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Everything posted by greenie

  1. A few weeks ago I did the Thursday night Tao/Tryst double, just like vegased I hit up Tao until a bit after two and then popped over to Tryst. Really great crowd and vibe at both. I'll also echo mrvip about the lounge at Tao. Always a great atmosphere down there, and it's the only place in the club to actually socialize. I wasn't crazy about the lounge during the first few months Tao opened -- I seem to recall there being more tables, in the middle of the floor, so hard to move around and mingle -- but for the last 4-5 months it's been excellent. Props also to Tao magagement for allowing free access to the lounge on nights when the rest of the club has hit capacity.
  2. Who told you this, and how far in advance did you inquire? More to the point, if you're connected with Danny, why couldn't you get on his list? I'm not suggesting you don't really have that connection -- I don't know you from Adam. But neither will the hosts at Jet, if you just call or email them at random. Hell, for the last 30 years the phrase "I'm with the DJ" has been one of the worst door lines ever. I've been going to Jet since their NYE opening weekend, have nothing but respect for the hosts and door staff. Not to mention, I've heard from plenty of CP folk that have been hooked up with guest lists at Jet.
  3. Halloween in Vegas kicks ass. Halloween is always my birthday weekend, so it's always been a VERY big deal to me. I gone to Vegas for Halloween for the past three years (and five of past seven), in the off years I've done Hollywood and the Village and while Halloween night is great in each spot, over the course of 2-3 (or more) nights they just don't compare. Last year, Vegas had big Halloween events for 5 straight nights (Thursday through Monday) -- actually 6, as Studio 54 hosted a costume event on Wednesday. People get very serious about their costumes in Vegas, while at the same time letting their guard down a bit more. The overall vibe feels extremely social, the whole costume thing lends everyone checking out and talking to everyone else. At the clubs, Friday and Saturday nights they'll all do big business and they'll target at least one night as their big Halloween party, many of the bigger places have Halloween events every night. Last year the MGM trifecta (54, Tabu, Teatro) hosted 6 straight nights, with different costume themes at every event. My personal favorite is by far the Sunday night party at Body English, where last year they weren't letting in anyone not in costume. From what I've heard early on, this year the clubs are looking to promote Halloween even more, and on Halloween night itself a few spots that normally aren't open on Tuesdays (e.g. Jet) are planning big events. Normally I could care less about walking around the Strip, but crusing the street and ducking in/out of of the casinos at night during pre-clubbing hours (post-club hours, too) during Halloween is a real blast. Last year the addition of Vegoose really added to the scene on the Strip too, especially with all the wannabe hippies spinning and buzzing about -- though not technically in costume, they sure look like it.
  4. Thank you. Now if you could just help with policing a few posts, such as the following: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/las-vegas/313570-west-ocean-events.html#post3038525
  5. Just heard that Faarsheed is scheduled for Halloween night at Jet... which is a Tuesday. Man, that's going to be one incredible, LONG weekend!
  6. greenie


    Oh and I should add... Fanciuli and Zabs together? Holy shit. Talk about a party that's going to slam well past 5am...
  7. greenie


    James Zabiela, resident at Space Ibiza and somewhat of a protege to Sasha. If you like electronic music then you'd be doing yourself a favor to locate some some DJ sets by Zabs. Seen him a few times in the past year and he really kicks ass, even when crowds don't know who he is, by the end of his set they'll never forget him.
  8. Two weeks back I did the Social House / Tangerine combo on Wednesday. Had a blast, and I strongly recommend SH on Wednesdays because the local really turn out (and know how to have a great time). I hadn't been to Tangerine for at least a year, probably 18+ months before that and while the crowd vibe was great and the deck a nice place to chill out... well, in my opinion it's just not that great of a spot. The main room just feels like a packed room full of people, with no truly defined area to dance (or just hang out) without having someone shoulder past you every 20 seconds. Haven't been to Tabu or OPM on Wednesdays but have been hearing really great comments on both nights. Both spots are really reaching out to locals, which for mid-week nights means a great time no matter where you're from.
  9. greenie


