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Everything posted by trancesun2

  1. most ignorant statement of the year. Because you know what..what if thatas what the terorrists think about us?..we didnt do anythign to them..but they are attackign us..we are doign the same thign to iraq..WHEN THEY HAVE NOTHING TO DO WITH IT.
  2. only those names....and dont be baffled iamsam-check out raveclick... Hint: (I'm @ someone's apartment and im using his CP name to play this little mind game on you <MOO HA HA> ) comon , you know I dont do internet msg boards. There are enough artists WHORING themselves on the net, I just happened to find someone here with a CP account, so i HAD to toss in ONE LITTLE POSSTTTT.
  3. actually no....he is TALKING about that..to get you vote..thats not actually in play...but the tax breaks for the wealthy is ALREADY IN PLAY...damn man,,.,dont just spit out whatever u hear.
  4. I'll be outside the club that night handing out free cds. If you see me..come say hello..because i wont be able to party with you guys...just giving a way free music for you to drive home to. Iamsam - come say hi..i'll explain to you who i am when we meet..lol...(raveclick..hint hint)..lol
  5. its nice to see some educated free thinkers on this board..instead of people who quote G.W. anbd the republicans and put faith into what they say..THEY SAY WHAT YOU WANT TO HEAR..ITS UP TO YOU TO DECIDE IF ITS FOR REAL!..WHICH IN THIS CASE , ITS BS. G.W. = salesman...and he is pitching the sale of a lifetime for hime...u want to buy a dark/low-hope future..>GO VITE FOR THAT MONKEY
  6. get your facts str8. ONLY THE richest 10% in america get tax breaks. Bush is greasing up his fellow millionares with a nice little deal like that..while people who make 40gz a year pay more than people who make 3mil a year. and if you read my post..you would have seen that i never claimed to be a democrat..i said "they are jsut as bad". BUTTTTT bush fucked things up wayy more than we can imagine. So lets give someone else a chance...and not to sound like an ass..but from what ive seen..people who have been arond the world..seem to agree with me..its those who have never left america who seem to think that WE ARE ALWAYS #1 NO MATTER WHAT....put your faith in the republicans and hope all i is well..but sooner or later it will catch up. The world is in a sad state these days..and i hope we can recover from the damage we HAVE DONE TO OURSELVES
  7. i could debate this ALLLL day long. Instead I will just state my opinion. The republicans are nothing but crazy hicks that are bent on world domination. Anyone who could actually support then and beleive their lies needs to open up their eyes. The democrates might not be any better ..because lets be honest..almost all politicians are corrupt. But to beleive that BUSH and his administration is right for this country , is flat out sad and horrible. I cant beleive so many people back him up. He is a MORON. kerry IS NOT any better. But BUSH fucked EVERYTHING up..and the least we can do is give another moron a chance..and not let bush fuck everything up anymore. As a nation , after 9-11 ..the whole world wanted to help us and they were by our side. TWO months later...the whole world hates us and we have no allies but england...THATS A MAJOR FUCK UP...lets not forget bush went into office KNOWING he wanted an exuse to finish his fathers job. We waited months b4 taking action after 911...and what did we do?..NOT GO AFTER THE SAUDIS...