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Grrr! this is fucking bullshit already...


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i think im going to put big X on this relationship... CUT! fuckin'shit... (im a bit angry so my sentences/spelling might not make sense...) wtf! okay... so i had plans for this evening... and then a lady friend of mine calls up (one that we both are kicking it to each other or whatever you wanna call it, looking to move forward in our relationship blah etc) so i cancel my previous plans... and begin getting ready and 1/2 hour after we're supposed to meet i get a phone call saying that, shes meeting other guys so forget it... (which is totally fine b/c we have an open relationship like that, and we're "supposed" to tell each other if we're going out with someone) now this is were its gets better... samething happend yesterday... just instead of 1/2hr later we meet up 21/2 hours later and shes like i had to make stop some where... (turns out some other guys house) now wtf.. keep in mind shes the one who made plans with me on both occassions... why make plans with me at all, if youre goign to break them? WTF! so now i look like an ass calling up the other person and having to double talk over my last excuse and blah... and this shit is really fucking with my chi... errrr! wtf.. wtf...wtf... er... not only am i angry but jealous as well... but fuck it im out... ttyl...


Ps...Yeah Im jealous too...

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sounds to me like she wants to wrap you around her little finger..

open relationships are disasterous in my opinion..

and if it makes you jealous then obviously it's because you do care about her.. maybe you should try telling her that...

but from a girls perspective..

i think she's trying to make you jealous :( games suck shit and if she does want you all to herself and she's purposely ditching you to see if it plays with your nerves then you should rethink the whole thing..

i hope you feel better :)

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ok...before when I read this and i really had nothing to say....but now...i have a big...SOMETHING to say....

Can someone please tell me why the fuck you guys....the nice guys....are stupid enough to go after all the maneating females that lurk around this planet??? Cause I'm really friggen curious!

I read these threads about guys whining about girls playing them....and I read (and have prolly written) threads about guys playing girls....and I'm just friggen disgusted!

Here's a lesson for you all! Use your fucking brains!!!!! Is it really that hard to pass judgement on someone after a while and say..."hmmm...this person dosent' seem so good"....or "hmmm...lets get to know this person cause he/she seems like a good catch"?????

While i was out tonite...for once, I actually used my brain...and in the end, I walked away tonite really only finding one guy attractive out of 3/4 that I had first noticed. Not to say I am going to marry this ONE person....or that he is Mr. "IT"...but seriously...it's all in your gut..you can tell by this persons words or actions....

Sorry if I sound harsh with my words...(being slightly drunk has something to do with it)...but I'm so sick of seeing good, honest, loving people get fucked for no reason (I am no exception to any of this). You are all smart beautiful people....why not find someone who you KNOW will compliment this...rather than crush it?

....there seems to be so much of this lovesickness floating around...if you just pay attention, you'll all find the cure.

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Originally posted by dgmodel



How the fuck did you let this happen?

What ever happen to the Caveman mentality, Whats mine is mine whats yours is mine. now Im not saying you should get to fuck around and she shouldn't but jesus.

If she's not willing to lock you down. Then how much do you really think you are worth to her?

I hate to say it.

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damn sounds like a shitty situation.

open relationships never work..

someone always wants more.

im kinda in an open relationship with this guy and every time we hang out he tells me how he wants to be with me and only me & asks me if i wanna be more than we are presently... its funny because i dont even take him seriously. :laugh:

ne way: the point is, if you wanna hang out out with this girl, cool, have fun... but dont think that you are going to have something deep because obviously she is juggling other people who she puts ahead of you. dont put her ahead of your friends & dont listen if she says she cares cuz she doesnt. ;)

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Originally posted by somebitch

damn sounds like a shitty situation.

open relationships never work..

someone always wants more.

im kinda in an open relationship with this guy and every time we hang out he tells me how he wants to be with me and only me & asks me if i wanna be more than we are presently... its funny because i dont even take him seriously. :laugh:

ne way: the point is, if you wanna hang out out with this girl, cool, have fun... but dont think that you are going to have something deep because obviously she is juggling other people who she puts ahead of you. dont put her ahead of your friends & dont listen if she says she cares cuz she doesnt. ;)

haha i been there too -- twice. once i considered it and then things fell apart. it was like Once you get what you thought you couldn;t have, you dont want it anymore. (so true. goes back to the 'ol games' thing) and second time i was much wiser.. ;) i didnt take it seriously and refused to get played like that again

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