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lawler at vinyl

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It was my first time actually hearing Lawler live.......

I'll start off by saying I was enjoying it completely. He did play a lot of older stuff and after the first hour in which a few of us were chanting odd Native shit......he did kinda bore me for the next hour/hour and a half. Then he picked it up with that patteneded dark sinister tribal house style that I was itchin for. I was lovin it....but I ran out of gas and left at like 7:30 (I know...lightweight) with a few others.

Fuck it...dark dirty house any day of the week and I'll take it.

Props to the Aboriginee crew that took over the front last night. In case you all missed me, I was the kid in all black with a tomohawk, shredded sleeves, tiger-streak facepaint, and a camo bandana.

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i finally just woke up now (6:08) after closing out last nite.. Lawler definately rocked Vinyl hard last nite but I agree, i've seen him tear shit up harder then that before. Still had fawkin awesome time.. It was real nice at the end when the floor was more empty and most of the meatballs went home.

Oh and thanks to whoever it was that gave me the light show and massage!!!!!!!!!! :drunk::D

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Originally posted by j303j

one of my top dj's but last night he was not on. programming was off, micing wasnt to good

well said. i agree completely.

He's one of my faves as well but hey everybody has an off night (and mind you, "off" is entirely a subjective opinon).

though i sure as hell had a lot of fun nailing people with my tassles and beads ;)

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well...i didnt leave early for being a lightweight but my guests wanted to go and i had a greek easter celebration to attend...

nice to see those i knew and those i didnt...

def. dug lawler but was not inspired to another level...just moments and not an entire experience...oh well...not complaining...

next time i wear colored shades, i'm bringin tic-tacs to sell to everyone who asked me, "know where i can get some hits?"

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The sober Mc rides again.

Roha: Your the NEW board alcoholic, im officially passing the torch.

Gabo:nice bowling shoes

Clubkat: seems like its been FURRRRRRRRRRRRever since i last

saw you.

Regina and Z: Shakin them tails like always for hours on end.

Kingarthur: I will be back in Brooklyn someday to take over my former hood again from you russians LOL.

Sarahkim: Nice to finally meet you and yes im pretty tall lol.

j303j: cool mofo..nice to finally meet the mayor of North Arlington lol.

Marci d: WTF is a marcid??

Xxlea: Tans work wonders

Wideskies: good seeing you

nycmuzik: damn, you fuckin smoke a lottttttttttt of cigarettes bro lol.

trippintrance64: long time no see brotha man. (not like your even gonna read clubplanet for this shout)

djjon,hitokiri,cintron,siceone: The muthafuckin life of the party. Nice outfits and makeup. "ooga chaka ooga chaka"

saigray: nice seein u

ghhhhhhost: I'm telling you man you let mad oppurtunities slip through your hands last night..Fuck the SF girls..that shit was alllllll you brotha man.

blueskygirl (fran drescher): ughhhh, we are soooooo getting married......er...like when i turn 30 ;)

Petrol: nice to meet some old skool muthafuckin CPer's

Sexyclubber: Hey glad you could make it to Vinyl...btw..how did you get there?? Did you have a safe enjoyable ride home?? :tongue:

To whoever i missed..don't worry...yer all loved by the Mc.

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I had so much fun last night. I think I danced more than I ever have before.

I love Vinyl so much. I left my coat on the bench in the back room all night and it never disappeared! He he, thanks everyone for not stealing it, lol. Kidding!

SO I saw the guys with like the tooth necklaces and stuff. Board members, I gather. It's so funny, beause I probably saw every one of you last night, but I don't know you, though I read your stuff on here almost every day. Maybe I'll go to the next meetup....

The vibe in there last night was awesome.

:D :D :D :D :D

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Originally posted by guinevere

SO I saw the guys with like the tooth necklaces and stuff. Board members, I gather. It's so funny, beause I probably saw every one of you last night, but I don't know you, though I read your stuff on here almost every day. Maybe I'll go to the next meetup....

Yeah that was us.

Tribal facepaint guy in the grass skirt was Hitokiri.

Tooth Necklace Man packing the tomahawk was Djjonstephen

Big tall man with tigerprint belt and Tigerprint/Feather pants was Siceone.

