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What where you like as a child? (JR clubber's nostalgia)

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I was a long haired offspring of a hippie!

I wore long bellbottoms and groovy sunglasses..

(Picture evidence shows that mom thought I was

a dress up toy)

Since my mom had me @ 15 she didn't

quite know that kids weren't like "pets"..

like getting a new dog or something..

We lived in a trailer in South Carolina after

growing up in Mexico city..


and the rock band KIZZ..

I also use to want to be an alien

and hoped that perhaps Extra Terrestrials

had some how impregnated my mother

like that Marry chick that had had sex with an angel

that I heard about at Bible School...

I moved around alot..

South Carolina,

Texas, Monterrey Mexico,

Minesota, Colorado,

Italy and finaly NY!

Fuck it though...

I'm still a child!

(And in many ways haven't changed much)


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Come to think of it. . .I dont know what I was like at all as a child; I really think I grew up too fast (my fam had tons of problems and i wouldnt know where to begin if i started in on them)

I basically raised myself since I was 4, my parents were never around cuz they were always working and my only brother was always over someone's house. . .

::haha, he was basically kept away from me since that time we stood home from school for 3 months :laugh::

At least I was a cutie though ;)

Really fair skinned, always had pigtails - my hair was light brown, and straight! ::wtf happened to that?::

We moved around alot too. . .i'd say at least once every 5 years

Bayonne to Jersey City to Connecticut to Newark. . .

Ok so to rap it up. . .

Born in Bayonne, raised in Jersey City (where I raised myself because my parents were working and brother was. . .out i guess :confused:, family crisis (basically father almost goes to jail; years 7-9 were the worst of my life), move to connecticut, family crisis (parents split up) lol ::at least i can laugh about it now :tongue:::, move to Newark ( i start becoming the bad seed in their eyes so parents and i split up) and now. . .4 years later. . .im the well rounded person that i am today :D

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Ahhh my youth...

I had a steady collection of New York Yankees t shirts and sweat pants.

After school we built kick ass forts, played baseball and football games (whatever the season called for), and we threw rocks at little girls ( the enemy!!).

WHen sports got boring we had Ultimate Fighting matches. I remember we used to call my friend the grassman cuz he would try to make you yell out in pain, then stuff a handful of grass in your mouth while it was wide open.

On rainy days we traded comic books and baseball cards. We would also ride our bikes to the local store and piss away whatever money we had on gatorade and candy.

But then something changed.........

We discovered beer and girls :D

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I was the biggest tomboy... I played on an all boys soccer team and hockey team. My mom bought me barbie, I cut off all her hair and cried because I wanted GI Joe. MY mom tried to make into a cute little girl... Growing my hair long and putting me in frilly dresses. I chopped my own hair and rolled in the dirt in my dressses. I was a spoiled only child until I was 7. Then my sister was born and she was..."so cute" "So Sweet" Eww it made me nuts... I was used to the attention and I still wanted it even if it was negative attention so I became a super brat!

Many years have passed and though I am for from the TomBoy I was gorwing up, I am still a Major brat... And since I have grown up my Parents can use the Grown up word for it. Instead of hearing "Your such a Brat", now I get "Your such a Bitch".

I am glad to say that I have gotten over the resentment of my little sister and she has become my best friend. We work together to torture our parents on a daily basis.


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i was probably the most well rounded little girl.....i did all the normal stuff that little girls do...like cheerleading,dancing and gymnastics ...because i was good at them...but as soon as i got home the tights came off...and i was all about....STICKBALL,STREET HOCKEY,MANHUNT,NINTENDO,WWF...etc etc........i grew up with all boy cousins....all of my closest friends were also boys......i was the kid in school that always managed to get in trouble and then got the "you're so smart why do u act up" speech!! lol......in 4th grade i went to a different school in town to be put with other 'smart' kids..and i quit that so fast because they were all 'dorks'.....i got in my first real fight in 5th grade...and continued to be a bad ass through out jr. high!((that gets too involved!)).....not even gonna get into high school((in a new town!))