-where most of th terrorists were..instead we attacked IRAQ..FOR NO REASON...NO WEAPONS..NO NOTHING...NO IRAQI HAS BEEN PROVEN TO BE INVOLVED ON 911..BUT WE WENT IN THERE..TORE UP THIER HOMES..KILLED THOUSANDS OF INNOCENT..AND CREATED MOE TERRORISTS FOR THE NEXT GENERATION..OUR KIDS WILL BE ATTACKED BY NEW TERRORISTS...look at it this way..you 14...your country gets bombed and attacked every day for no reason..your family killed..GEE WHAT ARE U GONAN DO?..YOUR GOING TO GROW UP AND HATE THE PEOPLE THAT DID THIS!. so many ignorant people out there look at iraq as if its some kind of wasteland of stupid smelly retards..BUT NO..they are people..living..yes..in a poor country..BUT LIVING..and whether they were happy with their govt or not..that has nothing to do with 911. and we shouldnt have gotten involved. WE DID MORE DAMAGE....its horrible. Its like someone going into italy or greece and doing that...if that was the case..we wouldnt think its a good idea..we would think its horrible....bush is no better than hitler. ahh im too tired to write..i just cant beleive so many people dont see the truth. AMERICA is on the downfall..and instead of realizing it..people just keep saying to themselves..WE ARE THE BEST..FUCK EVERYONE ELSE..WE WILL KICK THEIR ASSES.>WE ARE THE BEST CUONTRY..FREEDOM..LA LA..keep saying that..because in the end..we will be studied in highschool..just how they study the fall of the roman empire. USA vs. The rest of the world. and G.W. is the don king of this fight..instigating and using us for his personal gain. (as i look back and review what i just wrote, i realize that there are MANY gramatic/spelling errors..but bottom line, this topic fires me up and i wrote this at superhuman speed trying to spit out all my thoughts at once..but you guys get what i was trying to say)
  8. If tiesto gets rained out like AVB..where is it being redirected?
  9. Roger = THE SHIT BACK IN THE DAY @ CENTRO. Def an amazing artist. Lets all meet up and go..
  10. it moved??..damnnnnnn i havent been there forever. As a straight guy, I LOVE THAT CLUB. great vibe , great people. great music. Alot of clubs can learn a thing or two from krash. The owner of krash is the same owner of deep. Its nice to know that even though he owns a shitty "upscale" losers that wear sunglasses with lots of whores dancing around venue like deep..he still keeps it real with a REAL nightclub. One for money..one for the true.
  11. i just had an orgasm..all those songs named and listed all at once..oh god..i have to go clean up...those really were some of the best times..HANDS DOWN
  12. . Going to have alot of freestyle too i think.
  13. Boy George, Wacko Jacko, Madonna,haha i can never get sick of that shit....anyone else going?
  14. link got deleted PS-i posted the wrong mix..lol..but omg..i heard this last weekend and i totally fell in love with it...when i get the right version ill post it up
  15. Check this sick new remix of Shannons old school Freestyle Hit "Give Me Tonight". Not even out yet till a few months. MmMmm TRIBAL BABY! http://www.ebolacola.net/music/SKOOF.mp3
  16. Check this sick new remix of Shannons old school Freestyle Hit "Give Me Tonight". Not even out yet till a few months. MmMmm TRIBAL BABY! http://www.ebolacola.net/music/SKOOF.mp3
  17. Check this sick new remix of Shannons old school Freestyle Hit "Give Me Tonight". Not out yet. Download Here By Clicking The Link. http://www.ebolacola.net/music/SKOOF.mp3
  18. http://www.ebolacola.net/music/skooflive.mp3 copy link and open it through windoes media player (file-open URL)...after it loads and plays click on save. REALLY NICE SET..i also have some good PVD and Tiesto sets that i will upload on the server soon ENJOY ..much love.
  19. nto really a promo for vudu...a freind of mine is a big fan of thsi dj..figured id post this fleyr up along with the mp3..i dunno..figure they go hand in hand..lol...i dunno..i like this dj alot wish it was an ALL trance event like it was supopsed to.but the club is retarded..but after 1am..its ALL trance..so i guess thats better than nothing..besides thsi guy has been out of state spinnign for a while, godo to see he has a home in nyc for his followers..umm as for the link..try highlighting it..going into windows media player and clicking on file- open URL...then put the URL in there..it shoud play liek that..aftyer its loaded 100% ..u can go to file and save file...much love PS- The last track on the mix is DJ BILLY KALOS' & SKOOF's new track called bitter sweet mourning Vocals by NIKI S. woohooo
  20. check this guy out here, here is a live set..AMAZINGG http://www.ebolacola.net/music/skooflive.mp3
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