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Sven Vath, with a special guest appearance by God...

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OK, Sven Vath kicked everyone's asses tonight...err....last night. Throughout the course of the night, he managed to work his way through most of techno's subgenres for a night of 140 bpm fun. Personal highlight: at about 6 am when he started rocking out some old school German electrowave and this little bald dude with glasses started swaying like a maniac on the dancefloor.

Anyway, I'm still a little blasted off from the show, but if anyone else wants to write a better review, feel more than welcome.

Shout outs to the usual suspects (Lav, Hacker, JoeG, Wideskies, Roha, Phunk not Phink), and it was good to meet a bunch of you other folks....Quoth, BigPoppa, Xpander, Marci, Gothzane, and a bunch of other people who I'd recognize but my brain is too fried to remember names now. Anyway, don't get too offended if I forgot ya...

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I had such a fantastic night. I was really glad to notice that lots of you CP people are just as enthusiastic dancers as I am! OKayokay, maybe I'm a LITTLE more hardcore than some of you... ;)

Good to meet and greet a bunch of you for the first time and not-first time...I can't remember all of your names so I won't even attempt a shout-out.

Highlight of the night: Stepping on Hawtin's foot and apologizing casually...as if I didn't know who he was. *big grin*... actually, as I said a fair few times to a bunch of you, I had a wonderful time overall, really enjoyed the music, and ... well, if it weren't for having to hike up my skirt every 5 minutes, it would have been perfect. ;]

Sweet dreams, clan.

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It was a great night last night. Music was pretty damn on point, with LeFosse turning in a great opening set ("Yo dude! This is the opener set? DAY-UM!") and Vath pretty much running techno from straight bangin' to tribal to even some oldschool ("Where's the transition?")...

The crowd was great, everybody from CP, you know who you are...it was awesome to see everybody all jumping around with each other...Some new faces: Brickhouse, Marcid, kkelectric, Hitokiri (sorry about the name...lol), dub16, and the guy that never posts (*hint*). I'm so sorry if I forgot someone (and I ALWAYS DO). Please correct me.

Even saw Hawtin getting down...naturally, my bumbling ass just walked up to him and said: "Hey, love your work!" I'm too brilliant... :blown:

All in all...awesome night.

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. . . . hmmm. . . . I haven't written a personal review of any of my nights in quite some time . . . so I'll attempt to keep it short (even though right now I'm still rolling and . . well . . . I'm still rolling . . . :tongue: ) :

. . . . Bill Hamel convinced me on House, Sven Vath has done the same with techno . . .

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. . .doh . . forgot the shouts . . cause there's quite a bit of them . . lettza see how badly I fuck this up . . . :


Marci : Great meeting you finally :D . . . Great boogieing on the dancefloor wit ya too . . hope to have many more nights of the same . . .

Joe : JOOOOOEEEEEEYYYY GEEEEEEEE!!! . . . rawk rawk rawk . . .

Pete : where did you go . . .then again . . I couldn't find my hands at one point and they were most definitely still attached to my body . . . ??

Tiff : . . . I will forever remember the Tee Pee Lightshow . . .

Lilly : Great meeting you . . .Teach that boy how to dance. . .

Toughguy : . . . Gimmie the Techno FACE!!!. . . TECHNO FACE!!! . you ARE Combat Krew . . . . Who rawks? . . . ;) . . .

Sai : . . . My awe inspiring delerium fairy, once again you prove to us that there is magic in this scene . . .

Crobra : . . . I heard you . . but I didn't understand a word . . . did you ever get that alcohol? . . .

Quoth : . . . great seeing you out again :) . . . didn't get to see that chicken dance all the Roxy peeps were talkin about a while back . . . I didn't get my money's worth!!! . . .

Mist : . . . sorry for snapping a while back . . . you know I was getting you confused with that "other" chick . . . it won't happen again . . . ;) . . .

Crackorn : . . Great to finally meet you . . . Good convo . . . If I'm remembering correctly . . . hmm. . . .

Rekall : . . . awww . . you lost your Vinyl Cherry . . .

Dan: . . . It was comforting to have another CFL peep in da house . . . . Blowin Up!!! . . BLOWIN UP!!! . . . . peaking . . yeah . . right . . .

'Skies : . . girl you got energy!!! . . Stomp Stomp Stomp!! . . . hittin it LIVE on the dancefloor . . and don't worry, you weren't the only one last night that was plagued with having to hike their drawers up constantly . . . I'm the king of it . . .

Nathan : . . . you have to get a Raiden hat . . . pronto!! . . .

I'd Rather be clubbing : . . . no man . . I still couldn't read that phone . . . doh!! . . .

Scotty and Al : Great to see you peeps again . . . where'd you guys go to? . . I lost ya kinda early in my evening . . . but again . . refer to the hands statement above . . .

Bigpop : . . . Great meeting you as well . . . finally I'm now able to put a face to the online persona . . .

Kristy and Bog : . . Saving up for Boo huh? . . . I'm gonna have to pass on that . . . maybe I'll see yalls at Nick Warren later that night . .

Ron : . . Always a pleasure, and what I said before about your quest . . I really do mean it . . and I hope that you achieve what you're looking for . . .

NeyDogs : . . . great seeing ya again . . . wanted to see you get down on the floor, but I think I was caught in conversation at the time . . .