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I loved the water and anything to do with it - was a total summer junkie: boats, yacht club, swimteam, sunshine and beaches... that's what life was (IS!) all about hehehehe. I hated gym class and land sports, loved to draw - my art school was just awesome - and I would have KILLED to be as cool as PAULA ABDUL!!!! :D

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haha my youth.......

Parents tried to do everything and still do anything to make our family seem perfect....still do everything as a family...which I guess I shouldnt complain - Im pretty lucky to have a family thats still together.

I was picked on basically from ages 5-17 - kids tortured me like you wouldnt believe

I was such a nerd (still am)

Hung out with even dorkier ppl than I was

Had acne during my teen yrs

Had a weird hair thing going, so that my bangs were all curly and my hair stick ass straight causing me to put it up in a pony tail - everyday for 3yrs.

Finally senior yr of high school I said fucked it...cut my hair, bitched out at my dorky friends....met another dorky ass kid who I started going out with just cause I wanted a bf....started going to clubs and listening to electronic music....

All basically making me the weird ass split personality person I am today.

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I use to split my time between my mom's house and my dad's apartment. I loved riding my bike throughout the neighborhoods. You could always find me at the local store buying comic books, baseball cards, and playing arcades. The video store clerks knew me on a fist name basis due to my childhood addiction of renting movies and nintendo games. Atari and Commodore 64 were also favorite past-times.

As far as sports, always played stickball and basketball with my friends.

Didn't do too much moving around, grew up in Queens till I went away to college upstate. For the summers, I would escape to Miami and stay with my grandparents.

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When I was younger I was an athlete...wish I could say that now...I come from a Spanish background and was NOT ALLOWED to do ANYTHING!!! Look at me now....wow!!! well You live life to the fullest and dance like no one is watching!!!!:eek: :eek:

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Well I had a normal childhood growing up I think. It was and still is my mom, dad, sister, grandmother, and my dogs (well different dogs) lol

When I was born we lived in North Bergen till I was 1 and then moved here to Has Hts after and I've lived here for like 20 years.

I'd have to say though, that for a litttle kid I went more places than most kids do lol

The first time I was on a plane I was just a few months old lol and I think that was to Florida.

And my mom said that there was almost a chance of me being born in Italy cause they were there when she was about 7 months pregnant lol

My parents liked to travel so when I was born they always took me with them. And I'm grateful cause most kids cannot say that they have been inside the Colloseum, visited the catacombs in Palermo, or been on Mnt. Etna lol

Hmmmmm, my grammar school years were not bad. I remember I always used to play with the boys. We used to play freeze tag and stuff like that haha and all the girls used to get mad at me cause I never talked to them. But I dunno I found girls boring cause they just used to talk about eachother and stuff. While I wanted to run around and play lol

Then in 7th grade I started gettin more girly, and wore glitter nail polish and stuff haha. I used to get in trouble alot cause I went to a catholic school and we werent allowed to wear anything like that. I remember though that there was this boy, and he liked me and I liked him, and since like 3rd grade till 7th grade, EVERY vday he used to give me a box of chocolates lol It was so cute lol

Ok moving on the highschool. I rate hs like a 7. It was ok, fun at times but not GREAT. I miss it though sometimes.


Lets see freshman year was my dork year lol, sophomore was my hippie year, and junior and senior year were my punk/skater years lol, which I SWORE up and down that I would never grow out of haha (yeah ok) Senior year was also the year that I started doing drugs (bad drugs) Now that I think about it, I mean wtf was I thinking. I started off with weed and 2 months later I was doing coke in the school bathrooms, and it was on to harder drugs after that. Well until I got caught.

