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Who introduced you to Board members?

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And who did you meet first?

For me it was TRIPANDTRANCE..



This was during the controversial


Before the boards split into

all the other "cliques" that all

you newbies might be aware of..

(The "naughies", The "VERY


and those "Glowstick Dreamerz")

Back then we ALL fought, laughed

and shared in here..

And I was both hated and loved

for my mugwumpian shinanegans

(And lord did I love pushing

"gravitie's" buttons..lol*)

But now all that's changed..


But thinking back I remember that one night

@ Twilo:


(By a speaker)

"Yo this is MUGZ everyone!"

And a large portion of the Twilo

floor came up to greet me with


Two days later I was at Leps

drinking with Spoony D, Lexctacy,

Pete Shwing, My old roomie,

Zoran and the entire cast of

"old schoolers"

And then it struck me...

This "board shit" is a beautiful

thing..all thread drama aside..



(over all..)





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ive been friends with trippintrance for a while before the whole board thing... i acutallly met a few board peeps before i joined.. i think it was az-tec, tyco, rachel1997, and damn a shit more and i cant remember lol.. i do remember though it was pvd at twilo and it was one of the best clubbin experiences of my life.. those were the days ::sigh::


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Hey Veronica...

I remember meeting you and Al that

same night at Twilo as well..

Long time no read..

(How you been?)





(Mugz snugles up and gets cozy

to listen to the stories)


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Well I went with my friend joey jammz to Aria to go spin and I met Anthony Nero... Then he came to exit one night and after that we would up talking online.. he always sent me links for CP to read about night and venues he was spinning at and also just to read stupid shit that people were writing... lol At first I would just post and defend him... and I think a lot of people hated me.. lol..

Then i started going to tunnel to support Nero and I met Msoprano, MikeMC, Tunnelbandit, Mike Rizzo and Romy....

Then we all moved to LImelight when Nero moved and I still chilled with those same people and met trancend and a few others....

Then we all moved to Roxy party and I went up to Ronin and introduced myself to him and he introduced me to Legend and then Larry introduced me to everyone else....

CP board is great... I love chillin with all of you guys... :D

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holy shit..george made it to pseudo and i never did?? sad sad person i am...

for me 1st peeps i met were hitokiri and fierydesire..we went to the carshow together..but the person who introduced me to the most peeps was Quoth @ Sven Vath @ Vinyl..i met like 1341324 people that night...and i must admit fuckin scottyskribz, bogb,joeg, and quoth were the coolest...the rest of the peeps there were either too drunk or RRRR--ZZZ--Olling to remember me

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

holy shit..george made it to pseudo and i never did?? sad sad person i am...

for me 1st peeps i met were hitokiri and fierydesire..we went to the carshow together..but the person who introduced me to the most peeps was Quoth @ Sven Vath @ Vinyl..i met like 1341324 people that night...and i must admit fuckin scottyskribz, bogb,joeg, and quoth were the coolest...the rest of the peeps there were either too drunk or RRRR--ZZZ--Olling to remember me

Don't forget the time you were checkin out my package in the bathroom at Vinyl :tongue:

Howells Baby :bounce:

Well Rob intoduced me to LinaBina and glowdancer at exit for Johnny Vicious. I met a few others but it evades me now.

I met most everyone else at Roxy the first few weeks. If it wasn't for Rob,Regina, and Zehra buggin the shit outta me to post more, I would prolly still have 150 posts. :)

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i got introduced to the board in oct 2000 by an old schooler, i lurked for about two months and than i hopped on and started adding on to threads...

the 1st peeps i met were myrlin, carabee and ooana in feb 2001 and than went to jammy jams happy non valentine get together and met my valentine trippin trance, j303j, diva, sinem and others.....

i met mugwump at ps1 last summer and the list goes on and on...

met lots of folks at twilo and so on... awwwwwwwwww memories, :D

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Originally posted by legend38

Don't forget the time you were checkin out my package in the bathroom at Vinyl :tongue:

um.. should I be worried??.. Pretty scary...

If it wasn't for Rob,Regina, and Zehra buggin the shit outta me to post more, I would prolly still have 150 posts. :)

damn it.. stop posting.. you post whore!!! :laugh: jk

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Originally posted by bebby6919

um.. should I be worried??.. Pretty scary...

damn it.. stop posting.. you post whore!!! :laugh: jk

yes u should..larry leaned over and said "NICE PA..." but then someone came in and he looked away..guess he didnt finish his sentence :D ...but if i did say hi to joeg and legend that night they woulda been the 1st CP ers i met...too bad larry woulda thought my name was DOS instead of Ghost like @ exit ahahahha

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And I just keep meeting all the new headz..

and introducing....

soooo many clubbers...

