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>I OFFiCiALLY have an EmAiLiNG STALkER...

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Ok...the 1st email I got from THiS guy "JiMMY" was sweet an I was flattered....the second was still sweet but....maybe a bit much....and the 3rd... :blank: :blank: :blank: I'm startiNG to woNDER whether I KNOW thiS Guy or NoT.... :confused:

This was the second email...and what freaked me out is that he used the word "GLOWS" in it.... :blank:

Despina, there is an angel among us! How do I know? There is no other way to explain why she glows. Her face combines a sweetness and an innocence rarely seen. If she were of this earth she would either be a Princess or a Queen. Where is my evidence you ask? You think that would be an impossible task? Just so you know I am to be believed look in your mirror and an angel you too shall see!


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THiS is the 3rd EMaiL for JiMMY STALkER

I realize this sounds impossible to say, but you are actually getting even more beautiful with each passing day. I am utterly amazed how someone already so breathtaking could become even more so, but its apparent to me you have and I wanted to let you know. They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder and I guess that is true, but honestly I can't even imagine angels being as beautiful as you. In fact when I saw you I thought I must be in heaven instead of this world and you know what? I would be if you could be my girl!

:eek: :eek: :eek:

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be flatterd i get made crazy hoes sayen wacky sh1t to me with out even seeing me a lot just be flatterd and use him for money or his car or some thing and if hes hot fuk him other wise call him a loser and tell him to get a life i mean when ever i say that to a girl they always pretty much get offended and talk sh1t but always end up leaven me alone which is a plus ;)

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Originally posted by kaydup

Not to shit on your stalker, but I am almost positive that I have read those somewhere before. But, I can't remember where. hmmmm

same here.

And if things get out of hand, there's only one guy to call

.... you know....

Dr. Flow :cool:

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .OH NO!! . . . Code red 5 . . . we have an unauthorized Mark cloning in Brooklyn!! . . I need an incursion team and a cleaner STAT!!! . . . .

:laugh: :laugh:

congrats D! you have you're own stalker... you've finally made it! lmao... see... it starts with a nike commercial and a stalker, next thing you know, the media is in your face, and you can't even go to a movie without a guy snapping you're picture or asking for your autograph... :D

hehe, hope he leaves you alone...

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Originally posted by gmccookny

same here.

And if things get out of hand, there's only one guy to call

.... you know....

Dr. Flow :cool:

when i read "Dr. Flow", i immediately pictured a white doctor suit, one of those circle doctor things on his head and this evil looking man with a joker smile putting on a rubber glove :eek: :eek: :cool:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Ok...the 1st email I got from THiS guy "JiMMY"... I'm startiNG to woNDER whether I KNOW thiS Guy or NoT....

I wonder how much fuckin time it takes you to type up posts WheN EvErY OtHeR wORd iS tYpEd oUt LIkE tHiS...

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

. . .OH NO!! . . . Code red 5 . . . we have an unauthorized Mark cloning in Brooklyn!! . . I need an incursion team and a cleaner STAT!!! . . . .

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

sounds like he got all that from the inside of hallmark cards...

**Keep an eye out "Glow"** :worry:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

Ok...the 1st email I got from THiS guy "JiMMY" was sweet an I was flattered....the second was still sweet but....maybe a bit much....and the 3rd... :blank: :blank: :blank: I'm startiNG to woNDER whether I KNOW thiS Guy or NoT.... :confused:

This was the second email...and what freaked me out is that he used the word "GLOWS" in it.... :blank:

Despina, there is an angel among us! How do I know? There is no other way to explain why she glows. Her face combines a sweetness and an innocence rarely seen. If she were of this earth she would either be a Princess or a Queen. Where is my evidence you ask? You think that would be an impossible task? Just so you know I am to be believed look in your mirror and an angel you too shall see!


Sounds like a crazy Greek dude to me.

Pai stou na pai na gamithi. LOL

Tell him you are flattered however you

are in a relationship with someone.

That way he will leave you alone.

If that doesnt work block his email address.

A few months ago I had some crazy silly Psycho bitch

call me on my cell and asked me why I stole her

dog and that she misses her POuch and that

she was going to Kill me. I had to change my

cell number.


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Originally posted by mane

A few months ago I had some crazy silly Psycho bitch

call me on my cell and asked me why I stole her

dog and that she misses her POuch and that

she was going to Kill me. I had to change my

cell number.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

Despina, I'm sorry to hear that girlie...please be careful! :worry:

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

...a SHORTeR amount of Time than iT took You to ThiNk of that statement you just WRoTE... ;):tongue:

you are pretty funny... :tongue:

sorry to hear about your stalker though... i guess the internet opens up all kinds of new doors for the weirdos...

good luck girl.

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Originally posted by glowgrlnyc

...a SHORTeR amount of Time than iT took You to ThiNk of that statement you just WRoTE... ;):tongue:

you konw that would scare me if it were true...then I SHOULD be the one scared about hAvINg a StALkeR...

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