Darth Maul facepaint guy was T0nythelover

And I was the ragdoll of the bunch, packing a camo-dredlock bandanna and pants with a TON of tassles on them.

:) it was fun.

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Originally posted by j303j

i know new isnt better but i don't wanna hear alot of old tracks either. ima huge lawler fan and last night he dissapoited me. do you liek every dj you see every time. get a clue bitch.

what a shame i thought this was a forum to intelligently discuss music and the club scene.. a safe haven where you can discuss youropinion with out the fearof being called names,specifically -Bitch~~for thats a big one as I am a woman.

For the record, you re not the First person who's listened to a DJ and been disappointed as "clubbing"/difference of opinionexsisted LONG BEFORE you wereborn and will continue LONG after youre GONE,hopefully without name calling it's so unattractiveand ignorant universally, not ONLY my opinion


WHATEVER.. my friends and I had a Great time,never the less.

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Ok, although I had a good time, there was something missing. Everything just sounded repetative. It was music I felt like chilling to. I still danced like a nut, but not as much as usual. Don't get me wrong, Lawler was awesome - just awesome in a chill way. :confused: Don't look at me like that! I'm just stating my opinion. lol

Anyways, I want to give a shout out (that's right, this is HOT97CP from now on) to Ron, DJJohnStephen, and...damn...I need to get to know more of you folks. Oh, and the people who will probably never read this: Gary, Karim, Omar, Marny, Leor, Barnabus, Remmy, Frankie, Ali, Amanda, B, and any other person I met for the first time ever yesterday morning. Thank you all for making my night going solo, into a night where I never felt alone. :heart:

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anyway 'fore i begin with what little i still remember bout it thanks a lot regina for lettin us use ur house for the pre game had fun. much love for every1 that went tsome old some new- im not gonna name names but u know who u are:tongue:, MY TRIBAL WARRIORS- WE TURNED THE PARTY OUT hands down we were the party :gang:

last night was off the hook i never heard lawler before an what i heard last night was sick i firmly believe he was seriously tryin to kill me for real i still can t believe i closed it out it got to the point where i couldn t move my arms an i couldn t lift my legs it got to the point where when he started droppin hard beats all i could do was shuffle my feet. john i loved ur idea bout goin in tribal u dunno how many girls kept feelin up on my skirt i mean wtf but still i ain t mind lol this one dude kept comin up to me tell me how i had represented the whole african tribal culture through my outfit an dance(gee imagine that ) an shit hell i just was buggin out im still sore but sore in a good way btw whoever opened sat was off the hook he had the crowd goin crazy an to all the rest of the tribe (with some exceptions cin an sice) yall suck serves u right windin up at vinly again at 9am lol i won t laugh i had to walk from the finacial district back to chinatown... i won t even go into it all in all i had an ill ass time but i guess i ll see ya there for seamen/patrick never heard of em but we ll find out soon enough till then latas now its time to shoot myself:biggun: for those that dun know yeah i was the warrior with the black facepaint with the grass skirt an green (mystical?!?) weapons

btw can i get copies of the pic at reginas an mc donalds those were crazy how many ppl did we scare :laugh: :laugh:

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Like dafagadelic,nycclubgoddess,guinvere (sp?), voice and a whole shitload of others????

People please come and fuckin introduce yerselves its gets repetitive like Lawler's beats seeing the same damn faces all the time at every club...If u post and at least have the mutual respect to say hi..then fuckin-a come say hi..chances are someone or another knows who we are via pictures or people??

wow...its fuckin late...i got work at 12 ugh.

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Originally posted by dafunkadelic

Glad you liked me...........sleep well. :laugh:

Its all for shits and giggles...besides be glad your name's not Gabo or Roha3000 cause i think i gave them both a verbal beating at Lawler LOL.

Roha cause he reeked of alcohol so bad that you could swear he was wearing Heineken Roll-On Deodorant.


Gabo for his button flannel of which him and my 65 yr old father shop at the same store not to mention the bowling shoes he was wearing that he forgot to return to the cash register before arriving at Vinyl and also his sprained wrist and ace bandage from the ass kicking he received from his employees for telling them their piece count was hurting production at UPS.


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