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Everything posted by trancesun2

  1. trancesun2

    Sex At Work

    i was a sound engineer at a radio station. My ex would sometimes come ad visit me from5-6. That was the hour where i would prepare the 9pm show(it was prerecorded). I would lock the soundproof studio door, and catch a few bjs..or have sex sometmes.
  2. wow, im trying to sell a car, and instead of just not saying anything(because you dont like it). You actually go out of you way to try to flame me and fuck up my sale. And then you plug what YOU drive. Wow man, thats super lame. and as for everyone else, thanx for you comments. It really put a smile n my face. I was like wtf? when i read the first response by that dick. You people also know your shit. The comment about the erebuni shogun kit was priceless. Yeah, its an Authentic TRD kit . If anyone else is a SERIOUS import tuner (and not that fag who flamed me), toss up some pics of some other cars youve worked on or some info, i would love to converse with some other people who are truley interested in this scene(and not just some 16 year old fast and furiosu douchebags who learned the word"rice" and spit it out everytime theyg et a chance). The following pics are some other cars that have bene worked on at my budides shop. this is my fav pic. I tossed it up on another thread that was talking about celicas(the thread that gave me the idea to try to sell my car here b4 i post it on ebay). So yeah, anyone else interested in cars and wants to chat about custom work and ideas.PM me. Take it easy guys.
  3. i am in LOVE with the girl @ the door. She is the ex centro-fly door girl. SOO NICE..SO SWEET..AND SOOO CUTE. I definitly like seeing her face b4 i walk into a club as apose to some typical bouncer or guy doorman.
  4. there is one on L.I. as well. 22 bucks, all you can eat. BUT ITS ACTUALLY REALLLLY GOOD AND NOT CRAP.
  5. Silverbull, im totally with you. Yet everytime i make a comment like the one you made above, i get attacked as someone who bitches about everything. But its good to see others just as concerned about our scene.
  6. also inculded: ORIGINAL tail lights,stereo,and springs (springs only have 800 miles on them.(they were replaced by the Eiback Pro Kit which is currently on the vehicle.
  7. nope, greek my statement was based on nothing personal. and i should have worded it better. What i really meant was. Sometimes we focus on something(which obviously needs to be focused on) but at the same time.sometimes because we focus so hard on that one thing. We neglect other things that deserve the same attention. Thats all. I didnt mean a single drop of offense.
  8. oh wow, i didnt bother reading the above posts..someone already mentioned it.
  9. in the south of france this year, the mini mo-hawk was REALLY popular..its like gusy with short hair would do a mini mo-hawk.
  10. u talking about battling or something? i dance for myself..not anyone else....in my opinion battling is not part of that culture. so ..if you are talking about that..sorry man....but id b mroe than happy to party with u.
  11. thats what i like to hear..all about the music....look fwd to seeing un the future
  12. since when did the NYC scene become a bunch of idiots that label everyone?(im doing it as we speak..i know i know) seems like everywhere i go..people are "beefing"..about music...dancing..clubs..etc etc. Doesnt anyone remember the times when it didnt matter waht kinda of music it was..if electronic music was being played..we were happy...a time when people didnt judge each other...the scene was open to everyone and anyone(stock brokers,teachers,highschoolers,dancers,druggiesm,etc). Now i feel like electronic music in NY is becoming like hip hop..no longer about good times and love..but about who knows more about whatever...and who is higher up in the ranks of clubland. This site has alot of DICKS. and it has alot of educated nightlife lovers. We have to come to a compromise..we have to stop judging every small party..we have to stop bitching that a dj wasnt good "enough"..we bring the energy..we bring the love. NY needs to go up ..because it cant afford to get any worse than the scene that its turning into the past few years as the dance culture progressed into a more mainstream place... ...tuff guys..fights..promotors just out for money and not caring about the actual event..people posting under fake names trying to hype something up... we need to erase all that..support the small scene..the underground..support the commerical bigger fanboy dj scene..supprt EVERYTHING that involves..the music..the love ..and the people...anyone agreee?
