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I Just Wanna Know.. Is N E One On This Forum.....

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I'm not Atheist because I believe there has to be a greater force out there. Because of everything in life, enviroment and people. I think there has to be a greater force out there that created this. How could there be stars billion miles away? Our minds, the way we think. Id on't think any of this has happened by chance.

It sucks though that people criticize you for being atheist. There's nothing wrong with that, it's your belief. I'm sure you have valid reasons why you are atheist.

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Agnostic as well.

Why? I guess the usual obvious reasons.

- What kind of god would let human suffering carry on the way it does?

- What kind of god would create a fallible creature and then punish it when it inevitably strays?

Stuff like that. The "agnostic" claim is just to clarify that if a god made him/her/itself more apparent to me, I'd damn well believe. Until then, I don't see any reason why I should believe that any of the beauty or pain in the world needs to be the result of some higher power.

At the same time, please don't think that I judge others for their beliefs. I'll only judge you if you try to change my mind, and I expect the same courtesy in return.

My main goal on this planet (before I return to my home planet, haha just kidding) is to be as good and considerate towards others as possible. I don't need faith, and certainly not religion, for that.


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Athiest... because the catholic church was chauvanistic/misogynistic, and I saw the same traits in sooo many other faiths, and the whole thing just looks to me like a big control mechanism to keep people happily under the thumb of the elites. Ew. Although I do find Shinto to be a rather appealing possibility should I ever decide to take up a "religion" again. Right now, I am and always will be a parishoner of THE BEST MUTHAFAWKIN CHURCH ON EARTH....


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I think their is truth in every religion, covered in lies and myth. But their is in all religion a belief in something greater, I think maybe it has to do with not wanting to accept responsibility or the need to be directed. The need for hope of a better life, a greater meaning, is part of human nature. Greeks and Romans believed in Gods, crazy Gods, but hey they belived.

I myself don't believe in any of it but, there are some pieces I take out of everyone I learn about (which really isn't much) and try to understand.

No I don't have a religion, but I believe there is something out their that ties everything together. But I don't believe it is some God that people/countries/civilizations fight wars for or use as a strong hold on their people to control their lives and make them drones to command at their will.

I don't think thats what it was supposed to be about.

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