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Everything posted by blondboheme

  1. blondboheme


    doing much better spank you!!! going to physical therapy twice a week, i think i can handle just about any position now, as long as i keep my shoes on!
  2. troof is, our best advice is not sufficient because with a marriage there is too much at stake to go with what any of us say! and it's not a black and white situation, there are a lot of gray areas that we know nothing about! hon, u need dr. phil!!!!!!
  3. blondboheme


    don't worry bout a little negativity, it happens, i'm sure you get more than enough positives to make up for it!!!!
  4. shit yer only 30? with all the "old man" talk u had me thinking u were older! damn spragga, ur too young for me!!!!! oh well, happy birthday anyway!!!! btw, i'm leaving for greece sept 7 u bastard!!!!! grrrr sorry i won't be able to show you around
  5. blondboheme


    my cousin got a tattoo in italy when she was 15, it was supposed to be this mythological character called a chimera which is a mix between like a lion and a goat, and she got it done so small it looks more like an amorphous animal cracker! i know she must regret it now- i don't mention it to her, but i can't help but laugh whenever i see that damn animal cracker tattooed on her lower back!
  6. the one thing i agree with from the above advice lecture is that the internet is addictive, but that's not exactly a new phenomenon now is it???? danny i ya babe!!!!! and maybe no one else has noticed, but it seems to me like u've been trying to make changes in your life lately, u (and no one else!) already know about any personal voids you feel inside, and you are taking steps to try to become happier in your life. but it really doesn't matter what people who barely know u think! much respeck brotha!!!
  7. plenty of problems, plenty of therapy!!!
  8. a man who knows how to move to tha beats ... knows how to move to THA BEATS!!!!
  9. blondboheme


    oh shit! this is great! nmn finally exposed! bwahahahahaha! dude u look like my cousin!!! the one that used to try to chase me down and kiss me naughty and nmn, i am convinced u have a multiple personality disorder, but that's cool, i have met lots of great people in mental institutions!!!!!!
  10. yeah i wanna see what scaredgirl looks like! i like her a lot, she's the greatest, i know this based on about 4 posts that i have read of hers and her sig has inspired me to do my hair in tiny braids like that chick scaredgirl
  11. hmmm i'd like to know what jq/jd would do if he fell hard for a blonde and then one day she randomly dyed her hair ... dark brown!!!! ?
  12. my dad used to say that the difference is that alcoholics drink before noon. he would sit at the bar and count down the minutes till the clock struck 12 and then it was !!!!!!!
  13. the first guy i was with i dated for 2 years and i thought i enjoyed sex but it was not until i was with the next guy that i realized what i had been missing out on for 2 damn years! nevah again! now i know exactly what it takes to get me there!
  14. blondboheme


    i don't have any because i don't have an idea that absolutely blows me away for one, but i fuckin love em!!!! my ex had large tats on each of his upper arms, (which were nice and muscular)- one is a pic of his brother's motorcycle (with his brother's name Patrick, who died, under it), the other is a 50's pin-up girl with a box of popcorn and a banner that wraps around her that says "Take your best girl to a movie"- i thought they were really sexy. i loved tracing them with my fingers.
  15. yeah that was some funny shit! ... sitting on the floor in front of the couch, they looked pretty cozy
  16. doesn't matter just as long as it's boars head
  17. i have no idea why, but dead people just don't do anything for me
  18. even if u weren't putting her down, themrs has absolutely nothing to do with the dumbass comments her husband makes, so ya bettah lay the fuck off!!!!!!
  19. if i can get a ride i'll go, i always feel extra ornery on fri the 13th
  20. where'd it go? that was some good shit!!!!!!!
  21. damn i can't say i haven't been on BOTH sides of this situation before, i hooked up with my ex's friend a few years after i disowned one of my own friends for hooking up with a different ex. sometimes i wish i hadn't gotten so mad at my friend when she did it to me tho, because oddly enough now that i think about it, they had much more in common than he and i did! the main thing to consider tho is that you run the risk of losing a friend. is it worth it?
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