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Everything posted by jenbabe

  1. Is it really necessary to post pictures of me on here.. and how did you get that picture?? My birthday is 2/22. Pisces yes.. with aries characteristics as well hahaha. GotMilk-- I actually just go clubbing 1-2 times per month. I help promote a lot so basically when one event is over, I take on another project. The stress is the only thing that gets me nautious, otherwise.. I keep my clubbing nights to a limit on purpose so I do not get sick of them.
  2. Ray.. shut up. You know you love that dirty filthy.. tribal beat. You little tribal whore. And JohnPaul-- hope you had a good New Years, been a little while since I have seen you last. Next time I'll be out is probably @ Roxy on the 19th of Feb. Hope everything is well..
  3. Haha I'll say thank you again here as well.
  4. No, I don't drink actually.. I am really into fitness (Ray/Dubs/Eco.. you know the deal). But I do not understand what that has to do with this thread..?
  5. If anyone knows the exact name of this song or can help out somehow it would be appreciated greatly.. The chorus is this man with a deep voice saying, "how many keys on this keychain".. or something like that. Its REALLY deep deep tribal style. I'd figure the name would be "How Many Keys," but I am pretty sure thats wrong. Anyone know anything? Thank you!! -Jen
  6. If anyone knows the exact name of this song or can help out somehow it would be appreciated greatly.. The chorus is this man with a deep voice saying, "how many keys on this keychain".. or something like that. Its REALLY deep deep tribal style. I'd figure the name would be "How Many Keys," but I am pretty sure thats wrong. Anyone know anything? Thank you!! -Jen
  7. Yup, I learned the hard way.. but at least I learned. And I guess you can say I am a little wise beyond my years
  8. You know whats funny.. my ex couldn't deal at all with me going. The people that we were more friends with and in our area went to more of lounges like Glo/Select/Duvet/Ruby Falls and the list goes on. I used to love that stuff all the time but you know what.. it gets pretty boring sitting at a table drinking Hypnotiq straight up-- which tastes like a wine cooler, can be bought for $40 dollars regularly so you're not baller status if you get it, and might I add it is supposed to be MIXED with something, not to be drinked straight up. I also just got annoyed with sitting at a damn table and constantly hearing the gossip and bullshit that people had coming out of their mouths. And for the record-- the dancing-- JESUS, not many people know how to dance, and if they did, having dry sex on the dance floor doesn't mean your talented, it just means you have to get a room. I really started getting into the more major nightclubs aka Crobar/Avalon/Spirit/Roxy and all of the others in the beginning over the summer. What a 360. At first it slightly weirded me out but I took a great appreciation to house music and I think the vibe and the feeling is unbelievable. I also like how it is diverse and contray to what ignorant people aka my ex believe, there are plenty of clean-cut, "normal" people that go such as you and I. Anyway.. when I started promoting and doing guestlists and what not for these places, my ex FLIPPED out. I invited him to even go when we were together but he was just like "Its not my scene," and "Jen, how could you result yourself to trash like this with these type of people, these aren't OUR people." On top of everything, he couldn't dance for shit- which is a huge turn off for me (my fellow CPers that have seen me on the floor understand). There were more major problems that lead to our breakup.. but this.. I thought was just a mockery of words. How can one make an observation on something they never experienced? And then tell me I am bringing my own self-worth down? In this case, the club won.. he is more loyal of a partner anyway to me and will never let me down in terms of entertainment. I think that this scene is like an art and if someone can't or won't take the time to understand it.. screw them.
  9. I heard a lot of mixed reviews about Roseland. A lot of people I know are diehard JP fans and they said they had the best time of their lives. Most went from about 8am until closing time.. and many of you said on here that the music got good around 9am so I am guessing thats why they were so happy. JP is one of those DJs where you just love him or hate him.. there is really no in between. I really wish I could have gone just for the experience-- its not every day that a 24 or well in this case 23 hour party comes around. I will though def. be going to Roxy on Feb. 19th especially to celebrate my birthday (2/22) and I am sure that JP will do somewhat decent through the night considering its his birthday and I hear he does very well on his bday party nights. I will actually have tickets for this event next week I think.. considering they are going to sell like wild fire and I hope I can finally meet more of you than just the 4 or 5 of you I know on this board and you can celebrate with me. To all of you who went to Roseland and had a good time: Wish I could have been there with you. To everyone otherwise: I hope you had a great New Year. I don't think I will be going out this month for clubbing-- I am not 100% thrilled with Jan.'s line-up.. I would go to Ojeda but I need to relax this weekend, and AVB ehh he's a little too trancy for me. See you all soon hopefully! -Jen
  10. As in seeing my friends and just sitting down and relaxing with my boy.
  11. I was there since 10:30 because I had to help with guestlists and what not.. and then after around 11:30, everything was all said and done and I was free to party inside. The vibe was just a little weird to me in terms of the crowd, people were already mangled and rolling their faces off at this point. Some of the crowd was really sincere and really knew how to dance, but upstairs and in a few other areas.. people were mainly sitting down just bopping their heads as they were out of their minds lol, and lacked rhythem. That place was a crack den from the start. I must agree that it seems no matter how many people you have in Spirit, it never seems to get that overpacked. Nothing beats a phazon system as well-- I just didn't 100% enjoy DT's set. I thought there would be a lot more deep tribal and that techno set ehhh, I am really not into that. He did drop some bombs, along with some weird tracks too in my opinion. Overall because of other things in my evening, I still had a good time.. but I'll bank on saying that DT will do a much better job spinning at Show on Sunday.
  12. Also, if anyone didn't get tickets and needs to be put on a guestlist, private message me!
  13. He will be coming around 2 probably.
  14. I'll be at Spirit and it will be really hard to miss me. Just look for pink.. or well fuscia in this case.
  15. If anyone needs advanced tickets for DT @ Spirit this Friday, let me know .
  16. We gotta get him the fuck out of the 914 and kidnap him lol.
  17. You owe me for reminding you Ray lol.
  18. Yup!!! They're our friends.. yo Marcello, he might roll through for DT on the 23rd so you better get your ass in gear and go as well!
  19. I can't wait to hear DT.. and of course I am looking forward to seeing some of you there as well
  20. I have advanced tickets also, if you need or have any questions feel free to PM me
  21. You asshole, I wasn't even there. I would NEVER get involved with Friday night, it was pretty obvious this was going to happen. And as for tomorrow fuck that, I've already seen the place and the same thing will happen again. Crobar it is.
  22. Hahahaha wow thats sad.. I am sure you'll see me. Just look for the girl thats covered up and dressed up (I am coming from this fashion show thing I am doing and this lounge that I am doing earlier).. so you won't miss me hahaha.
  23. Yeah I think I will be at this one too. Its pretty weird that I have never heard Boris live actually even though I have promoted for so many of his events. I don't know if I'll be able to deal with his tribal beats for more than 5 hours but we'll see.
  24. That was cute. How old are you again..? 28, am I not right? Well, first off that joke is pretty old, second.. how about you try to act your age. Funny how I have a higher maturity capacity than someone about ten years older than me. I am done though. But yes, its just that Vi is very interesting to watch, sober or not. Vi is just one of those people you hate to love or love to hate, really no in between.
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