*I forgot about LIMELIGHT


Met crobra,Jaypee,Trancend, Tunnel bandit,

scotty scribz and a milion

other crackheads the night

that Charalis was spinning in the chappel...

Good times~


(woops Mugz forgetting to log

out Amy's screen name!)

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Trippintrance rocks :] i met him @ twilo last year some time, too... but he wasn't the first board person i met.

the first CP person i met was orlandobreaks, followed closely by brickhouse. however, i met them off NBooth, and hadn't gotten to CP yet.

however, the first people that i EVER met off a board were, if i recall correctly, JustThisGirl and San off the Twiloboard.

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. . . Tilly gave me the challenge to get out of the house and then I proceeded to meet Lavendermenace and Barvybe, followed very closely by Thehacker, Siceone, Brooklynkid and others at Pseudo that night. . . I do believe Scottyskribs and Clubmouse were there too, but I wasn't formally introduced to them until later . .

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I guess my first CP appearance was at Destination NYC with Sice and DJ Jon. Through all the sloshiness there were still a bunch of heads there...CK, XXlea, Crobra, Mist, Mugz, Snoozi, Bog, Roha, Mssabina, TastyT, Xpander, Scoob-E, and a bunch of others...

Sven Vath at Vinyl was when I was introduced to a bunch of others courtesy of Joeg ((popping the Vinyl Cherry))...

...but the loners, DGModel and Apples were the first that I met off CP. I think they have social phobia's or something...:rolleyes:

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Justin (Trancend) and I went to the america meetup with Romina, and I met like 8000 people there...

The only ones I remember were LM (who was babbling about "nurturing" justin) :D, Siceone, Scotty Skribz, Exodust, thehacker, & tastyt... me? I was "uhhh... joe... but I don't have a board name yet..." which changed literally the minute I got home... and since I had introduced myself to 49390305 people as "joe," I figured joeg was appropriate...


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i first met kvanzile9 at exit last august(he doesnt post here anymore). later at the meetup i met a shitload of people, but the only 2 that stuck around after were finesse112 (doesnt post anymore either) and sexybabydee

2 weeks later i met rdancer, trancerxn, bigart, and doubtness

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

yes u should..larry leaned over and said "NICE PA..." but then someone came in and he looked away..guess he didnt finish his sentence :D ...but if i did say hi to joeg and legend that night they woulda been the 1st CP ers i met...too bad larry woulda thought my name was DOS instead of Ghost like @ exit ahahahha

He said you were checking out his package.. well whatever.. either way it doesnt sound right...you guys are crazzzzzy! :tongue:

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Hmmmmmm...For me it was blueangel (R.I.P.):heart:, blkraver, sgbrooklyn, stevegroove, spoonyd, and Parish, I hope I didn't forget anyone else like 1 1/2 to almost 2 years ago@ Ave A Sushi :D...WOW, that was a loooooooooong time ago!!!

PS: Stacychase ROCKS! :hat:

Also, I was introduced to albyback by mugwump (THANKS MUGSY!)

-Jamms "ithinkiamgoingsenile" :tongue:

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Originally posted by jammy

Also, I was introduced to albyback by mugwump (THANKS MUGSY!)


Tell that Italian that I'm gonna start charging him

for the chicks I introduce him to..

(My rates have gone up since those

Highschool days at the "VICTORIA'S PUB" in Rome..)

On another note..

Isn't it funny how some of those you sometimes

"BRING IN" to the boards just turn around

and leave you standing by the "welcome" door...

Mugz: "lonerclubber04 here's the gang..

*(Mugz introduces a new member to CP)

You have the Ravers here...

and the Techno angry mob over there...

oh, oh..watch out for the breaks heads at that

table (They hate everything not "break related")...

D&B crew by that bass over there..

House and Trance? yup..

follow the huge line to the velvet rope..

Gabber kids and hardcore kids? SURE..

just follow all the flyers and dead glowsticks to the

loud room in the back...But I'd stay out of the "VIP" room

if I where you..

You aren't wearing nice shoes and you

don't quite look like the type that likes martinis and lines."

lonerclubber04: "Gee thanks mugz see ya never.."

(newbie runs off leaving MUGZ standing by the door

all by himself..)


What else is new



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Originally posted by jammy

Hmmmmmm...For me it was blueangel (R.I.P.):heart:, blkraver, sgbrooklyn, stevegroove, spoonyd, and Parish, I hope I didn't forget anyone else like 1 1/2 to almost 2 years ago@ Ave A Sushi :D...WOW, that was a loooooooooong time ago!!!

PS: Stacychase ROCKS! :hat:

Also, I was introduced to albyback by mugwump (THANKS MUGSY!)

-Jamms "ithinkiamgoingsenile" :tongue:

thanks jammmmmmmmmmmmmy jam.... :) u r one kool chickeee urself... :D

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