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Clubplanet Nightlife Community


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Everything posted by lilbarbiegirl

  1. ok... got 19.... now completely STUCK! ooo.... 22!! 23!! 24!!!!!! 26!!!!!!!!!
  2. i stay the fuck out of jersey because of the smoke half the time.... ick.... good law!
  3. oh come on now.... do i look like a sinner???? LOL.... merry fuck or treat sounds good....
  4. fuck you can be the slogan of the holiday.... kinda like "merry christmas"
  5. ok then.... it is settled! we are going to have a Lucifer Day!! celebrated with ritual parties (full of naked people, of course) that last at LEAST 3 days, consumption of mind-altering substances (whatever floats your boat.... whether it be beer or crack).... oh and lots of other craziness.... and you must SIN at least once every 66 minutes.... now we just gotta set a date.... and call it in to Hallmark....
  6. my question is why did valentine get a whole fucking day?! .... how about st.lucifer's day?? i'm sure EVERYONE would enjoy that more... not only cound you pig out on chocolate... you can sin left and right.... however you see fit... who's in??
  7. all comedians are funny when they are offensive (which is what they used to be).... then the public starts to listen... "he said WHAT?!?!".... then alll we get is shitty films..... thats bullshit!!
  8. you know just because a girl is "hot" doesn't make her a "ho"... ... that's just something ugly people say....
  9. ooo i want some of those... where do you guys download music?
  10. i refuse to even attempt to get my car out of my driveway...
  11. http://www.myspace.com/lilpinki69
  12. dieting is not the same thing as starving... whoever put this diet together for you must not know very much about nutrition...
  13. i just meant ANY Messageboard... not necessarily this perticular one...
  14. lol... i dont listen to anyone... i do find it humorous though, how people tend to bash me on messageboards... usually for no reason... it entertains me!!
  15. i was there once for the opening party... i think it was in september or something like that... they did a nice job with the place... haven't heard anything about it since
  16. how long ago did i say that?!? LOL....
  17. i dont know if its the same guy... but i hes always at the jp parties
  18. i think by the time we got there it was 1:30... there was no room to dance/walk/stand... there was a mob by the coat check since they wanted the people to get into an actual "line"... sooooo not happneing...the music was insane, the crownd was insane... lotta fun... i left after 9am... and this had to be the BEST party i've gone to in a LONG LONG time...
  19. I'm visiting Los Angeles for new years with some friends and am staying for a week... what are the good parties for each day of the week?? also are there any clubs that are under 21?? (the curse of being 20!!) If anyone can help, I'd appreciate it
  20. you know what... you're like the only person on this board who always has something to say, a point to make, be it criticism or comment (i don't think you've ever given any), but it's more than a fucking smiley face or a three-syllable post. Hey, you might be a bit cruel, but u fucking make me laugh... lol yes there is an actual person behind every computer, but when people's feelings are hurt by a post on a messageboard from a screen name, it's far from personal (i think), and if you let that get to you, you need to get a fucking life... and is there really a need to post about all of your daily activities? watermelons? come on!! the wiping ass thread is coming soon, i bet...
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