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Everything posted by sancib

  1. Alright peeps, who's going? come on Weyes! I know ya want to go! I will def be there.
  2. I didnt know that she dj'd? but I would tend to feel the same as Weyes on this one, I mean I love "Held up" and I liked "what its like for a girl" she def knows good sounds but I would be reluctant to pay to see her dj...
  3. I have gotten bottle service at Avalon a couple of times, I dont know I thought of it as cool that the waitress came by to mix my drinks for me it felt very vip to me...
  4. Good luck, and dont forget to keep in touch
  5. It is also very important to make your wishes known to friends and family, that way there is no question in a traumatic event. Cause really, who wants to end up like Shivo. I sure as hell dont. Even an advanced directive/living will is a good idea.
  6. Mother Nature is just trying to keep it spicy... Ya know heat wave at Xmas, snow in Spring. Just to to mess with us, and f**k with those of us with Allergies
  7. AAAhhh yes, Sherman Oaks the porno city.
  8. Yeah, you got it! We are so eye to eye dahhhlin:)
  9. OMG one time my friend told me, I have turtle head! I got ot go now! for a minute I was like waaahh:what: Then I was like ohhhh TMI !!!! ha,ha,ha
  10. Barraquilla, and l a l a t e you guys make me LMAO yeah not only are we full and dangerous but we also have the bastard child of D&B the earthquake aaaaaahhhhh!
  11. o.k. I am not a fan of the same music you guys are, but even driving to my clubs I see many of the kind that you like, There is a club called Forbidden City across from Avalon on Gower and hollywood, there is White Lotus on Cahuenga before santa monica, there is the sunset room I think on cahuenga and sunset, and LAX, I dont know where that is, its the newest edition, I think L a l a t e might know where that one is..... Good LUck
  12. yeah, I say toily too. Potty is an occupational hazard, I work with kids. So ouchie,boo boo, and poo poo are also par for the course LOL
  13. yeah, I find that when my friends want me to come with, they say "LETS go to the bathroom". If they want to go alone, they say "I'LL be right back, I am gonna go to the potty" Sometimes I will ask if they want me to go, but most of the time I am dancin my booty off, so I say o.k!
  14. 'Well said everyone! but that's cause we all dance to the same beat:getdown: So it's easy:)
  15. yes this is true everyone's job serves a purpose, and usually the higher positions could not function as well without the lower positions. There is no shame in honest hard work!
  16. well it is like this... when you are in the crowd and people bump into you there is one of 3 personalities behind it. 1) person totally off their nut on drugs, which I can ignore, cause lets face it who hasnt been that person at least once 2) nice person just trying to navigate the crowd, note this person is usually saying exuse me, smiling or even giving some love as they go by and 3) the a**hole with a look on their face like move out of my way/watch where I am going. It is being around arrogant people like that which kills my vibe. I believe that our "rave" culture, for lack of better term, was built on type #2. People who are there for the music, and the vibe, do for the most part behave this way. It is unfortunate that our celebration of music and soul is becoming trendy. The wrong message has been sent, it only shows us as a drug scene. What I dont understand is why cant they party and stay in their own "Look at me I am the sh*t" club they came from. I dont know l a l a t e maybe it is just reverse eliteism?
  17. Hey everyone! boy did my friends and I have a blast last night at Ferrys' last performance at Avalon. We got there at apprx. 12 a.m., they had the will call going through the entrance where Spider club is got in quick, headed to the bar got a drink, hit coat check and the night began. Very mixed crowd, but for the most part very cool people and good vibes in the crowd. Second Sun was good, but when Ferry came on the crowd went wild, that dancefloor was jammed, but no worries we were all in the mix, and everyone was giving love. I am glad I got to see Ferry tear it up. "rock your body" oh yeah!
  18. Thats funny I usually put my id in my bra in the strap area under my arm,the strap is wide enough to cover the whole thing, Then it usually ends up fusing with my skin with all the dancing.lol. but the only other place I was thinking of was in your shoe, granted youd be feeling it everytime you jumped, but if your having fun, who cares right!
  19. [quote name= the mayan rules - COUNTING THE DAYS TIL DIGGERS. i didn't see any of you guys' date=' so hopefully next time! ********************* Oh hell mufkn yeah, I will def be at my Diggers show, I just got Delta Heavy last week, I am soo rev'd up for june I am glad everyone had a off the hook time, I was totally thinking of ya'll last night. And I am glad that Ms. Weyes found someone to party with. Life is just not complete without your vitamin "M" , good for the soul! I wonder, will I see any of my peeps at Ferrys' show tommarrow? I will post my gear Sat. although I know how we all feel about the club in question, come on guys, Its Ferry!
  20. Ha,Ha... I know its like those old luney tunes cartoons, "go ahead, no you, No I insist, I insist" etc. So yours works out to thank you, no I thank you for thanking me, oh my well thank you... Or is it that we are so infrequently polite to one another in this day and age are we thanking each other for it? Or is the sales person just thanking the shopper for coming in and the shopper thanking the sales person for opening the door? These are but some of the probing/deep questions one must ask oneself:laugh:
  21. I cant think of any clubs off the top of my head, but your best bet would be to go to g r o o v e t i c k e t s . com and search the area for the weekend you are here. I know that there has to be at least one hot spot down there, cause PVD, and Oaky have done gigs there. Good luck
  22. I am sooo going to the Diggers show in june. I heart him hee,hee,hee. We should make that a group event! Also thanx for hte support deepfunk, and barraquilla. Ive said it before, and I'll say it again, everyone in here super cool.
  23. It is very important to practice good sportsmanship, I dont think that alot of people do these days. I mean come on has anyone seen "Santino" on Project Runway! I dont think he has ever heard of the word.
  24. It is o.k. since you and l a l a t e were the only ones to reply, but in October my father past away suddenly. So, as you can imagine it has been a very difficult time for me. But as I stated, it is getting easier, and I know that my dad would want me to be happy. He knew how much I loved music, and dancing, he even had old 8mm of me as a little girl dancing away to "cumbias".
  25. Well, I think between shorty, myself, and the rest of us in here, we are all more than happy to join you at whatever event. Going out is getting easier, and fun again since my loss, so I believe it will be easier to find company. Isnt poccnr and few others hitting the Satoshi show that you could meet up with? Cause you wouldnt really be there alone if you had people you are familiar with at the same place.
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