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Partying sober...how the hell is it done?

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good point on the carbs but only half true... think like an athlete - do some light carbo loading like 6-8 hours before you plan to go out... and who Doesn't like some spaghetti and red sauce, anyway? pasta and other dense carbs digest in between 8-12 hours so if you have some, say at 5/6 (early dinner) for going out at 10pm (typical opening time), you'll be in prime form for 3am - and as well all know, that's usually when shit is totally bangin' :)

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i really want to party sober too. i have actually been avoiding the clubscene altogether b/c i don't want to tempted into NOT being sober. yes, i need to have more willpower, but that will only come with time.

i don't drink caffeine (except green tea in the morning), i don't take stackers, i always take a nap before i go clubbing, i eat a big plate of pasta the night before i go clubbing, and i still get tired around 5 am if i am sober. hell, even if i am not sober i get tired around 7 am. am i getting too old for this (ahem 22??!).

what else can i do to help stay awake? and does anyone else have the problem of your wrists/arms hurting when you play with stixx when sober? god, i guess i need to start lifting more weights so my arms don't hurt while i stick. this is terrible! :cry:

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lots of water helps the energy levels. lots and lots of water. usually for me its more about the dehydration than the lack of calories consumed that day or whatever if i get tired. i definitely DON'T drink enough water myself, considering how much i dance. i need one of those camelback things to strap on.

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I got through the entire SF anniversary party on 3 hrs sleep - & one red bull.....dont know how the f I did it. I like going to clubs sober - but I also like going & getting banged up - this time I had no choice since I'm on meds & been really sick this week......didnt want to ruin the party by going to the hospital.

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Originally posted by thehacker

good point on the carbs but only half true... think like an athlete - do some light carbo loading like 6-8 hours before you plan to go out... and who Doesn't like some spaghetti and red sauce, anyway? pasta and other dense carbs digest in between 8-12 hours so if you have some, say at 5/6 (early dinner) for going out at 10pm (typical opening time), you'll be in prime form for 3am - and as well all know, that's usually when shit is totally bangin' :)

Its true.....

I am an athlete, and understand what foods i need to eat to stay properly fueled. If the music is on point, I dance til I am numb ,so i need to be properly nutrioned.

Before I go out, I have a decent meal, packing a good amount of carbs. Since it takes me an hour to get into the city, I'll pack a granola bar and eat that before I go in;this way I don't stuff myself all at once.

If I am really goin nuts that night, sometimes i need to buy a bag of pretzels to get me goin again :)

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Originally posted by venus34

I party sober EVERY WEEK. I mean, No stackers, no xenadrine. maybe one or two red bulls....THATS IT. I am at the club before 12, and don't leave till 8 or 9 every friday. Let me advise you. NAPS ARE A BAD IDEA. unless youare napping WAY before you go out, you'll never be energetic enough by the time you get there. You need to leave at least 3 hours between the time you wake up and the time you leave for the club. DO NOT EAT RIGHT BEFORE YOU LEAVE. Think about when you are trying to fall asleep in yourbed, and you are starving. You just can't sleep, becuase, of course...you are hungry. Hunger keeps your mind off of being tired. Munch on chips or candy in the car, but nothing too filling. Carbs make you sluggish, though...stay away from bread and doughy things. REMEMEBER WHY YOUE THERE. Obviously, it's the music that drives you. Drink lotsa water, sit down when youre tired, and then DANCE YOURE FAWKING ASS OFF!!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

i completley agree!!! I think i may have partied not-sober only about 3 times in my life! Its just like everything else hun, you gotta get into a routine and def. REMEMBER WHY YOU'RE THERE!

But dont over do yourself either, if your body's telling you, "fucker, i want to go home!", listen to it! ;)

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I just started partying sober. I wwent to alot of raves and shit back in the day (early 90's) and did alot of stupid shit i regret. Im now a 24 yr old recovering alchi and partying sober actually kicks ass. I go out cause i love the music and i love to dance.

It was funny at Centro-fly saturday night(which Doc Martin played one of the best house sets i have heard while ive been in the scene 9yrs) some chick came up to me and said damn u looked fucked up. I just laughed. I was able to last all night till 8 am. I was pretty beat when i got home though shoulda took a nap before i went out. =)

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This is a really uplifting thread, guys. It's so easy -- the drugs make it so easy -- to lose track of the spirit of "the dj the music and me" and "be yourself". I usually party sober. Last weekend I didn't, and of course it felt great, but a day later it was all a blur, I couldn't remember what tracks were played, the music all ran together, it felt like only 5 minutes had passed, and all I knew was that I danced my ass off for eight hours straight. But you don't need drugs to do that...

dance till it hurts, dance till you cant feel the pain, then dance some more

This is how I do it. My feet start hurting, I get short of breath, but I know that if I push through it, keep myself hydrated, maybe add on a Red Bull later on in the night, I'll get to that point where the pain doesn't even matter anymore. At 8am when only the die-hards are left, when the people who are still going can't keep from smiling at each other, like, "Yeah, we made it" -- that's when you hit your zone and it all makes sense.

