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Everything posted by growinupjersey

  1. male fucking review??? cmon dude. Us guys know theres nothing attractive about a mans body from the neck down. I mean whats attractive about a 7 inch stiff thing with hair all around it??? I think even the chicks would prefer tits over dicks. Im afraid ima have to sit this one out guys.
  2. do a good search for recalibrating technic 1200 turntables on google. Youll find a ton of shit. I dont know what exactly your looking to do other then adjusting the braking on the start stop botton. That is very easy to do, you shouldnt have to pay someone to do that.
  3. i was in the same boat 6 monthes ago as you. Just meet up with an old friend and now i go out more often. Also once you start going out more you'll meet some new people. Just start bullshittin with random people, youll find most are very friendly.
  4. yo dont feel so bad. I dressed in black face and got turned away from a KKK rally. Shit happens man!
  5. nice maybe we all can meet up guys. Ill be wearing a leather mask with the zipper over the mouth part. Ill also have the red ball in my mouth with the strap around my head. Probably goin to have some really tight chaps on as well. Im just going to leave my ass and tiny little cock' n 'balls exposed. Ill be in the middle of the dance floor simulating sex acts while getting my penis pulled from behind by my dominatrix. Hope to meet some new friends!
  6. Im so glad the Doc is comming back in town. I got this rash on my balls i cant seem to get rid of.
  7. I'd date-rape her and leave her passed out in a pool of her own bodily fluids.
  8. what the hell kinda of question is this??? Look buddy let me sum it up for you. If you see a dick in some guys ass then its a gay party.
  9. With the crowd he draws if it were a smaller venue it would be standing room only. Last time he was at crobar i barely had room to put my drink up to my mouth.
  10. Yeah i dont know about this track. Looks like "The Rub" needs some lotion if you know what i mean.
  11. My mom listens to that shit. And if i catch one of you guys trying to put roofies in her drink there your going to get it!!!
  12. oh cmon, thats like the same shit, different tab of acid.
  13. Iced out grills, iced out grills!!!! Ima playa aint no doubt!!!
  14. hahahah, nice guys, keep them comming, hahahaha
  15. anyone have any club theme tattoos?? Like a dj guy, turntable, disco ball or a fucking mural of a club on there back or some shit??? Post some pics if you can.
  16. my friend is part owner, who did u speak to??? PM me and ill give him a call for you although he never returns messages either, lol. But i can get in touch with him.
  17. with all those pics on a flyer like that i dont know if im goin to end up getting molested or sliced up with a hot blonde 10 different ways.
  18. im not leaving this country until we stop bombing the shit out of other countries, im no fucking fool.
  19. big deal so your club is homeless. Come to new york where the people are homeless. I mean cry me a fucking river Justin Timberlake. They'll find another venue, bigger and better. Its just a matter of time my friend. Once those beats drop, titties will be bouncing and you'll have a smile on your face once again.
  20. I'll go back to Webster Hall when you have Scribbles playing in the upstairs club room. I also want the chicks on stage in a cage with fake boobies. I want to see flying trapeez artists doing silly little back flips spitting out fucking fire. I want that 20ft guy with stilts walking around waving and smiling to everyone. I also want a 20,000 fucking watt Argon laser light show, no exceptions. Put the fucking "Life" back in nightlife. Make it a 3 ring circus, with umpa lumpa migets running around with tabs of LSD on there tongues. Until i see that shit ill be driving around NYC in my car with a disco ball hanging from the mirror pumping my own beats!
  21. What happened at his gig at limelight??
  22. Like what i see??? Cmon man, my dicks gotton harder watching cartoons!
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