So thats about it, there's more but I dont wanna make this a novel lol But Im extremely content with my childhood. :D :D

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raised in europe til age 7..i was wild kid..always running through woods and gettin scraped. age 7 moved to NYC..went to catholic school ( im not even catholic)..hateddddd it! parents moved to flushing..started public school. was fascinated by the superficiality of american youth even at a young age..so i decided to join in..rocked all the GI JOE's ,transformers etc etc. was (still am) a smart kid ..always did well in school. went back home to europe for 2 mths every summer...saw too much of the world at too young of an age to appreciate it..laid out on the beach and went fishing and played sports all day..while over there discovered electronic music (snap..2unlimted..C&C..klf etc etc) got hooked..meanwhile in the states i couldnt tell my friends i listen to that because the kids i hung with were mostly black and would clown on me..discovered basketball..lived @ the park and gyms from JHS to HS...love my fam..theyre the fuckin greatest ever..for those that know me know im so hyper and entertaining ...all from the fam...yep..thats me in a nutshell

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You all come from so many different

places and backgrounds!

I'm always amazed at how diverse

CLUBLAND CAN BE! We are like a total UTOPIAN

United Nations of Beatz!:rainbow:

romy I too was a Punk...

Ghhhost..i also had time with My GI JOE


Keep them coming CP..

Share your Years before

you lost your minds on NY's

Dance floors....

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i dont remember much about my childhood really. spent bulk of childhood with metal braces up and down my legs (picture forrest gump before the "run forrest run" scene). lived in staten island my whole life (ugh). started elementary school in park slope (my parents both working in brooklyn at the time). My mom came down with chronic fatigue and spent the next 2 ears barely being able to get out of bed. transferred to catholic school...left in months...went back to public. junior high and most of high school sucked. i actually dont remember most of my childhood, or perhaps i dont want to :(

thank god that bullshit is over with. Hooray for College!

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readin totallytrance's post made me remember something ...perhaps i subconciously blocked it from memory while posting..but it pretty much made who i am today....watching the breakup of my country...5 yrs of war..families torn apart..calling home only to hear bad news over and over again..watching your people labeled killers and rapists. then watching a period of tranquility and transition torn apart by NATO bombs in 1999...then finally the joy of october 5th and the storming of the parliament by the people...liberating my people from a moron powerhungry dictator

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born and raised in suburban texas, i grew up without a mom and even tho it was just me and my dad, i was never really a tomboy.... well maybe a lil....i did climb tree's and i was the fastest runner on my block and i lived for games like manhunt.... i didnt like dresses or skirts and my hair was always back in a ponytail.

i had about 30 kids on my block so we were always outside 24/7 running through sprinklers or organizing some kinda game...we'd ride our bike everywhere...i basically lived at the pool...

hmm i was also painfully shy around ppl i didnt know well and i was one of the smartest in my class...i moved to NY when i was 9... became obsessed with NYC...played on the soccer team...went boy crazy...adopted a long island accent...permed my hair...hated jr. high... started being a delinquint in 9th grade...and now im looooving high school... :D

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

while over there discovered electronic music (snap..2unlimted..C&C..klf etc etc) got hooked..meanwhile in the states i couldnt tell my friends i listen to that because the kids i hung with were mostly black and would clown on me..

It must've been horrible to hide ur secret like that...how did u pull through :rolleyes:

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hmmmmm.....when i was little i danced....like ballet, jazz, tap.

so i seem to have been really girly...on the outside i was this cute little girl, but i was such a tomboy at heart. i had like all boy neighbors. we'd play cops and robbers....all that good stuff. one of the boys was always a bit feminine so if i ever wanted to be girlie he'd be the one to play w/.....then i grew up.....i miss those years!!!!

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Originally posted by mssabina

born and raised in suburban texas

Interesting shit guys..

Hey Sabina...

I lived in San Antonio for five years..

what part of TEXAS did you live in?

I have sooo many memories of

The River Walk and Austin.



(This is interesting)

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Originally posted by mugwump

Interesting shit guys..

Hey Sabina...

I lived in San Antonio for five years..

what part of TEXAS did you live in?

I have sooo many memories of

The River Walk and Austin.



(This is interesting)

omg i loooooove san antonio!! when we used to go there when i was a kid, i thought the river walk was like the coolest place on ever... the boats were so much fun. anyway, i grew up in houston, in this gated community called providence....i swear, like every house had at least one kid. i miss having summer all year long :(

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