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Death Pentaly

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Second on the torture thing.......i think keeping them in jail forever and suducing them to anal raping from a 500 lb guy named "tiny" is sufficient......for the most part

if worse comes to worse.....they can smell o-jay's feet :D

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gosh - - in my opinion, violence breeds violence . . . and executing someone (or torturing them) is really just another form of violence. when you think about it, capital punishment sends a message to society that it's ok to kill someone if they've done something horrible - - so it actually makes the problem worse. and personally, i don't think that anyone or anything, not even the government, has the right to take another person's life.


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Can't support a punishment that's so clearly in violation of the most basic of human rights, namely that to life, as well as international law. Judy Swallow of the BBC world service program "Newshour" interviewed a representative from Amnesty yesterday since they released their annual report on the subject and she noted that we're one of only 31 countries in the entire world that uses it @ all anymore, and 1 of only 4 that uses it extensively. The other 3 are China (which executed 3/4 of all people put to death by a government, most of them in a 2 month span of time), Saudi Arabia, and Iran. Nice company that puts us in. 111 countries have outlawed this barbaric punishment for what it is, the ultimate form of cruel, unusual and degrading punishment, as defined by the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Further, several American states have imposed moratoriums on its use for a whole host of reasons. These include the fact that it can, has been, and continues to be used to take the lives of people who are innocent of the crimes they have been convicted of after it was later found they were in fact innocent; it is used vastly disproportionately against non-whites, the poor, and the mentally ill; it does not deter homicide or any other form of violent crime; it costs more to taxpayers keep a person on death row than to sentence said person to life imprisonment; the legal counsel given to people who are often sentenced to death (again usually the poor, people of color, and the mentally ill) does not meet minimal standards for basic protections of citizen's rights under the constitution. Numerous studies have been done in the US and abroad about our death penalty system and most have found that the problems within it cannot be rectified in such a way as to make sentence a fair, legally coherent, or effective punishment. It can, must, and will one day be abolished here, as it has been in every other western nation.

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Originally posted by kzbuterfli

gosh - - in my opinion, violence breeds violence . . . and executing someone (or torturing them) is really just another form of violence. when you think about it, capital punishment sends a message to society that it's ok to kill someone if they've done something horrible - - so it actually makes the problem worse. and personally, i don't think that anyone or anything, not even the government, has the right to take another person's life.


YEs, i believe that is so.

Also, one of the big problems with the death penalty is the low succession rate, i.e. putting to death of a wrongly convicted felon. I wrote a paper on the death penalty, and so many times did we execute the wrong person.

I'm 99% against it. Of course there's a nerve inside me that thinks (what if it happened to someone in my family or circle of friends), but the idea of "eye for an eye" to the degree of death penalty i believe is outmoded.

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the point of the death penalty is not solely to punish people guilty of committing murder but more importantly to deter would-be murders from committing the crime. Capital Punishment as it exists today is not working as a deterant. Not enough people are put to death for their crimes as there should be. Executions should be conducted as they were in the past...publically, at the town or county court houses for all to witness. Seeing a man who was convicted of murder actually be hung...listening to the sound of his neck break and see him die would, in my opinion, make future criminals more aware of the consequences and less likely to follow through with their crimes. also, the more "humane" ways of putting people to death should be abolished and more grusome methods should be used.

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if you want proof of the part of my previous post on how capital punishment has been used to take the life of a person later found innocent of committing the crime he was convicted of, after his execution, watch "Frontline: Requiem to Frank Lee Smith" on pbs (Channel 13 in NY) tonite @ 9pm. The very term "humane execution" " is an oxymoron.

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