    OK. Last few days I was destroyed by a flu virus, so maybe I was hallucinating... but I swear I saw a post on here about Zabs having a gig in town (maybe Jet?). Now I can't find the post. Ring any bells? Anyone? (or should I just go back to hitting that crack pipe?)
  10. If Ed's thinking anything like me, he might be wondering why this board has spun somewhat out of control lately... used to be mostly discussion, now it's all promoting events, a third of which aren't even in Vegas...
  11. Will need to wait a a bit to put together a long writeup that can do full justice to this past weekend... but I just can't hold off from sharing the experience that was Dubfire (and Faarsheed) at Jet. Sunday night at Jet was by far THE best singular experience I've ever had in Vegas. Though it's often difficult to reflect and compare with other epic evenings in my 15+ years of clubbing around the world, I can't stop thinking about those 5 hours at Jet. And I can't stop thinking how this may just be the most amazing musical event I've ever been part of. Similar sentiments have been expressed by the dozens and dozens of folks I've encounted in the two nights since. It is quite difficult to put into concise words just how incredible everything turned out to be. The crowd was as good as you're going to have for this kind of and event: aware, appreciative, interactive. The track selection and mixing was outstanding (from both Faarsheed and Dubfire), the sound system a perfect balance between tonal clarity and bombastic blasting, and the lights... oh my god, the lights. Just thinking about the visuals on display night sends shivers from the top of my head to the tips of my toes. THIS was the kind of display the system in the main room is designed for. The synchronicity of colors, patterns and effects with the music was purely magical; the pace and timing flawless. Even Neil, the lighting manager/operator for Jet, was as wide-eyed and amazed with each transition and sequence he brought to the room. Much love has to be given to Faarsheed for his set. This was not a mere warm-up; it was two hours of deep, bumping sound that had the crowd pumping hard long before Dubfire was anywhere to be seen. I've heard that Faarsheed is always very cooperative with the headlining DJs he opens for, and it's clear that Dubfire let loose the reins. And Faarsheed just killed it, absolutely killed it, much in the way he did when he followed Tiesto at Empire over MDW. His mix was so tight that more than a few people in the crowd were shaking their heads wondering what Dubfire would have to do to take things to another level. Well, if Faarsheed killed it, then Dubfire stomped on it, ground it into the floor and buried the fucking thing. In fact, the transition between DJs was so perfectly smooth that many people didn't realize that Dubfire had stepped behind the decks; it was the gradual sensation and realization of the music moving to the next level that shifted one's gaze to the booth. More than a few people asked me how long he had been on. In a time when most DJs are so desperate to carve out their own sound -- or are simply competitive and jealous -- this was yet another component of an outstanding night. Some will give the credit to Faarsheed for reading the crowd and knowing how to lay down a set that would flow ideally into Dubfire's. Others will applaud Dubfire for spending time in the booth to get a true feel of rhythm, tempo and tone, and skillfully blending it into his own work. Doesn't matter to me; all I know is the two were perfectly paired, and I'm willing to travel far and wide to hear them together again. Dubfire took his time to settle into his set, patiently building things deeper and over the course of his first hour until finally sending the crowd through the roof with a 15-20 minute version of Swallow Me. I'm rarely one to talk about certain songs, but I will never again be able to hear this tune without my pulse quickening, my breath deepening and my mind wandering. Throughout his first hour Dubfire must have hinted and teasted with samples perhaps a dozen times, but when he launched into his mix, blue light undulating and washing throughout the room, the crowd was rocketed through the roof. Incredible. Unbelievable. Unforgettable. MASSIVE THANKS TO: Faarsheed, the most underrated electronic DJ in the world. Dubfire, for continuing to impress and amaze year after year after year while staying humble and focused on your fans. Zee, for everything you do. Without a doubt you're one of the people helping to take Vegas nightlife to the next level. I hope that Light Group Neil, again, I cannot thank you enough for your lighting work. I only hope you enjoyed the evening as thoroughly as the rest of us (you certainly looked like you did). Our table staff at Jet, whether server, security or busser, you left nothing wanting while being both professional and sociable. Outstanding. Jet Dancers for truly getting into the groove, not to mention bringing me up (repeatedly!) to join you on the wall and pole. All my friends who were with me this night. Not to mention the next night... and the next... you know who you are, you know I love you guys. And the most special thanks to the most badass non-local local (ha) for handling everything. My man, my friend, I fear I will never be able to show enough gratitude. WMC baby. WMC.
  12. Definitely looking forward to Faarsheed/Serge on LDW Friday. Sweet. And if Sandra Collins digs into her progressive side, should be a decent follow-up for Dubfire over at Jet. IMHO she's been real hit-and-miss for a few years now. Guess that's what happens when you do whatever Oakie tells ya.
