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Everything posted by kenl

  1. The Half Pipe. Arriving super early to get max ramp time. D-Tour. Size 9- "I'm Ready" at 5am being dropped to a capacity crowd on the main floor especially when WinX - dont Laugh came right after it. Being excited to find a friends after not seeing them for 6-7 hours, and then swapping stories.
  2. Ministry just played there on Tuesday which I thought was strange.. Its Just another run of the mill long island meat market bar packed with bland LIers... as said above, if your just looking to get wasted and score some girl in tight pants then your all good.
  3. If your refering to a U.S Miliatary draft, that is not most likely not true, I wouldnt get worried just yet. A search of any viable news sources will turn up no results. If this were true it would be front page news, and it would be on every news station. Although the selective service does support the draft being reinstated luckily Congress and The President do not. Defense Secretary Donald Rumsfeld also has opposed the draft on numerous occasions. On October 5, 2004, the House of Representatives voted 402 - 2 to defeat H.R. 163, the bill cited as proof that the Selective Service was preparing to reinstate a military draft. The vote made official what has been a reality since January 7, 2003, when H.R. 163 was introduced despite nearly total opposition in Congress to restoring the draft. Without Congressional support, the draft cannot be reinstated. A similar bill languishes in the Senate. More info - http://www.snopes.com/politics/military/draft.asp
  4. I dont think Drug dealers having to get real jobs is a bad thing.. But its not about legalizing it, but making it a controlled substance available to those who could use it to better deal with the pain and suffering of disease. Its a natural crop that can help people feel better and I think there should be some type of reform for Those people... If it helps someone with Glaucoma or Aids, Anorexia etc... when nothing else does those people shouldnt be criminalized for using it. If the medications doctors are prescribing arent providing the releif that a natural plant does then I think they should be able to have it and use it under a doctors supervision.
  5. The N and the W both go to Queensboro Plaza. Walking from there is fine as long as your not alone.
  6. Tom Stephen sounds interesting. I listen to his Radio Chumbo on XM all the time, been wanting to hear him in a club..
  7. I played a gig in D.C recently that had a similar situation with a huge bouncer walking into the booth midway through my set and requesting that I play some ridiculous song... I refused and told him to play it himself.
  8. Realy crazy story. That club is doomed. Apparently all of the headliners they had booked are dropping like flys.. Official Story: o whom it may concern, This is a formal letter which will help explain, and, act as a warning for any artists, agents, managers, and potential promoters regarding the events that occurred on November 19, 2004. My client, Steve Lawler, was booked and played for Edgar Diaz - a proven promoter in the Guadalajara market - at Space Club on its opening night. At 2.50am Saturday morning November 20, 2004 Steve Lawler, his girlfriend and I were put in an un-compromising situation. A situation occurred between the club staff and the club promoter (Edgar Diaz) regarding another act the club had also booked for the opening night. The agency nor Steve were never told about any such performance by another act which included was a 15-minute gap where the club would play a “techno trance†CD. We found this out only after Steve had begun playing and, thus, were not prepared to interrupt Steve’s set. We also informed the club the other act could go on after Steve had finished and that we could cut his set short to three hours. The club then told us that Steve could either play the “techno trance†CD that supported the other artist’s performance or get off the decks; we decided that Steve would finish his set and leave the club. My client and I were very clear to the club promoter and club staff that once Steve was off the decks, and, had played for almost 2.5 hours, that we were done and were calling it a night. As we walked out of the club and headed to the car, our party (Steve, his girlfriend and I) were surrounded by ten bouncers from the club and three of the acting club owners. Edgar started to talk with one of the owners which quickly turned into an argument and escalated to the point where we thought things could become violent. I immediately put Steve’s girlfriend and records into the car. I then turned around and noticed that the club was not letting Steve out of the circle of bouncers. As I rushed back into the circle, I asked Edgar what he could do to defuse the situation. He said we couldn’t do anything except for telling us go back into the club and start playing again. I then asked what would happen if we didn’t. He said we only had one choice or the club and its staff were going to “take matters in there own hands†that things “were going to get violentâ€. This was more than a basic threat, we reasonably believed that our safety was in jeopardy. The bouncers started to get physical with myself instructing me to not move and told Steve that he had to go inside immediately. We were then forced to walk back into the club escorted by the bouncers and owners. Steve went back on - still surrounded by bouncers – and played for an additional hour then quietly exited. The hostility from the club followed us to the hotel as we knew that the club owners also had our lodging details. This is a warning to anyone that works with these people in the future, as they are not professional. TCA has been in the DJ bookings business for over a decade and has had to deal with many situations that commonly arise in this profession and a few that are not so common. This was far and away one of the most frightening and unprofessional displays by anybody we have ever had to work with. We strongly encourage you to think twice before doing business with Space Club in Guadalajara, Mexico. Joel Zimmerman
