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Everything posted by jenbabe

  1. I meant Pat.. wtf is wrong with me lately hahaha
  2. ...From what I understood from 12/9.. a girl overdosed and therefore EMTs had to be brought in thus the cops and then it got raided. Fuck all of the stupid people that don't know their limit with drugs.
  3. You know, I thought the same thing. I was talking to a few people about this today and we reached a conclusion: I don't even think this party will get raided. Pacha hasn't even been open for six months, normally they wait until the club starts to mature (aka a year).. also, its gonna take a lot for a club like that to get raided.
  4. LMAO fuck you Phil.. I dare you to try to come to my apt. when I get it, I will throw your ass into the street
  5. Exactly. Ironic how "raid season" just passed a few months ago. Thats what I am nervous about now. Yeah the club opens at 8pm.. but we all know what the general thought of the "JP Army" is. Hopefully Pacha which I am sure they will be.. will be very selective in terms of who is allowed in and who isn't. I am not even sure now if its worth going at this point.
  6. MY MOM addressed this to me this morning hahaha.. apparently there was also the use of drugs too that they caught and yes as we know this goes on everywhere.. I told her that, she just looked at me hahaha. Oh boy I think I am going to give her an ulcer when I move to the city.
  7. AH hahahaha.. I love you all. Umm I expect to be seeing you all the 15th because I will be celebrating my college acceptance. Just now all I need to do is find an emergency ID Ughhhh.
  8. Shit. My bad hahahaha. Angel Moraes.. my brain doesn't function so great at this time in the morning. Whoops!
  9. I would think all of you would have the mental capacity to sit back from your "dinner" and digest this. Yeah, Ray is my friend, but even if he wasn't I'd still have to back him up on this one. In this "little circle" of ours that we call family, we've got people who know people who know people etc. etc. How do you think certain tracks leak out and 90% of the public is unaware? For example, I had a certain song which I will not name on here by Angel Morales.. when people thought it was incomplete MONTHS before it came out. When theres a will, there is always a way, just remember that. So before you're 100% sure that the track is incomplete, I would be 99.9% sure, because there is always an uncertainty to everything
  10. Thats some dirty dancing right there.. hope you can handle it.
  11. Rumor has it that he will be spinning here every six weeks, if this is true.. wow.. don't know what is in store for Pacha, yet alone New York City.
  12. Okay boys and girls you can now feel a little better by not saying I am a high school student because I got into Fordham in LC today .. Anyway.. Fordham failed to tell me that on-campus housing there is BACKED UP for five years.. yeah real great. So, I am apt./roomie hunting. I already know the area I would like.. prefably in the 70s and around Broadway.. you can get apts for like 1200 per month + utilities (orig 2100 but with another roomate it would split). Does ANYONE know of anyone that needs an apartment and is prefably a female? I would like to move late July/early August.. Thanks!
  13. I will take the privilege of starting this thread.. one of our CPers is ENGAGED .. we expect front row seats at the wedding and you better have a good house DJ hahaha<3 Congrats Matt.. so happy for you! -Jen
  14. Silver.. I really do not know about Cielo that much.. but that place does 18+ events?? I thought it was 21+.. you can either write me back through here or just give me a PM on what the deal with that place is because I don't have any knowledge on it.. thanks...
  15. Spirit isn't exactly that cheap to rent out.. for big clubs if you wanted the whole thing it can cost you anywhere between 8 and 15g approx.. better off with sticking with smaller venues like Coral Room which you can prob get for 2.5g. Plus how many people are in your class? Then.. you have to think about how many people will go to afterprom and take it from there..
  16. Haha I got rid of mine, myspace has way too many psychos over the internet.. I just use facebook
  17. Crobar is A LOT more stricter with doors than Pacha.. Crobar can spot a fake from a mile away and many of the bouncers don't give a shit if you even flashed them $100 and you're considered good looking.. it is ALL about who you know and what you do in terms of being under 21 there. Same with Pacha.. but I know many friends that have sweet talked their way into there that are under 21.
  18. Hahaha<3 I just have some personal issues I have to take care of and also UGH after that JP event with all the crackheaded-ness.. its time to take a break.. I am still waiting to hear from college and it is driving me up a wall. But yes, a lot of my friends leave for WMC and thats their last weekend so it is up to them on what they want to do.. I am sure though that they will end up going for a portion of the 12 hour set. But even when I do go, I never seem to find any of you!!!!!!
  19. Yeah I'll probably be at this one, see you all there this time maybe hahaha...
  20. Yup.. its all different. Because you're new they'll probably give you a shit deal in all honesty. Take it from someone who just stopped promoting-- I did mainly everything through ticket sales but it took me time where I was able to make a good profit and be respected.. in this little.. "business" its really about how you market yourself and who you know.. actually, its more like who knows you. Good luck though, and yeah as the first poster said, if you feel that you're getting screwed over, just walk away.
  21. Jen.. Jenny.. Jennifer.. Jenbabe.. Je Nbabe.. pick you poison wisely.
  22. Nah, you're just new, so everyone has to break you in.. I went through it, we all go through it. You just have to learn to accept it .
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