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Everything posted by greenie

  1. Another option for Tuesday is Studio 54. Not quite the in-demand scene that is Pure Tuesdays, but DJ P typically puts down a better set than anyone in town and you won't have to deal with the madness that is the door at Pure.
  2. Sweet. Detn8tor -- great stuff that you've been doing with Ice lately, really like the lineups you're helping to bring in there.
  3. Guys -- no offense, but there are a ton of threads already here from people asking the exact same things... many of which have been answered within the past week. Scroll through the posts and you'll get just about everything answered.
  4. A club will always keep at least a small stash left over for door sales -- however if pre-sales are strong, then you might be looking at paying a much, much higher cost to go. Note also that many venues will sell more tickets than their actual capacity. They know some folks will show up late, others will leave early, and they'll just line people up once it's packed inside. I'd say if you think there's an 80% chance or greater that you're going to go, then buy the tickets in advance. If it's a big night then at the very least it should allow you to skip the line of all the people that haven't bought ahead of time.
  5. Not only des Rain do their thang, but quite a lot of people who go there have a great time. And that's all that matters. WE may not rate it as much, but so long as a club in town -- ANY club -- does good business and leaves the majority of its customers happy, that's only going to help the local industry. And personally I don't want Rain or any other clubs in its class/category to go anywhere. A huge reason that clubs like OPM, Tao, BE etc are revered as being among the best in the country is because of the crowd inside: a significant number of people who do what they gotta do to get in and appreciate just how special these venues really are. I don't mean this to sound elitist, but if the crowds in these clubs became dominated by the average 20-30-something Vegas tourist, they just wouldn't be the same. This isn't to say that "average" people shouldn't go to or be allowed in to the top clubs -- I've taken countless people with little to no clubbing history to many of my favorites in town and they've had the time of their lives. The key factor is making sure these people know what they're getting into ahead of time, and not forcing it on them. Thankfully, enough of us on this board are passionate enough to do just that.
  6. No doubt. Of course, being MDW every place is going to be stuffed to the gills. As for Tiesto over at Empire, Faarsheed is booked to open for him and they're listing that the doors open at midnight instead of 3am. Looks like anyone heading to any other club that night that also wants to hit Empire will have some sort of overlap.
  7. Rehab is more of an afternoon thing, but definitely it's worth dragging yourself out of bed. Many would argue it's a reason for making an earlier evening out of Saturday. And just as many would argue it's the reason to not stop the Saturday party and risk the hangover. If your boys get bent out of shape by the idea of paying cover to a pool party (unless you're staying at the HR) just point them to these photos from opening day last year. http://vegas.napkinnights.com/pics/view_album.php?id=1533&f=d_2005-05-01
  8. True, true, true. I doubt they'd go with the same music in all three rooms, especially because I'd bet a third (if not more) of the people lining up that night won't know who Deep Dish are. I'm sure the rock/mash/etc room at the very least would stay with that format or go with even more hip-hop. But yeah, crammed in shoulder-to-shoulder for a set by DD would be pretty disappointing.
  9. Respectfully disagree with ******'s recommendation for Saturday night, only because it doesn't sound like you guys are heavy into the afterhours (3-10am) scene. My recommendation for your group would be to spend Saturday at Tao, Jet or Body English. Tao will give you the most unique experience in terms of atmosphere, decor and layout; Jet will give you three different rooms to groove in; BE will put you in the center of the party with the best chance to hook up. You'll have an incredible time at all three, they'll be packed solid and rocking hard past 4AM. Pick one of those spots for Saturday, then plan on dropping the coin to get a table (and use an independent VIP host, it's worth it). Some debate the value of getting a table but in my opinion it's the best way to go big. Once you've got your Saturday plan laid out, then go to the other two joints (and/or any of the places listed earlier in this thread) on Thursday/Friday nights and have a blast... and whenever you meet some cool ladies, invite them to join you at your table on Saturday. If for some reason you don't find any ladies in advance, don't be afraid to work the back half of the line or nearby lounges on Saturday night. For Sunday, if you're not flying out until 5:00 or later, definitely get your ass out of bed by 11am and head over to Rehab.
  10. Well-known group of promoters from SoCal and the pictures are a pretty accurate representation of the crowd they draw. I've been to four of their special events in the past year or so (three in Vegas, one in Denver) and they're always a ripping great time. Most recent Rubber event for me was the NYE afterhours at HOB and it was outstanding.
  11. I was on a list last weekend, got there right around 4 and only had to wait behind two small groups of pushy people trying to talk their way in. As for the public line, it looked like they were managing it well and getting people in the joint fast enough. I've seen longer lines there before, for really big names, so the question is really what night you're going... but so long as you're on a list, I wouldn't worry about having to wait too long.
  12. Good night at Empire last Saturday. Faarsheed tore it up strong... for four hours, anyway. The ballroom crowd died pretty died pretty quickly after 8am, and within an hour everyone left (maybe 10 of us?) were ushered out onto the patio. Only poked my head into the gallery early in the night, before Faarsheed went on, so didn't get to check out DJ P. Took one break from the ballroom to check out the patio just as the sun was up, they had a live conga drummer and sax player working with whomever was on the tables. Certainly seems to me that Empire keeps getting stronger and stronger every time I go, when I arrived just about 4 the line was down the side and around the corner of the building and the only area that wasn't packed was the balcony. And man, that sound system in the ballroom is just insane.
  13. Dare I dream, but I somehow can't imagine that they'd put Deep Dish into the side house room. Would be great to hear them in the main room at Jet.
  14. I was at the Boris gig over Halloween weekend and yeah, he really killed it. Kept the crowd going strong very, very late in the evening/morning. Was so strong that I was surprised he hasn't been booked since.
  15. Will this really be in the main room at Tao? If so, outstanding. If only in the lounge, still glad to see a great option for house on Tuesdays that doesn't involve dealing with Pure.
  16. This was a really a great night at Teatro, unfortunate circumstances but at least the staff was in great spirits and the locals really turned out. This was the IDEAL pre-party spot for me prior to Empire on Saturday, great tunes spun by Digital Boy (really great scratching/FX improv) and Sien Pileggi (sick tracks that the crowd ate up), the sexiest go-go dancers (or whatever you choose to call them) in town, and about the best crowd you could ask for. Not to mention the drinks were bloody damn powerful. Really killer time. Was there from a little after 1 until just about 4, and was a bit bummed that I had to take off and meet people at Empire... especially as although Empire was packed by the time Faarsheed took the stage, the party was not quite yet rocking the way it was at Teatro. (Empire did get to that point eventually) All this said, I'm sorry to see Teatro go. Doesn't seem to make much sense to have closed it down, a place the size of MGM Grand without a dedicated afterhours spot. Given the corporate approach, you'd think it would be a natural promotion to push all the folks leaving 54 and Tabu to head over to Teatro... or special events following fights and concerts. Gotta wonder what Light or Pure would have been able to do if they were given the reigns to promote the place. Oh, there is one gripe about the night: they were charging at the door. Or charging for out-of-town guys, as I didn't see them ask the two ladies in front of me for money. Or at least, trying to charge me $20. When I mentioned that I my name was put on the list and dropped that name, they gave me the whole routine of "there is no list tonight" and "who did you say put you on a list" and "what does he look like?" Gimme a fucking break. Fortunately I've been around this block enough to deal with it without getting frustrated. But still, it pisses me off when door staff throws attitude attitude at people who are legitimately on a list.
  17. Here's the reggaeton/latin-hip-hop nights that I'm aware of... Wednesdays - OPM pretty big reggaeton/latin night Thursdays - Club Rio Fridays - Diego in the MGM Grand just started a big reggaeton late night. I think last Friday was their first one. Saturdays - Spoke with a couple of latinas at the pool last Saturday, they told me they were heading to some off-strip joint for a big weekly reggaeton party. I can't remember the name -- it was something very 70s sounding, a la "Rascals" or "Scooters" or something -- but I remember they said it's on Decatur. Go forth and Google. Sundays - Empire for "Latin Empire"
  18. greenie


