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Everything posted by mtmartin

  1. \\\ you mean it's become commercialized it has definitely not become more popular...if anything people are hardly going out compared to the circus nitelife nyc was in the past
  2. well now we are going what the definition of "live" is. once you have narrowed down your tracks, you got permission to use the music that you are going to record then record your mix....that is "live" it's a given that it will go through mastering, the clicks and pops will be cleaned up and the levels maximized the original was kept exactly in the same order and was kept exactly how you recorded it. that is very diffeerent from say.... a mix that is thrown into protools and has effects thrown on top, accapellas thrown on top AFTER THE FACT. that is not "live" and is bs.
  3. some valid points, guess it's time to change that
  4. on the contrary, this is happening more than ever because everyone is making music at home and sharing trakcs their friends made.
  5. read the whole post, this was addressed already. at this point we aren't talking about your everyday post-production process and getting it ready for mass production nor are we addressing practicing a mix and excluding tracks and narrowing down what will/can be licensed or cleared from artists. we are addressing the fact that mixes are outrightly edited and tweeked to the point where the djs' talents are no longer true to what the marketing of said product states.
  6. many of them are yes. not all of them are edited. i'm in an eniviroment listening to mixes and productions all day...there a number of djs out there that get it right the first time or at least more often than not. labels are tryng to present a product to you in the best way possible (so the good will is there) it just gets funny when the marketing department gets involved and want to sell you something and they do it any and every way they know how.
  7. in ktu's case this is not true (not all the time at least) junior's mixes were pre-recorded but not edited cuz some of those mixes were a mess!
  8. technology will always add to the music sure, but it veres off in a negative direction when you present something which is not completely true, like saying the mix is recorded "live"
  9. no offense.... but i said "if you're hot i'll respond" remember?
  10. what are you trying to do, get your lil' brother laid, lol? i don't see his avatar and if you refer me to somewhere else to see it you are wrongly assuming that i really care to see it. carry on.
  11. you first, if you're hot i'll respond but i know you won't so i'll consider this conversation over.
  12. honey that's what everyone is arguing about....how it takes away from the truly live aspect of it all. many rock bands use protools to mix on or to try diffrent arrangements of songs but after the album is done you don't see them going back because the lead guiterist fucked up his part. that is why you record diff. intruments on diff. channels and mix everything together. so if the guitar is fucked up the guitarist is going to have to re-record unitl he get it right! practice makes perfect!!
  13. If you are not familiar with willie ninja is it for you to attend!!
  14. lord knows that i don't care for the those circles much either i've been kicked enough times walking by trying to get to the ladies room but i'm not promoting circles what i'm calling your attention to is the lack of dancing in nitelife and how nitelife is an eco-system (if you will) in uts own right. Things must support eachother if it is to survive.
  15. you answered your own question....once something is in protools, logic, DP you can make micro volumes adjusments with automation, fade chunks of audio together and make it sound like a "dj" mix. if you know how to do it, it's quite simple. how do you think all these mash-ups are done? you are mixing on screen
  16. I respect trance. I went thru my trance period in the early 90s when it didn't sound like what it sounds like today, it was alot more ambient and etheral. BUt i will say that trance today has some of the best production out there..think about it.. it's very difficult to make a trance record that progresses and has a great melody if you don't know alot of programming and abit more music than your usual joe schmo producer doing other genres. so respect and give credit where it's due.
  17. Don't me wrong....they are not ALL fakes but computers are used to enhance something that didn't come out so good. Why should I re-do the whole mix if only two mixes came out fucked-up I have this technology right here that will let me fix the problem in minutes.... So it comes down to ethics and opinions....i would call it dishonest while you might call it convenience.