  13. Back on topic now... I think we can all agree on this: in the service industry, you get what you pay for, and that includes tips. We're talking about clubs, but if you boil it down it's no different anywhere else in Vegas, from restaurants to hotels to valet parking to tee times. I've been clubbing in Vegas for over 10 years now, and although I've got a fair share of contacts about I still work with VIP services from time to time. Why? Because one call does it all. Whether I'm entertaining a group of 8-20 people or splurging on one special friend, there's nothing like knowing everything is taken care of. There are two big advantages of reliable VIP services that have not yet been mentioned in this thread: they can make something happen at the last second and perhaps more importantly, they are effectively vouching for you. That said, I completely agree with epope: anyone can make a table reservation at a club. The provision I will add is provided you're willing to commit to your plans in advance. The bigger the weekend and/or the bigger your party, the farther in advance you'll need to commit. Assuming you don't already have a connection (that is, someone who trusts you by name), whether you go on your own or use a service, the question to ask yourself is simply "am I willing to deal with the legwork and potential complications?" Now if you want to proceed with dealing with a club directly, you should read the following: http://bbs.clubplanet.com/las-vegas/311219-suggestions-dealing-top-club-directly-table-bottles.html
  14. This is one of the most-asked topics, so... bump.
  15. LOL! I knew it was only a matter of time before golf was brought up on this board. Hell, I'm not that much of a golfer (certainly not an addict) but over the last 18 months or so it's begun to cut into my clubbing availability. All of my Vegas clients now want to conduct business out on the course. Stepping up to the first tee at 8am is bad enough. Looking like you just rolled out of a club 3-4 hours early, that sucks. Not to mention it's killed my Rehab/Relax arrival time this year... What makes me laugh (or is it cry?) the most is that these same clients have moved from being up all night gambling and clubbing with me to going to bed early so they can play golf. Wasn't too long ago these guys preferred to talk business with me over bottle service at Baby's!
  16. In Vegas, nothing is impossible. Expensive, yes. But not impossible. Get lined up with a reliable VIP host ASAP and you're probably in the door for $170-$200 each for a big table (or two small tables). If you don't want to spend the money on VIP hosts and/or bottle service, then line up early. Just make sure that you're not recognizable as a group of 18. Wait in twos or threes and find a bunch of gals to go in with you. Buying drinks and paying their cover helps. Of course, don't be surprised if another group of guys pluck your ladies out of line so that they can get in before you...
  17. If you're talking about the top, most-in-demand spots -- Body English, Tao, Pure, OPM, Tryst, Jet, Light, Rain -- the answer is none of them. Not on any weekend, let alone Labor Day. Places like Ice, 54, Tabu, Tangerine, Cherry, Ghostbar, Rumjungle, Rio and Voodoo may only have small to moderate lines most weekends, but on LDW they'll all have some of their biggest crowds of the year. Hell, even the Beach and Gilley's will have them lining up. Define what you mean by "huge wait." Are you willing to get in line at 8:45 for a hot club that opens its doors at 10:30? What's worth more to you, time or money? If you're not willing to wait and you're not willing to pay for VIP assistance, the only way you're going to get in quickly/easily is to glom on to a group of guys who are willing to pay your way for you. I agree with limodriver, here. Most every night of the week in Vegas you've got beautiful women everywhere you look. The saying goes "if you're a 10 at home, you're probably a 6 or 7 in Vegas," and over that couldn't be more true than over LDW. While I personally prefer to spend the extra cheddar rather than wait in line, I spent a great many years lining up in Vegas without many complaints. Not the worst thing in the world to knock back a few cocktails and meet a shitload of people in line...
  18. Mandalay keeps one of its pool areas open year-round, but the main beach area typically shuts down in mid-October. IIRC in the first 2-3 weeks of October they do have the beach open open the weekends (weather permitting) but closed on weekdays. Hard Rock typically closes its pool from October to early March. The majority of the major casinos in town keep at least one pool open and heated year-round. Best to put in a call to confirm, if your plans are revolving around pools...
  19. Fridays, well, pretty much anywhere you go will be hopping. If you want the multi-room, mega-club thing then hit up Jet, Tao or Pure... just get there early or work with a host to skip the lines. Otherwise I'm sure you'll enjoy any club in a major casino. As always I recommend hitting up Mix for pre-10pm drinks; no cover and an awesome view of the Strip. On Thursdays, I'd say your three leading candidates are... Tao for the bombastic Vegas mega-club experience. Thursdays can get quite packed, so get there early. Big locals night, but I'd say that still only accounts for half the crowd on an average Thursday. Mainstream hip-hop in the main room, hip-hop/mash in the temple, and house in the lounge. Tryst for smaller, slightly more relaxed vibe. In my opinion Tryst kind of straddles the line between nightclub and lounge, at least by current Vegas standards; the dance floor is always bumping, but once you're off the floor it's definitely more of a hang-loose vibe. One of the best-looking clubs on the planet, from the decor to the staff to the guests. Hip-hop/mash. VooDoo for the best house/electronic on Thursdays. Technically the word "lounge" is in the name, but no better spot to get your Thursday house groove on thanks to the recent residency of Joey Mazzola (IMHO one of the two best local electronic DJs). Hip-hop/mash on the deck, which has a killer view (better than Ghostbar but not as good as Mix or Foundation). Overall the question is how you want to do your two nights. If you want to go balls-out both nights, then I'd recommend Tao one night then Jet the next. If you want a great spot for Thursday but save balls-out for Friday, then I'd say do Tryst then Tao.
  20. Rehab pool party (Sundays at Hard Rock) is going huge this year, they're booking big-name DJs most every week. Not a massive weekend so the crowd shouldn't be too bad. Other pool parties of note are Relax (Mondays at HR) and Ditch (Fridays at Palms). Haven't been to Relax since June and Ditch since late July, but both featured local house DJs. Also note that lines/crowds at Drai's aren't nearly what they used to be, at least not on Fridays and Saturdays. Empire has taken away a ton of their business, but it's also a result of more late night options, whether it's other after-hours spots (Seamless, 40 Deuce) or simply more big clubs that are starting to stay open closer to ( sometimes past) 6am.
  21. greenie