  13. dont know them personally, but from speaking to them online, i can see we share similar views and opinions. So in that sense, yes.
  14. ok, the first response i got from you that was very fair and honest. no beef..just stating you thoughts. I appreciate that. ok let me correct myself. By a "drinking" crowd. I meant that the crowd is more into socializing and running around drinking and talking etc etc as apose to all out dancing. At some clubs u can lose all you freinds for hosur but u dont care..everyone is dancing..the energy is good and everyone is happy..you meet people etc etc. @ deep everyone seems to be too into themselves and people dont really bug out..its more like a trendy crowd...doing their own thing..not wanting to be bothered by anyone else. Its also the..."i bumped into u accidentally but instead of just saying sory and you saying ok its all good" its more of a "im going to stare at u and act tuff for bumping into me" crowd,. i mean...HOW DARE YOU BUMP INTO ME WHEN WE ARE BOTH SQUISHED like tuna in a can in a club.... give me a break. do u see my point?(now that we ar passed bitching and moaning at each other..and we can simply discuss)
  15. wow, talk about labeling..damn.. i should figure that a typical loser "im so kool i know everything about real electronic music" labeling asshole would say something like that. see does that make sense now?..i dont even know u. also, its the internet...umm..im getting judged on typing a playful word?..sorry didnt know you were the authority on how to speak?..wow your stupid.
  16. exactly..i posted the same thing right on top. BLACK isnt a culture.
  17. excellent freak. glad to see that im not so "crazyy" for thikning deep is that type of venue. apparently the dickhead blowing up on me is some loser small time douche promotor who was offended. WELCOME TO THE REAL WORLD..PEOPLE CAN STATE OPINIONS AND YOU HAVE NO AUTHORITY ON THAT. ESPECIALLY ONLINE!. and look asshole, others agree. So whose wrong here?..i told the owner himself that i didnt like the club that much..and he doesnt give 2 shits..so why do u?...i used to go to krash in astoria back in the day all the time and i loved it...so he didnt mind when i told him deep was stupid....thats why he has 2 totally dif venues....to him its a bussiness..he cant please all, but he knows the people at krash..wont go to deep and visa versa. he has both areas covered..bottom line..YOU of all people have no reason to get all anal..but i guess your jsut a BITCH like that.
  18. AND WHATS WITH B-E-T?!!! that gets me soo annoyed. BLACK ISNT A CULTURE!..ITS A COLOR. AFRICAN = CULTURE HAITIAN = CULTURE ETC ETC. i wouldnt mind an african american telivision. you know, a station aimed for african culture..etc etc. but BET is BLACK entertainment Television. so what does that mean...as long as your skin color is black..this station is for u..regardless of culture or background...u just gotta be BLACK in color? to me thats why racism is still arond(a big part...its not the ONLY reason)...blacks are labeling THEMSELVES. its like..they have BET news..and its the same news as any other station..but its a BLACK newscaster....i dont get it. what if they started W_E_T white entertainment television..would that make sense?..no Culture is culture...thats fine....but there is NOOOO BLACk CULTURE. Black is your color..not your backgroung. If your black from the cariibean..or black from africa..you have 2 different cultures...its like being german and being italian. They should tap into their history and culture more as apose to starting this generic "black culture" maybe im not expressing myself correctly..but does anyone else here know whati mean?.
  19. i agree, if we keep focusing on the past, it will just fuel anger. We need to forgive and forget and move on. I sometimes feel like blacks seperate themselves from whites to feel different. I mean now a days..its more black on white racism..then white on black racism. I think in reality..most educated people hold no labels...i look at someone and i see them..not their skin. But if i see a thug...i see a thug..whether white or black..and my first thoughts are..stupid...violent...ignorant etc..because thats waht i thnk about the whole thug culture as described above. i mean, im sure alot of educated blacks in this country get furious when they see thugs on tv..in the streets etc etc...because THOSE ARENT ALL BLACKS. an dsome people associate all blakcs with THUGS. which is false as we know. People are people. I respect u..and extend my freindship and humanity as long as i receive the same.
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