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Everything posted by kayluhb

  1. aww I posted them. I picked Indy to win. Anyway, I'll be around more now to start more baseball threads.
  2. I've always admired how dgmodel seems to stay out of drama threads. It's funny. deepspell, funny picture. I mean, a distorted picture of Superman shadow boxing(?) the word ignorance. Funny stuff. btw, I assume you're calling me ignorant. Why? I get that alot from minorities while I'm making fun of them using nothing but factual information. What am I being ignorant to?
  3. Was it really all that blatAnt? Especially, considering I actually DID get negative rep points, you dumb fucking NGR
  4. Guys, guys, guys. Apparently I've left you all disillusioned and under the impression that I actually care about negative 'rep points,' whatever the hell those may be...
  5. Listen, you filthy frogfuck, those aren't standard abbreviations or anything. I used to use that shit back on the Jersey board. Obviously, you or one of your board friends picked it up and are now using it here. I could link you at some old threads, perhaps?
  6. I'm curious, wheredid you pick up 'idgi' and 'fgt'??? Because, wow, you are completely jocking my fucking e lingo
  7. What is the one cheer fans will no longer do at Malaysian football games? THE WAVE
  8. What did the photographer say when about to photograph a group of tourists in Indonesia? 'WAVE!'
  9. bxb, I consider myself to be reasonable and a man of objectivity. So, I'll concede in one area: Maybe 'waiting 4 days' to officially make an announcement wasn't the best idea. But, so what? Does it really deserve to be brought up again and again? Our government is helping. U.S. corporations and private establishments alike are contributing to the relief effort. The bashing isn't going to help. I haven't a scintilla of doubt our president will do everything in his power to help the people in that region.
  10. Ok, one more and I'm finished: What did the photographer say when about to photograph a group of tourists in Sri Lanka? 'WAVE!'
  11. See, I think what happened was that nobody gave a shit the first time. Thus, nobody responded. But in the future, maybe you want to put big spotlights next to your posts. You know, like the ones they use at big clubs. Maybe that'll work.
  12. btw, has anyone else tried reading this shit? This silly fucking prattle just gave me a light headache. What the fuck is he talking about? wow, just read that last paragragh. He goes from pimp juice to Jesus smiling. what in the
  13. Listen, you benighted piece of shit...These words cannot be typed fast enough: Bill Cosby is a black-on-black racist. Would a white man be able to say the exact same things and be as well received by Black audiences? That should be the listmus test for all so-called black critics. If the criticism is not something they would accept from a white person, then blacks shouldn't accept it from a black one. Bill Cosby is expressing his own self-hate, and in doing so, getting a free pass because of his skin color. Anyway, I don't really care. I'm out like your fat ass in dodgeball.
  14. wow, the more I read that response the more I want to fucking kill you. What the fuck does al Qaeda have to do with this? They 'set up shop in Malaysia?' ok, and? Should we send forces to drive them out? What does our aid have to do with al Qaeda? wow
  15. Another thing, the 'scope of devastation' was obviously not fucking apparent, you choade chomping, cum canoodling cylinder. Considering that when the news first broke the reports were of 4 thousand deaths. What is it up to now?? 150,000? Anyway, enough of this, I'm out like your fat ass in dodgeball.
  16. Let me digress here for a minute... I think it's equally funny how there's an outcry when America steps in to mediate in certain conflicts, only to be told to 'butt out,' or 'mind your own business, and stop trying to police the world.' But when there's a crisis, it's: 'C'MON USA STEP IN AND GIVE US MONEY! 35 MILLION?!?!?!? CMON YOU CAN DO BETTER THAN THAT!' In other words: 'Hey, we'll gladly take your money, but otherwise, stay out of our fucking business!'
  17. j, the amount that will be needed will be exceedingly into the billions. America cannot make that type of commitment. Also, there wasn't one single person who decided to announce a precise figure....But rather, this is how situations like this have been handled in the past. All contributing nations initially announced precise aid amounts. No country offered a blank check. C'mon, that's just unrealistic.
  18. Another thing: These aid packages still have to go through our Congresses for approval. Some of you may think Bush has a blank check or someshit. Not true.
  19. Are you fucking kidding me? Do us all a favor: In the future, before going off on silly tangents with your silly prattle; do alittle research. First of all, on Sunday when this whole stoy first broke, it was reported that there were about 4 or 5 thousand dead. The enormity of it all had not yet hit. Nobody knew just how big this would get. Americas initial aid offer was small, but upped after more deaths were reported. As the situation escalated the aid was upped. This is how most nations around the world did it too. In the meantime, ships and planes filled with food and supplies were being being sent over. What did you want? For Bush to come out the first day and pledge a jabillion dollars? Japan is now giving 500 million. But their offer started out alot smaller. Obviously, after we saw the impact of the situation, our efforts were scaled up. I predict they'll go even higher. Your suggestion that Bush upped the U.S. offer because of the 'bad press' is so fucking stupid. This parallegism that you've created is even more so. 'Georgie boy,' as you call him, doesn't have to answer shit. America's response has been nothing less than appropriate. Oh, btw, I really do think its funny how, no matter what the situation might be, people like you will find ways to bring up the war in Iraq. We're engaged in what might be the largest relief effort in the history of the world, and all you can do is criticize your president every chance you get. You make me sick.
  20. Colin Powell on Meet the Press this morning: I might add two other points, if I may, Tim. One: Our Defense Department is spending a great deal of money, which doesn't count as part of the $350 million, to put our assets in the region and to fly our helicopters and other aircraft and ships to assist with this. And the other thing that's so exciting is the response from the private sector of America. I mean, companies are matching the contributions of employees. I know that you're doing things right here at your network, so many other networks. Amazon.com is allowing you to one-click a contribution to the American Red Cross. So tens and tens of millions of dollars are being raised within the private community, which suggests the nature of our society, the compassion that we have for people in need.
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