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Everything posted by chinadoll80

  1. NMN knows already...hes just trolling....and yes, I am in my 2nd year of law school.
  2. It is law -federal law- Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.
  3. Fast: The US DEpt. of Justice and the State of NY Civil Rights Division handle these types of cases all the time. Just recently, there was a night club in VA that purportedly discrminated against blacks and Justice investigated the allegations and brought a suit against the club and the club was fined and made to post a sign up saying that all races are welcome. I personally can't believe this because I am Asian and Crobar has always been welcoming to me but whether its Crobar or anoy other club, restaurant, hotel, or whatever that is open to the public can't discrimnate on the basis of race.
  4. Ur right, if there were 0 inside, it would be black and white so dioscrimination is harder to prove but if they have 10 Asians and 5 blacks and 4,000 whites, then theres something wrong there.
  5. I do too but you can't discriminate against a whole race...it's NYC we're not in Alabama.
  6. Actually only actions dealing with race/national origin are subjected to strict scrutiny by the Courts , sex is not. Sex is subjected to a laesser standard.
  7. Race is a special protected category under the law.
  8. He's the slightly chubby guy on the right.
  9. I never wait in line bitch...me and my friends go wherever we like-Marquee, Cain, Tao - not just the shitty places you can get into.
  10. (1) "Chink" you ignorant racist asshole -gfys (2) Did you even graduate high school? Illegal means against the law. A law can be civil like the Civil Rights Act or it can be criminal like the laws against drug dealing so when I say that Crobar is acting illegally, it was correct. Do you understand now?
  11. To discriminate against a whole race based on past bad experiences with some members of that race is exactly the type of racism that the Civil Rights Act was created to combat. I don't care if it discrimination against black, asians, whites or any other race, it's wrong and Crobar is acting illegally if this rumor is true.
  12. Since the law allows private lawsuits by people who suffered the discrimination, if a discriminated against individual recorded (maybe on a bell phone) what went on with persons of one race being taken off the line no matter what their dress, sex, etc., then the individual can sue in federal court for money.
  13. Yes...Title II of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibits places of public accomodations including nightclubs, hotels, restaurants, gas stations, movie theaters and other places from discrimination on the basis of race, color, religion or national oprigin. This law also authorizes the US Dept. of Justice to sue the owners to prevent future discrimination and it also allows anyone who suferred the discrimination to file a private suit for monetary damages.
  14. It depends on what you like: I would say JP spins more electro while Boris spins tribal.
  15. Wow I can't believe that. I personally have never been denied entry into Crobar and I can understand its wanting to keep these creepy cracked out Chinese out but to deny entry based solely on race is profiling and completely illegal. A place open to the general public cannot deny entry on the basis of of a class of people (race) unless it wants a class action lawsuit against it. I say somebody should record this happening and sent it in to Dateline or the local news channels or the NY State Attorney General's office.
  16. Me too but im going to get major shit from my family for partying on Easter...i guess JP really is the devil lol.
  17. Wow...things are getting heated up in this bitch. Just call me "uneducated" though because I like Boris.
  18. Have a great 18th b-day and many more...rip it sickkkkk!!!
  19. I'm totally fuzzy too... although I was at Boris and then Gypsy Tea (until closing) thus probably furthering my brain damage than if I got into JP party which I heard ended early. Pleasurable things are always unhealthiest for some sick reason.
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