And a day later, I can look back on it and say, "I had a great time. I danced like a lunatic. That track at 8:45 was amazing. That girl I met was really friendly." And I know it all came from me, and I'm proud of myself, and happy to be alive.


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Originally posted by xtcgspot

its just pure adrenaline for me. i honestly dont know how i do it, but i dont have a problem staying out all nite and being sober. its so much more fun for me. id rather be sober and know exactly wuts goin on, and be able to actually listen to the music, than bein all fucked up and oblivious to the world, and not remember most of the nite the next day.

How true... and when the music sucks and you contemplate getting fucked up, don't forget that only makes it suck more.

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it's good to know that there are people out in clubland that are sober, even if it is a small percentage of the masses.

when i am sober, i can trainspot songs much better and the songs i don't know i can remember some of the lyrics so i can search for it the next day. when i'm f-ed up, everything just sounds like one pretty damn good song that's 7 hours long. ;)

anyway, i hope that going sober will renew my love for this culture. it definitely has slipped b/c of my substance use, i admit. i want to remember that i am going for the music, not for the drugs. :heart:

this can also be compared to the hippies of the '60-'70s. many of them started the movement with a fire for revolution, music, and love.. but then got sidetracked by the drugs.. let's not let our scene die the same way! :cool:

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Sometimes, like lst week..I have these thoughts about "Maybe I'll take a pill..just one..."...being a girl who has only smoked pot maybe...8 times, an never tried anything else, it can be INCREDIBLY tempting....especially because all of my friends have been tripping, rolling, blah blah blah since highschool. My best friend says that I should, all my friends want to be there when it happens, but for some reason they don't realize that ITS NEVER GOING TO. At 15, I was an alcoholic. I got over that, and it took a really long time. I am proud of my acheivements, and never want to be in another situation like that again. many young people have trouble saying no to something after theyve already agreed to it once (girls, think about after youve slept with a guy, and ten dont want to do it again, howhrd it is to say that..lol)...after deciding that I would roll for my first time fr scot project, I realized what it is that makes me who I am. I am me because I love everything. I don't need to be fucked up to see beauty in things, or to feel good. I am me beause when everybody else said yes, I said no. I am me, because I make my own rules. I have no problem with people who do drugs, but I'm glad that I don't. I'm glad that I realized all of this before the weekend. Now maybe I'll hae a couple of dinks instead. I'm to the point where I can drink socially again. How proud am I??? SO PROUD.:spin::spin::grin2: :grin2:

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Yup. I arrive early. I'm almost always on the floor. I'm sober and the only thing i buy at the club is one bottle of water which i refill periodically.

That's it. :) the best part is seeing my whiny drug-taking friends *cough CARL* complaining about being tired and dead at 8am, while i'm dancing rings around them.

I still am pissed about being dragged out of Vinyl by my feet though. Lame bastards

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Originally posted by roha3000

First off let me clarify...when I say partying sober, I mean partying all damn night sober. As in showing up at like 1 and staying til the place closes around 9.

Now I have done this a few times, but it is extremely difficult for me. I think I always end up ODing on Xenadrines and Red Bulls and sort of become a zombie who cannot focus on anything. When this happens it is difficult to even hold a conversation because I cannot focus on the words. It is kind of like the same slow brained feeling you get when you are coming down off a roll. Only it is much easier to hold a conversation when you are coming down off a roll.

Now I need to figure out the right way to do this sober thing. This zombie shit isn't working. I had to ditch Vinyl at 6:30. Sure it was techno, and that will knock you on your ass a whole lot quicker than other types of music, but still, I never leave that early. So if any of you sober ppl out there have any pointers for me, please let me hear them.

yes well...one takes a nap or one does e and c...endlessly...alcochol is not good for your skin after all...

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Being sober actully isn't that bad! After seven years of non stop clubbin it was time to lay off the pills. I actually have a better time sober in city clubs that I used to wasted, sitting in some corner not being able to see someone who was right up in my face! I do have to admit, some of the best times I've had in clubs were because of drugs but eventually enough becomes enough. All my friends still drop and it doesn't bother me one bit. I just can't do it anymore! xtcgspot is absolutely right... it's all about the adrenaline!

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I used to go out and get all types of fuked up and now the passed few times I have gone out clubbing..I have been totally sober....and to tell the truth.....I kinda like it better....I never thaught that Id like it .....and never thaught that it could be done....but I did it and like it......:hat: ..so theres my storie...yeah..im sure a nap would do some good too...

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