. . . I hope I didn't forget anybody . . . the night got kinda . . .well . . Blurry after a while . . .

Cat: I loved how you termed us a "clan" . . . this past night, probably more than any others I've shared with all of you, that title clearly rings true . . .

. . . I had an excellent time . . . I would call it grand . . oh yes indeed . . . everyone was awesome . . . and WE ALL can get down on the dancefloor . . . The way it should be done . . .

P.S. It took me an hour to write this because I was listening to a very special Ecosystem CD that I found ages ago and miles away . . . This time while listening to it however, I didn't see the old place that I called home, I saw all of us on that dancefloor . . .

. . . good night kids . . . .


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suppppppp...yeh sven definitely did tear shit up for the limited time i was there..La Fosse was dope..didnt dissapoint at all..VATH..Fucking WOWW...eheh sorry i had to ghost ..had to take the Factory girls home...

anyway...nice meeting Quoth(finally u crazy fucker) , Xpander , scottyskribz,BogB , PhuturePhunk, Gothzane , BogB , BigPoppaNils , JOEG( i raped and pillaged on the way home) , Marcid, Dub(? 4got the# heeheh) , Snoozi8 , MIst,CROBRA (KAKO SI? HAHAHAHA) , and LavenderMenace( u guys werent bullshittin about the Hugs ahahahaha)...well peace and nice meeting all of u finally

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music was pretty sick, although i found myself thinking that it was really odd to hear that kind of music at vinyl.. beats just kept on coming, shit was hard! sven definitely rocked it, and i thought the crowd size was just right. Ended up leaving at around 5:30 or so when my buzz started wearing off.

saw some cp crew, whattup to phunk, roha, joeyg, lm, crobra, marcid, others - how come i didn't get to meet any of the other 100 cp people that were apparently there?

all in all a good night, hangover going on today...

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Fuck, I saw the bald dude with glasses and all i thought was "why does every techno fan think they are Richie Hawtin?". I am officially an idiot :blown: Oh well, still a great night. Vath had a little harem going on in the booth didn't he?

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Hey guy, its around 2:30 pm..... just got up. AWESOME night last night! :) Cool meeting you CP'ers! WIDESKIES! Were you at the meetup??? Sorry if you were and we didn't get to see each other!!! Did you also get back real late.... er, early? We'll talk later! Cheers for now, all.....


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:eek: :eek: :eek: ....is all i gotta say...

I'm still a wee bit foggy, but all I know is some major booty was kicked last night!

Basically all new faces last night (to me anywho)....THE CHERRY HAS BEEN POPPED...and you were all there to witness! JOEG, Phunk, Barvybe (?i really think i spelled that wrong?)and the womans, LM, thehacker, brickhouse, Ghhhhhost, BigPoppa, Gothzane, ScottyScribz, Crackcorn (see how good I am...I remember!), Xpander, Crobra, Mist, Bog, Snoozi, Roha....and my sweetest Slaveboy! (( i'm sure i missed a few....but it's all about love!)) Damn! When I walked in there I felt like I was at a family reunion...plenty of love and hugs all through the nite!

And Sven....ahhhh...Sven....sitting on the speakers was the best....just feelin' him pound and pound into you....sweet vibrations! So many different levels were thrown down...and it just kept getting better...

Well...I'm going to back to sleep now...:zzz:...can't wait to do this again!!!! <3

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MOTHER FUCKER!!!!! I just wrote like an enourmous review/shoutouts and It said "too many smileys" and when I clicked back it was gone... FUCK FUCK FUCK FUCK!!! MOTHERFUCKER!!!!

ugh... Vinyl = The last real venue in the city... Cp = the fucking family...

Great night, see you tommorrow at tronic...


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Before last night I hadn't been to Vinyl since DT's birthday so maybe its been like that a while, but what was going on with the decorations? I felt like I walked into a Star Wars episode with all that hanging white stuff. Weird.

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:jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop: :jawdrop:



honestly, i had a better time at Sven than i had at Carl Cox back in november.

and that Gene Lefosse guy...the opener....he deserves his own night at Vinyl!!! I remember thinking "If this guy is the opener, what the fuck is Sven gonna be like?"

it was great seeing everyone, old (Barvybe, trippintrance, scottysckribz, crobra, mist, Lav, joeg, gothzane, charrails, roha, snoozi, bog, xpander, crackorn, saigray) and new (gghhost, brickhouse, dub16, marcid, kat (?-brickhouse's friend), hacker, phuturephunk)

i'm gonna go grab some aleve. the pain! the horrifying pain!

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Well i was on my way to vinyl with deb, jessie, steve.

We passed Vinyl, twice.

We tried to find somewhere to park.

And then we got lost for about 2 hours. :blown:

Sounds like a good night was missed :mad:

These things happen, though. Glad everyone had a blast :)

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Originally posted by kklektrik

SVEN VATH kiked my ass last night ... what a fuken awesome night...great crowd evil beats...nice meeting some of ya'll quoth, Xpander, phuturephunk and all ya other that i cant remember right now...

cya on the dance floor...

- Oz -

oh werd whats up brotha man? nice to see u post cause i didnt see the sn...u were the smaller dude correct? eh..then again every is smaller to me lol...but yea nice meetin ya glad u didn't get scared away by my crazy antics and by others. peace.

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