabin somewhere upstate with a bunch of people...booze..music...cheesy 80's horror movies...ahhh good times.
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