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Everything posted by growinupjersey

  1. ok well PROMISE me this Jen.........Get a good squad of promoters who know what is going on nowadays and livin the place up. Keep it consistant with top notch talent week after week. You have 2 other major clubs your competing against. Doesnt the owner see this??? Get fuckin dancers in there on the stage...umm..in a cage wearing fake boobies spitting hot fire or some shit. Get some mimes, some jugglers, a guy riding a unicycle....something....And last but not least get some fucking drugs in that place, hire the oldschool limelight house dealers if you have to. The place is dry sweetie. I mean who invites people to a cocktail party that doesnt serve liquor??? Ya follow me???
  2. Jesus christ...what the hell does that mean?? Are you guys booking Sammy The Bull Gravano as a special guest dj or something??
  3. I just want to know when the Xbox game of this war is going to come out. By the looks of whats going on over there it should be a big seller come christmass.
  4. But i thought that was called the "Stir Fry"???? Ahhh fuck it, what the hell do i know.
  5. I got into the scene around 95, missed alot of the storm raves and didnt do much outlaws. I know 9volt was famous for his outlaw parties, i herd alot about them. Hey you happen to remember that rave at the Liberty Science Center?? hahaha we trashed that place. hahaha, thats great that the cops liked the music and chilled
  6. haha, yup i still think the dust i smoked at that party hasnt worn off yet....and its been 10 years. Remember when B.T.S was on the cover of Details magazine bragging about what they do? Then 3 monthes later they all got busted, haha
  7. hahahhahah, hmm yeah maybe i should try that at Gypsy tea this weekend, hahahah
  8. i dont know about you but i like going to afterhours to hang out with crackhead chicks. I mean the chances of them saying no to sex are slim to none. When they're hunched over, puking and all fucked up is usually when i ask them out.
  9. man if that were me on the floor convulsing i hope some chick would be so kind to sit on my dick before i die.
  10. finally movin out in sept. or oct. Then the real funs begins!! Come by sometime, ill cook you breakfast.
  11. i have open decks at my house from 5pm on. Music has to be off by 11 or my mom gets pissed. Let me know if your interested.
  12. thats cuz everyone is still there partying, why did you leave so early bro??
  13. sweet, im going to bring one of those to my next business meeting, lol
  14. thats what being a JP fan is all about. You get fucked in the ass in the party....and well.......fucked at the door before you go in.
  15. yes sir i did. They will never have parties like Liberty and the one you described ever again. Its just not the fucking same............Man i wish i was 17 again, cant believe that was 10 years ago already.
  16. it will once they all kill each other, then there will be no one left to shoot anymore.
  17. what the fuck is that??? I wana get one so i can mix as im walking down the sidewalk or someshit. wow!
  18. well ill be sniffing a couple "white plains" off my dash board. thats really all i can help you with for now
  19. well heres a little advice, dont go to Crobar on a thurs. night for hip hop.
  20. Yeah what the fuck is that??? Does she work for the CIA or James Bond?? (sniffs) I still smell bullshit with this story.
  21. a Quiznos sub place just opened up by me. I herd they are looking for people to promote and spread the word. You wouldnt mind standing out on the main road dressed as a roast beef sandwich in 100 degree weather would you??
  22. true....this time i thought it and didnt say it, lol. But lets fucking face it, your right! Every club that hosts hip hop parties goes down the shitter. Club Speed and Exit are perfect examples, which club is next???
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