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Everything posted by kayluhb

  1. nobody wanted Sheffield who finished 2nd in the MVP voting and played his ass off. Remember Pettite? There was a fucking outcry when we wouldn't overpay him. Where are all those people who were bitching? Did you see what he did last year?
  2. No not even close. I'm skinny and I haven't lifted since back in 'Nam.
  3. I would absolutely take Posada over Varitek. I'm pretty sure he's an All Star. Should I mention Manny? Placed on waiverslast year. Ring a bell? Nobody picked him up. Remember? Giambi...nuff said? He was fucking awesome his first two years. That money we gave him was justified. Who new he would go off and do roids and fuck himself up like that? If AROD performs then why are you even bringing him up in your list of bad contracts? You're giving Clement 9 fucking million per. Competition there? You gave Wells six million a year? A fatshit with a drinking problem and a bad back. And he's your number 2. btw, we told him to piss off when he called. We already have a #5. Brown, I agree, horrible.
  4. I agree 1 gajillion % with that.
  5. hi, you want me to moon you.
  6. Exactly, you bought at the right time. And how would someone know when 'the right time to buy' was? They'd have to be alittle more astute than the rest. Knowing when to buy at the right time is very important. It's not just luck.
  7. What team has gained THAT much value over the same period of time? 10 million to 1 billion. But, you're right, every team has appreciated in value since then. But, no team can say that they are bigger than the Yankees. Why is that? Oh, and now I understand why you know so much about the inner workings of the Yankees. But I can't stand talking the finances of sports teams.
  8. Let's talk about Varitek's contract and how nobody even came close tooffering what the Sox gave him.
  9. Wasn't it just a few months ago that the season ended? Wasn't he pitching like the same RJ that he's always been? What has changed? Are we to believe that, all of a sudden, this is the year for him to break down? Couldn't Schilling break down just as easily? Aren't they rather close in age? This is so stupid. I'll bring this thread up when RJ wins the Cy Young for 0192388439th time. It's only a two year deal, people. How long did Nolan Ryan pitch? Also, manjanbbau, don't fucking talk about bad contracts. HELLO KRIS BENSON? RING A BELL, ANYONE? Your fucking Mets inflated the fucking market by overpaying for that fuck. 'WOW A .500 RECORD AND AN ERA HOVERING AROUND 5.00.' LETS GIVE HIM A RECORD DEAL! SPLENDID!
  10. Why does everyone begin their response with 'yo'? You must all be minorities.
  11. I change it because either I forget the password or I forget the email address I signed up with, and I 'cannot confirm email' Ãlso, gotta love the people who always come into a 'drama' thread and start posting jokes and shit. Like, it's their duty to change the make-up of the thread.
  12. Just because the Yankees aren't going after Beltran doesn't mean that they can't afford him. Maybe the Yanks just don't want him for that kind of money? Maybe they look at Guererro's contract and see a much better player making alot less money? Or maybe they reached a limit to which they do not want to pass. That doesn't mean they can't afford him. Maybe they believe they can win with the team they currently have. The Yankees don't play by the rules, they make them.
  13. QUICK! everyone post more smileys. 'He saidwe laugh too much' Well, we'll just post even more of them! WE'LL SHOW HIM!
  14. Typical pshycobabble bullshit response. I call you names because of your jejune personalities. Not because I'm trying to make myself feel better. This is entertaining to me. I like this shit. So, you're just feeding right into me.
  15. Some of you talk like you're accountants. There is alot of financial info that is not made public. How could an outsider like one of us actually talk about their financials when we are not privy to all the inside info?
  16. Yeah, 'Ol Georgie boy isn't exactly what I would call business savvy. I mean, just look at how he bought the Yankees for 10 million and now the team is only worth about 1 billion. What the hell is he doing? Doesn't he know how to make smart business decisions? He's driving that team straight into the ground!
  17. Just in case you were worried nobody was going to respond to your shitty fucking thread, I will. I'm going to give you a pass on that little illustration, which I'm sure you thought would somehow garner laughing smileys, because I know you don't have even a scintilla of a sense of humor. I know that the majority of the people who post here aren't interesting at all, but shit, man, you are one of the worst. It seems you're the one that nobody pays attention.
  18. I think it's sweet how this messageboard community has come together to console each other. I've never seen a group of people laugh so much at each other's jokes. Seriously, do you think you're that funny? I swear you people can't go one fucking post without replying with that laughing 'smiley' You're not that funny. I think that some of you feel obligated to 'laugh smiley' someone so they feel good about themselves orsomeshit. Like, you're just doing it to be polite.
  19. I had this 4 paragraph long diatribe ready to unleash on all. Fortunately for you, my computer has AIDS and it crashed. So, I lost it all.
  20. Maybe if I work hard, and post enough, I too, can snag myself an e-buddy?
  21. Thanks,dude. In case you wee wondering, this isn't 1991. 'The internet is the wave of the future' was being said back then. This is the future. But what the hell does that have to with meeting people on messageboards?
  22. I bet it first started with alittle friendly banter in the forums. Which then led to a few PM's here and there. Untill it finally escalated onto AIM. Where you exchanged phone numbers to discuss the possibility of meeting up in the city. Am I right?
  23. No, it's just plain pathetic. I guess some social misfits need a website for dating and friendship.
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