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Everything posted by sancib

  1. Gosh I think that most of us are going to be distributing time between Diggers and The Dish, so why dont we try to meet 11-12 on the block where the atm is, lets meet on that corner/ streetlight, there is a bar and the food court is there. So for example, when you enter the place your walking down hope it would be the corner on your left side. That way we can get to meet and have a drink before we head out for our headliners
  2. Happy Birthday Shorty! Hope you get everything on your wish list!
  3. Thanx Alex, I appreciate the personal invite. Your party sounds off the hook, but this little crab will be visiting with her Moms this weekend. The rockstar events start next Thurs. for me. Happy Birthday, hopefully we can all share a drink at Giant Village next week.
  4. Hey Weyes, I looked online today and noticed that Giant finally posted their map of the event. We should start thinking about where to meet, a regular ole "Lost and Found" for cp'ers.
  5. Thanx JB, see ya at Giant Village nexxt week though right?
  6. Make that 3 happy crabs my b-day is the 20th as well. Happy birthday to us:beer:
  7. AAwwww man, that sucks:( that is total false advertisement ttttthhhhh. Now that I take a second look at the flyer, your right it doesnt specifically say that Oakey will be there. Oh well, I bought my tickets so I am still gonna go, man that shyt better not be shady ass music. I do not want to start off my birthday/B day weekend with crappy vibes and music:cuss: And further more, I will never buy tickets from that site ever again, their site is very misleading
  8. It's at Ivar, they are calling it "Satisfaction" that night. bought my tix through wantickets.com.
  9. Hey cp'ers its my birthday on the 20th officially, who wants to join me on the start of my long weekend celebration? Oakey is having his c.d. release party that day. Can I get a "roll" call up in herr? hee,hee,hee:)
  10. Club Deep.... went this past sunday, had a good time, Especially since I am a trance girl at heart It was at the Vangard, decent venue, nice visual entertainment, cute outdoor patio, and nice crowd. I think Marq Wyatt ? ( Sorry my house music comrades:what: ) was playing. I enjoyed his set. Overall on a scale from 0-10 it rates an 8 for a Sunday night.
  11. I agree, it is only when these misers decide that they need company that sucks. tthhhhhh
  12. Dude...Ilove diner dash and cake mania..hahahahaha:laugh:
  13. Geeez, your 4th stories sound like the makings of some war move gone tragically wrong. I guess I got lucky, I have the laughter and nostalgia to reminise with fireworks.
  14. AHhh for it is better to have rolled a little than to not roll at all..... Hahahahaha.
  15. ttthhhhhhhh, no bob, you guys have enough of your own venues. What their is like 2 big venues that cater to the electronic music culture, as opposed to the every club that plays hip hop/ rap, etc. Just on that corner alone you have forbidden city and the other club were deep use to be, the last time I walked up the street to go to Avalon, they were playing hip hop. So why impose upon the few spots that we have Booooooo, heee,heee,heee. Sorry the little bratty girl just had to come out
  16. In a way it has to do with tradition and nostalgia, we all remember the campy fireworks in our backyard when we where kids, seeing our Dads' and uncles' burn the shyt out of their fingers, sparklers everyone together laughing. Why wouldnt we want to pass those feelings and memories on.
  17. I hear ya girl, it surprises me that people dont know that advil and motrin are the same medicine, ibuprofen. And that tylenol is acetomenophen. Or that exedrin and exedrin migraine is the same shyt. Reading is the key. Oh and can I mention that I hate that sudafed changed there ingredient in their sinus headace formula, booo on no psudefedren. bring that fake speed back to my only effective medicine. Damm those crack heads
  18. Well if its is like 2004 the bar takes up the intersection, so maybe we can meet on a specific side of the bar facing a certain D.J., or direction ie.. east/west, at a certain time. Not to mention that we should try to let each other know what we are wearing to help locate our peeps. I am soo looking forward to this cause I am gonna party and its my birthday wooohoo:)
  19. Well I dunno how effective that method would be for the heat in the Valley, I cant see how one could live w/o ac in the S.F.Valley.
  20. $200/mo full cover on 00 bmw 5 series, farmers.
  21. AHHH yes honey chile, we do love us some Digweed and love to hate on negative vibes up in herr
  22. Yet this can be said for many crafts, they all have a purpose, just depends on whether it's positive or negative.
  23. $12 is my but I have been known to shell $10 and the more I've been out lately $10 is getting to be the norm, BOOOOOO!
  24. OMFG I sooo agree with everyone, I tried to keep an eye out for you JB but I guess it was not meant to be Everyone had a super time, I cant wait to see him at Giant Village:clap2:
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