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Everything posted by greenie

  1. Last I heard about Crobar LV they were still negotiating with Planet Hollywood (Aladdin) over the final details (money and location)... I know they were talking to the Venetian at an early stage, but that spot wound up going to Tao. Over NYE weekend I met a ton of folk at Tiesto and/or Rubber that are Crobar Miami regulars, from what they've been told Crobar was targeting a late 2006 opening (perhaps even just prior to NYE, which seems to be the norm in Vegas these days) but that Crobar was really concerned over the lack of progress in the resort changing over from Aladdin to Planet.
  2. Not hating on anyone here. Just popping in to provide some history. Every type of music is inspired by that which came before it. Claiming that hip-hop has no roots prior to 1970 is blissful ignorance. Rapping was born largely from reggae "toasting," and Jamaicans had been freestyling over their rhythm sections since the 50s; Kool Herc brought it from the islands to NY. Instrumentally, hip-hop isn't responsible for creating any type of music. It is responsible for combining a variety of styles in a new way, but the music itself was simply born out of the evolutionary paths taken by soul, blues, jazz and rock. By the late 60s, funk had already established itself as a unique form of music. The only true, never-done-before innovation of hip-hop is scratching. Before Grand Wizard Theodore, it was never used intentionally, at least not with music. Going beyond the music, other elements of hip-hop were hardly created from the void. Graffiti had existed as a form of expression since the early 60s, exploding during the political unrest of the second half of the decade. Breakdancing grew out of the increasingly energetic stage performances delivered soul (and funk) pioneers like James Brown, which in turn grew from inner city swing dancing; dancers were battling long before 1970. As for rock... Led Zeppelin and the hard rock explosion of the 70s did have it's predecessors. They along with every other major rock band of the decade (e.g. the Stones, Sabbath, the Who) grew up on American delta- and rock blues explosions of the 60s, artists like Howlin' Wolf, Willie Dixon, Leadbelly, and Muddy Waters, among others. They were all in turn largely inspired by the man many consider to be the grandfather of rock, Robert Johnson. Considering he cut his licks between 1920 and 1940, that not only shows rock as having a long, trackable history but it also makes the suggestion that "there was no rock in the 20s " laughable.
  3. Better on Mondays in terms of the evening hours, yes. They do some sort of cross-promotion with Rumjungle, a lot of people start out at one and head to the other. In terms of late-night however, after leaving Body English at 4 or 5, especially late Sunday night (early Monday morning) there's no better destination than Rainbow, the crowd is always fantastic. Whether you want to grab a late bite or just have a cocktail, it's awesome.
  4. I read that as "foo-foo house," which is what some of my friends say to refer to that weak, implying weak Euro-house (or whatever you want to call it) laden with heavy highs and casio-like synth tones, the really poppy sounding crap that usually winds up in TV commercials, movies and Britney songs. Think Kylie Minogue, the Magic Bus, Fanta girls. Since you seem to be someone who respects good funk and soul, I'm going to assume that's not what you're referring to.
  5. (moved my post to a more appropriate thread)
  6. Not sure how "non-biased" that article really is, but it doesn't change my impression of Mondays at Founation no more than a fluff piece on Mondays at Jet would. I've gone to Foundation a few times on Mondays and always had a good time. Been to Jet for its opening Monday, also had a good time. For me these are both outstanding options that offer entirely different experiences. Which one I'll choose will depend on largely on what I'm looking for. Bombastic club night where locals mix with out-of-towners, I'll go to Jet. More laid-back night with a predmoniantly local/regular crowd, Foundation. Want to get nutty, cut loose, meet some wild folks, try to hook up? Jet. Meet some chill folks, relax on the deck, hang out by the DJ decks, dig the tunes? Foundation. Additional factor is who I'm with. I've got some friends that would appreciate Foundation, but the average tag-along is going to enjoy Jet a bit better, if only because its mainstream aspects are more accessible. The trump card? Getting in. At least in the past, if you weren't on the list at Foundation then the line was tough to impossible if you didn't get there eaaarrlly. On the two occasions I've been to Jet, including their opening Monday, not quite as tough. All that said, given that I'm usually blowing off the roof at BE the night before, I'll pretty much pick Foundation every time I'm around on Mondays.
  7. Sounds like you're answering your own question... if you've got a bunch of DJs in town that love breaks, you've got one-off events all the time and you're going to limit the event to the front lounge, then it sure sounds like that's enough reason to push for a monthly event. And hell yeah, if you put it on a Thursday night then I'll be sure to check it out, if not the first one then definitely the second. Like I've said, good luck with this and I hope you can pull it off. Anything to diversify the music scene among the bigger clubs.
  8. I haven't yet been to Tryst. My choosing BE simply had to do with my preference for Sundays there. It's been so consistently incredible for the past year that I just can't imagine going anywhere else on a Sunday night. However, definitely planning visiting Tryst this week, most likely Thursday.
  9. Body English is the one club on the planet where every single time I go, no matter how often that is or what night/week/whatever it may be, I have an unbelievably good time.