    Jet vs ICE?

    My opinion is that you'll have only a minor wait for Digweed on Friday. Buy your ticket in advance and get there before 11, no worries. Over at Jet tables will be in high demand. On normal nights tables in the main room have a 3 bottle minimum and the side rooms 2 bottles. Having Dubfire will certainly kick up the requirements a bit for the main room, but can't say if the same will happen in the others. A side room might be best for you anyway, as your buddies may be happier in the rock/mash room. I've done tables in there on a number of occasions with non-clubgoer friends and it's really a kickass time. My advice, unless you're willing to get in line SUPER early, get in touch with a host and get a table or at the very least have them get you past the line. More money, yes. But no worries, no hassles, no problems, no frustration.
  22. Late night Empire and Ice will be your best bets, assuming you like the DJs they have lined up that night. If you like hard progressive sets, you'll dig Faarsheed when he's at Empire. Jet has a solid house room and the roof deck at Pure is great environment (although the sound system is a bit weak up there). Foundation Room (Mandalay) on Monday night has a great house room as well. Voodoo (Rio) on Thursdays has one of the best local house DJs (Joey Mazzola) around. Aside from Empire for after hours you've also got Drai's and Seamless as options. For early evening warm-up be sure to head over to Mix (THEhotel/Mandalay) at least once. No cover before 10pm, good early-evening house and an amazing view.
  23. greenie

    Vegoose 2006

    Fair enough, that is a damn good deal.
  24. Seriously. Who pissed in your Wheaties this morning?
  25. greenie

    Vegoose 2006

    2 days, 12+ hours each day of live music across 4 stages, many bands who charge half that amount for their own concerts... ripoff to you, great deal to me.
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