  9. http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20041129/ap_on_go_su_co/scotus_medical_marijuana_4 A story on the fight for medical marijuana. The fight rages on today in Supreme Court... Its so funny how there are hundreds of people all over the country who use marijuana everyday to battle the painful effects of many deadly, horrible diseases - from cancer and glaucoma to aids. Yet " The Bush administration argues that Congress has found no accepted medical use of marijuana and needs to be able to eradicate drug trafficking and its social harms." Now if several States have already passed legislation for medical Marijauna and there are hundreds if not thousands of people that can attest to its helpful benefits then how is that possible??? Many of these people have tried dozens of prescription drugs to no avail and the only thing that helped is good ol' ganja... It boggles me that Congress cant find an accepted use but a flip through a report buy the institute of medicine says this: "Marijuana has long been recognized as having medical properties. Indeed its medical use predates recorded history. The earliest written reference is to be found in the fifteenth century B.C., Chinese Pharmacopeia, the Ry-Ya.(7) Between 1840 and 1900, more than 100 articles on the therapeutic use of cannabis were published in medical journals.(Cool The federal government in its 1974 report Marihuana and Health states: The modern phase of therapeutic use of cannabis began about 140 years ago when O'Shaughnessy reported on its effectiveness as an analgesic and anticonvulsant. At about the same time Moreau de Tours described its use in melancholia and other psychiatric illnesses. Those who saw favorable results observed that cannabis produced sleep, enhanced appetite and did not cause physical addiction.(9) The 1975 report of the federal government began its discussion of medical marijuana by stating Cannabis is one of the most ancient healing drugs." The report further noted: One should not, however, summarily dismiss the possibility of therapeutic usefulness simply because the plant is the subject of current sociopolitical controversy."(10) The list of medical uses of cannabis from historical references includes:(11) Anorexia, Asthma, Nausea, Pain, Peptic Ulcer, Alcoholism Glaucoma, Epilepsy, Depression Migraine, Anxiety, Inflammation Hypertension, Insomnia, Cancer Interestingly, relief of many of the symptoms marijuana was used for in these illnesses are many of the same symptoms that have been proven in modern research. This should not be surprising unless we want to assume that all of the experience of thousands of years did not have some factual basis."
  10. Hey people! I'll be spinning on Kind Radio tonight from 9pm to 12am... http://www.kindkidz.com ... Stop by and tune in if you can!
  11. They have been getting a bit pissy at the door lately. I'd try and dress it up a bit... A lot of peeps got denied at Sander Kleinenberg..
  12. I know the address of google...... www.google.com
  13. Its the most handy communication tool when your in a club or large party.. It makes it easy to keep in contact and find your crew.. Im text crazy at parties.
  14. Whats the Music format/Style? Whats the place like?
  15. A man's ethical behaviour should be based effectually on sympathy, education, and social ties and needs; no religious basis is necessary. Man would indeed be in a poor way if he had to be restrained by fear of punishment and hope of reward after death. ~ Albert Einstein "I have recently been examining all the known superstitions of the world, and do not find in our particular superstition [Christianity] one redeeming feature. They are all alike, founded upon fables and mythologies." Thomas Jefferson "Religion . . . comprises a system of wishful illusions together with a disavowal of reality, such as we find in an isolated form nowhere else but in amentia, in a state of blissful hallucinatory confusion." Sigmund Freud "Religion is excellent stuff for keeping common people quiet." -- Napoleon Bonaparte If Christ were here now there is one thing he would not be - a Christian. - Mark Twain Religion is the opiate of the people. ~ Karl Marx and tell your preists that fucking little boys is NOT COOL! Hippy GO HOME!
  16. Christmas Eve at Spirit should be fun... Astral Projection is in the house! .... Check out http://www.tsunami-trance.com
  17. I was home too.. Actually went to bed around 12:00am... Woke up feelin good on Thankgiving Day... Its been awhile!!
  18. There is no content in the events section and the forum buttons dont seem to appear, it also isnt built into the design of the main site. Clicking through the Mix Drink section I found nothing, The reviews section is empty as well and several other sections are without content. The navigation could be a little confusing for an averagage user too. this site needs a lot of work if it wants to step into the arena with the big boys.... I'll stick to rhythmizm and CP for now. With only 10 members there doesnt seem to be a large audience to promote events to either...
  19. Thats absolutely nuts. How can they justify that? They misuse our money and to fix it decide to double tax us? Im sick of all these added charges every month. My plan is supposed to be 49.99 and somehow it gets to almost 80 bucks every month and now they want to add to it? I agree we need to start speaking up. Cool Article. Thanks for the info! Hey Mr Tax MAn! Take This
  20. Sounds like one of those concert experiences you will never forget! Im glad you enjoyed it. Thats cool that they played for so long. I was expecting 2 or 3 songs tops.... agghhh if only I would have had a few more hours notice!
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