  10. Funny that you'd criticize "hate" messages from people in the same breath that you praise Freeze for putting in his opinion. Whatever. You know, if you want people's opinions you might be best served to not insult them first. I didn't bother to respond to this thread earlier because I have no real opinion either way when it comes to breakbeats nor do I have a clue whether a breaks night could work on a regular basis. This isn't because I "don't give a shit about music," it's just that when it comes to breakbeats, I can take it or leave it. Promote a great night for breaks and I'll come check it out, if I like the event I'll come back and bring people with me. If I don't like it but it seems like it's a great scene and other people dig it, I'll spread the word that it's a solid opiton. I think the same would be said for most people on this board. However, not being a local nor being intimately familiar with what is involved in promoting a successful monthly event, it's hard to offer an opinion on whether or not a monthly night centered around breaks would work. Again, I think the same could be said about most others here. As I've written in many other threads, I'm amazed that there aren't more events that are centered around music fringes other than modern/mainstream hip-hop/rap and trance/progressive/house EDM. Personally, I'd love to see a monthly breakbeats night just as I'd love to see DNB continue. Like Vegasbabie said though, Craze wasn't pure DNB in his set. Thus I would wonder why a solid event couldn't be promoted that featured both breakbeats and DNB -- especially at ICE, where you could feature one in the arena and the other in the lounge.
  11. All of you guys doing the math just made me realize I'm now in my 20th year of hitting up the clubs whenever I can... turned 35 on Halloween, but it still feels like yesterday older friends were sneaking me into Wave Waikiki. Anyhow, I could care less if anyone laughs about my age, most of them can barely make it to 4am let alone 10am. Over NYE weekend, sure seemed that most of the crowd at Rubber were 30ish. here's to the old farts
  12. The worst is charging bottle patrons for bottles of water, especially when those little plastic fuckers are going for $7-8. I can understand needing to charge that much for bottled water for the average bar patrons, given the notion that clubs rely on bar profits to keep afloat it's understandable that they don't want a hundred people drinking $3 bottles in lieu of $9 cocktails. But that approach makes no sense whatsoever when a group of 6 drops $800 on two bottles. Not to mention it's downright irresponsible, arguably encouraging dangerous drinking -- 3 people splitting a bottle of vodka but not drinking any water, it's a miracle there aren't more problems with vomit in some of these clubs.
  13. Simply knowing the name of one or more of the door staff at BE -- or any top Vegas club, really -- won't do you jack squat. If you start dropping names and they don't know your face, you better be on a list or you'll wind up on the outside looking in all night long. Door guys get very little respect as it is, the last thing you want to do is fuck around with them and try to pretend you know them or someone else.
  14. Whether temporary or permanent, that's outstanding news and I can't wait for the Utopia weekend at Empire... sweeeeeeet
  15. Every time I've done bottles at Drai's I've been part of someone else's party, so I wasn't aware people were paying cover on top of bottles... I've always just tossed in my share to whomever in my group is takng care of things and we've gone in as a group. Seriously though, that's crazy. Just as good that I didn't know about it, I'd probably have raised a stink if I knew... still shaking my head over that notion...
  16. Sounds like a good night, I'll definitely have to check it out next time I'm in town on a Wednesday. What do they have going on other nights? And dare I make an assumption here, but with a name like Aloha Kitchen I imagine they serve plate lunch? (I was born and raised in Hawai'i so yet another Vegas draw for me is the huge ex-patriate population and culture there)
  17. Ah yes, good call! And a great warmup for Tangerine and/or Vivid, since Fashion Show is right behind TI.
  18. Hip-hop/rap options are definitely limited on Wednesday. Weakest club night of the week for anything these days, really. Another option for you would be Studio 54, which will be mostly mainstream hip-hop/rap and some mash-ups. Big question is whether you're more interested in going out for the music or going out for the people and the party. For that matter, if you're interested in the music, sepcifically what you mean by "hip-hop." If you're talking a club that'll boom the latest from Kanye West and the like, you'll find that anywhere. I haven't been to Vivid on Wednesdays so I'll trust outofthebox that the music is better, but if you want to hit up a fairly popular spot on its best night, then hit Tangerine. I'd recommend starting off at Tangerine, and if you want a change of music and/or scenery then just walk across the street to Vivid. Hell, hop back-and-forth the whole night if you like.
  19. Will be out over (dead) Prez Day weekend for sure. StuporBowl weekend still up in the air. If I can find a last-second flight for 2 bills or less, I'm there.
  20. Throughout the 90s I was flying out from Boston every 3 weeks or so for a variety of tradeshows, conferences and seminars. I'd either arrive Sunday or Monday nights and be around through the end of the week. Always jumped at the opportunity to fly home early. Food was getting better in town, but the nightlife left a lot to be desired. Until Utopia came along (or more accurately, until I discovered it), the only thing that would keep me around for Friday night would be if I had tickets to a big concert or fight. But after my fight night at Utopia, I was hooked. Met so many great people, had so many great times. Boston had its share of solid clubs (and I got to NYC twice a month), but people were usually uptight and arrogant. I always felt welcome and at home with like-minded folk at Utopia. So for me, Utopia represents a time when Vegas began to turn the corner for me from being a routine business trip to a nightlife scene I looked forward to. No question it was part of my current routine, coming 9-10 times a year purely for vacation. (only had one business trip in 2005) Lord knows I probably won't remember too many (if any) faces, but more to the point I doubt people would remember me. Who gives a shit. I'm there.
  21. You gotta love a city where even the opening act gets an "official" afterparty.
  22. Thankfully I think I've burned all the club photos I had from the late 90s. No wait, I'm thinking of clothing. Maybe I can dig a few up...
  23. This is one of the best reasons to work with a quality host... they'll help make sure you get a table where traffic is not an issue or better yet make sure you get into one of the VIP rooms/areas (e.g. BE, Pure, Tao etc). IMHO the only reason to accept a "roped-off" table is when you want to be right on the dance floor.
  24. Crap. No dice on cheapie fares on Southwest or Frontier, everything sold out at the moment. Crossing fingers for a last-second miracle fare. ukjay, one of these days we'll bump into each other. everyone else... don't even think about missing Morillo!
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