    True, true. OPM's dress code has gotten strict these days. I mean, when Herb sports his fly-ass suit and still can't make it through the door, you know business is booming.
  19. Sorry to hear the Gravitron is closing. Always enjoyed stopping in there for a few drinks. I'm staying at MGM Grand this weekend, I'll definitely stop by on Saturday night as part of my warm-up for Empire.
  20. MrVIP -- definitely agree with the general assessment of crowd and atmosphere at both Foundation and Jet. For house music fans both have great DJs, but Foundation's house room is definitely more geared around socializing, wheras Jet's house room leans towards the partying. But how are the crowds at Foundation these days? Pre-Jet, the place was absolutely PACKED for every Monday night. Since NYE however I've run into a bunch of people at Jet that used to make Foundation their regular haunt. From what I've heard they still pull solid crowds, but it's not wall-to-wall packed like it used to be... which to be honest, that makes Foundation on Monday all the better. I have to admit I haven't been to Foundation since December, so I'm working purely on hearsay (but hey, that's what this board really is).
  21. greenie


    What, Ra is still actually open?
  22. Visit the following link and decide for yourself if opening day at Rehab will provide you with what you're looking for. http://vegas.napkinnights.com/pics/view_album.php?id=1533&f=d_2005-05-01
  23. Sander and Zabs have been in Denver twice within the past 6-8 months and Burridge is here at least twice (possibly three times) in the next 6 weeks... which I only bring up because I too would really love to see any of these guys Vegas... my local joints are OK but you're only going to so much out of a top DJ when you tell him he's got to stop by 2AM.
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