  18. OLD DISCO cut title... Anyways.... What happended to the dancers? Dance culture? is dance culture dead? Has it affected dance music itself and the production of dance music? are djs themselves killings off the healthy dancer culture that once existed in nyc nitelife? Asked myself this question last night and wondered ...WHAT happened to all the dancers!!!!???? There was a time when you could not go to a club in nyc and NOT see a dance circle. Yes, the kids from 5 boroughs coming with baby powder, backpacks with extra clothes and busting out the moves in their chinese slippers they've been practicing all week ... looking back on it it seems impossible but YES, they co-existed with the club kid freaks, the gay crowd vogueing and doing runway shows in the corner, the business men hanging by the bar picking up drag-queens, the art crowd, and a thug here and there for good measure. The music being produced for and being played at the clubs was at a slower tempo (in general) than what we are hearing today. The music being produced at the present doesn't really have any live (acoustic) traits and is produced at 129-140bpm (for the most part) all you see people doing in clubs nowadays is people doing a two-step schuffle... back and forth, left to right, a spin here and twirl there, bobbing their heads to music that sometiimes is being played so fast that they couldn't move to the music even if they wanted to. When house was fresh out the box it was usually 120-127 bpm THERE WAS ROOM BETWEEN THE BEATS TO ACTUALLY BE ABLE TO PERFORM A DANCE MOVE....not a complaint but an observation.... You don't see any dance circles anymore do you? Could djs (I'll respect their opinions and won't shout them out) that ask crowds not to start dance circles on their dancefloors be killing the scene that they themselves should be helping to nurture? To get a better inclination of might happen in the future you might want to refer to the past to understand what was done right, what was done wrong, how to do it right NOW. Oh another thing we need to re-instate 18 & over at the clubs. WE VAMPIRE NEED YOUNG BLOOD TO KEEP THINGS FRESH!!! yes, alot of them are immature oggling idiots but we need more apples in the basket to get a better pick! IMHO 21&over is stale... we need to expose the younger crowds to what house and it's gospel is about. if we don't it will die in due time as we get older and new genrations don't support the old school values, the music, the culture. Now be nice, and don't blindly point and shoot ... discuss like the good HOUSE children that i know you are.
  19. I beg to differ. Nowadays all these compiliations are edited and spiced up with editing programs. The top djs that are putting out these "perfect" mixes are dumping the recorded set into a editing program and fixing their fuck-ups, switching track order, adding acapellas, do volumes fades and raises, adding effects, editing the tracks themselves ALL AFTER THE SET WAS INITIALLY RECORDED. On the contrary, it is hard to find a mixed compiliation that is put out by reputable company or label (i.e., GU comps) that is NOT edited after the fact. What's the big deal? well it depends how you feel about it, some feel like that is cheating the consumer, some feel it's ok because they are just interested in the end result. A person like me feels cheated cuz i know these djs aren't as smooth as they present themselves to be. The same goes for bedroom djs that prepare a set for weeks before recording it. In the end you are just cheating yourselves because you are not working with the elements that are present at the moment. There is a big difference between playing in a club and playing @ home or in a tranquil enviroment. At home there less distractions, less noise, drunk/high people aren't annoying you it's just alot less hectic. As a dj you try to make your situation as "real" as possible. Try to record your set in one take. If you mess up try a different order to the tracks or throw in something you weren't thinking of using. I bet this will keep you interested, it'll sharpen your track selection skills, as well as keeping it spontaneous. When you practice the same mix over and over with the same tracks you are only going to get bored. Ableton Live is a great program and sasha uses it wisely but I know for a fact that alot of "big" djs edit their compiliation mixes and present it to you as if it done perfectly the 1st time......NOT! It's an ethical issue. Some see nothing wrong it, some do. But when i pay $18.99 for a cd, personally I want to know it's the real deal.
  20. my opinion was a lil' short sighted because i forgot to consider how violant hip-hop has become NOT that it never procured a knucklehead attitude in the clubs in the past.. but it's just out of control these days. now more than ever it's blatantly about being "gangsta" way back when hip-hop was a bit party oriented and it still created a turbulent enviroment. what i am saying is djs need to consider playing other genres in the same night as mainly house nights. i think it will only educate the crowds, people will appreciate the dance stuff more when it does come on and it'll make things a bit more "fun" remeber, most peeps are running around nervous not knowing where house is going and things do run in cycles so why look to what was good in the past & tweek it and make it current. very important though:::::: THERE IS A BIG DIFFERENCE IN ONE DJ DOING THIS AND HAVING DIFFERENT DJS PLAY THEIR "SPECIALIZED" GENRE. We need to get back to having 1 or 2 DJS in a night !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  21. if you used coat check how did the sweater end up in your hands to put behind the speakers? i love mysteries!
  22. i bet your favorite LTDJ sucks! mine is better he can hit the return button faster than anyone else in the world! he doesn't even use cuepoints and doesn't carry around a memory card! compete with that!
  23. Carmine my boy.... trust, this chic is no hip-hop fan BUT things runs cycles.
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