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"Juiced up" guys at the Jersey shore


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First of all, I am in no way jealous. I'm a girl anways and I'd never take that shit nor do I have to. Now to my point... why is it that the Jersey shore is full of guys on steroids? And why does it seem thats its only like that around the metropolitan area? I mean if you walk in Tempts, you'd swear you were at a bodybuilding contest instead of a club. There is nothing wrong with looking good and working out, but I think its so funny when you see a kid one summer and the next summer he is twice the size.

Don't get me wrong, I like a man who takes care of himself, but there is a lot more to life than biceps. What do you think girls, do you like all the guys juiced up and sweaty at Tempts?

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Originally posted by sexyfukncritic

First of all, I am in no way jealous. I'm a girl anways and I'd never take that shit nor do I have to. Now to my point... why is it that the Jersey shore is full of guys on steroids? And why does it seem thats its only like that around the metropolitan area? I mean if you walk in Tempts, you'd swear you were at a bodybuilding contest instead of a club. There is nothing wrong with looking good and working out, but I think its so funny when you see a kid one summer and the next summer he is twice the size.

Don't get me wrong, I like a man who takes care of himself, but there is a lot more to life than biceps. What do you think girls, do you like all the guys juiced up and sweaty at Tempts?

do u think people juice in order ot get girls, peopel juice for themselves not for u stupid ass girls. and its not all about the biceps u fool, get a clue
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Obviously a little more than your balls have shrunk, the dbol have affected your brain too. I simply asked some questions and you disrespect me. Its obvious that YOU are not secure enough with yourself that you have to pop those dbol so you can look bloated punk.

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Originally posted by sexyfukncritic

First of all, I am in no way jealous. I'm a girl anways and I'd never take that shit nor do I have to. Now to my point... why is it that the Jersey shore is full of guys on steroids? And why does it seem thats its only like that around the metropolitan area? I mean if you walk in Tempts, you'd swear you were at a bodybuilding contest instead of a club. There is nothing wrong with looking good and working out, but I think its so funny when you see a kid one summer and the next summer he is twice the size.

Don't get me wrong, I like a man who takes care of himself, but there is a lot more to life than biceps. What do you think girls, do you like all the guys juiced up and sweaty at Tempts?

I know how you feel.....but those guys are really nice and I went out with a few of those guys.

don't knock it until you try it


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My ex (whom I'm still on good terms with) just recently started a cycle....

If you ask me, it's pointless, but somehow he gets personal gratification out of it. I'm not so sure it has anything to do with getting girls, but I do however agree that I'm turned off by a guy who needs un natural means of self beautification.

If you ask me, he was absolutely fine the way he was. :blank:

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I have done three cycle's in the past, and not for anyone but myself. I have a gf and have been with her for all three cycles.

First: Steroids almost ruined my relationship. I was moody and snappy all the time, and all I wanted to do was be at the gym. Since then I have promised my gf I will never do them again.

Second: There a waste of money. Unless you stay on roids all the time, you lose strength and some mass.

As far as roids being more around metropolitan area's, do the math. How many people out in Lincoln, Nebraska selling deca? Since we live close to ports and major international airports, it's alot easier to get stuff.

Third: 75% of all the guys you see in Tempts and other

"roid" hangouts, the guys are usually with other guys. You hardly ever see them with girls. Me personally, I think most, not all, woman are turned off by big guys. I would rather be 190 shredded then a 240 blob. But thats just me

:D:D :D

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i dunno, i work out too. but i would never consider juicing. i don´t do any drugs except for alcohol anyway, and that in moderation. hell i don´t even smoke.

i think a defined body looks good, CK model like. but not those muscle mountains, where you can´t tell where the neck ends and the head begins, that looks just plain disgusting IMO.

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Personally i think juicing is pointless and for weaklings who don't think they can get stronger any other way.

I wrestled, rowed crew and weightlifted for a LARGE part of my life. I was strong and lean and i never took anything "stronger" than powerade or gatorade to help me work out.

juicing to me is completely stupid. You build muscle but for what. to fill out your shirt better? Personally i'd rather work out and be able to bench 300 numerous times instead of benching 450 once and then spending the rest of the afternoon trying to catch my breath.

Sorry - i had some serious arguments [and fights] with juicers in the past and it's rather funny that most of them think they're god's hardest and most powerful creations. all that bulk and there really isn't a lot of power behind them at all.

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Why, when people refer to juice heads, is it b/c they are bloated, bulky, and/or big.

Do you not realize that 75% of male models (at least the ones who get paid to take their shirts off) are on or have been on juice.

How about Brad Pitt? Do you not think he used anytype of performance enhancers to get his body in that kind of shape.

Maybe instead of refering to them as juice heads just refer to them as what they are, whether it be ripped, massive, bloated, or just plain fat.

3 years ago I was 265 lbs and completely natural.

Now I am 205 lbs. and I have juiced and look and feel better than I did when I was 16.

And btw: Ladies, no maybe you are not attracted to meat heads, but get a chance to date a guy with a big wallet, good personality with a good body for a bonus. You will not give a damn if he is juicing or not. If you do it is due to lack of education about what he is doing.

And as far a using juice as an excuse for almost ruining a relatioinship - there have been many studies done that show that most juice does not cause aggression (not counting Halo or chegue drops). It is usually just an excuse for and immature pussy after he has done something wrong.

And I think you original question has already been answered. It is easier to get juice in those areas.

One more question: Why can women get breast implants, nose jobs, face lifts, lipo suction and that is completely accepted and in some cases encourged by our society.

But just as soon as a man takes testosterone to improve his physic it is not only looked down upon but also illegal?????

Bottom line: If you are trying to improve your own body and not effecting anybody else - why should anyone care.

Lets take a poll, which is better:

Fast food everyday or juicing??? (btw - obesity killed over 350,000 last year alone.)

Alcohol or juice?

Narcotics or juice?

Would any of you like to go to a doctor and get a complete physical and blood work done and have them compared to mine? You might be surprised at what you see.



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Originally posted by cintron

Personally i think juicing is pointless and for weaklings who don't think they can get stronger any other way.

Personally i'd rather work out and be able to bench 300 numerous times instead of benching 450 once and then spending the rest of the afternoon trying to catch my breath.

Well lets see, I can bench 450 lbs., can bench 300 numerous times and would love to do a 2 day adventure race with you which involves mountainbiking, running, hiking, and canoeing.

Not that it is extremely good but I can also run a mile right around the 5 minute mark - not bad for a juice head.


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Originally posted by elitesnautica

Well lets see, I can bench 450 lbs., can bench 300 numerous times and would love to do a 2 day adventure race with you which involves mountainbiking, running, hiking, and canoeing.

Not that it is extremely good but I can also run a mile right around the 5 minute mark - not bad for a juice head.


Not bad at all. But i'd win the water segment of that race ;)

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

I would have to agree with you. My buddy and I turned the canoe over in the last race - and it was about 20 degrees outside. But I am pretty sure it was his fault.


Oh Fuck!! dude that water must have been BRUTAL.

*byebye nads... *

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Originally posted by elitesnautica

And as far a using juice as an excuse for almost ruining a relatioinship - there have been many studies done that show that most juice does not cause aggression (not counting Halo or chegue drops). It is usually just an excuse for and immature pussy after he has done something wrong.



How are you gonna sit here and tell me how I felt when I was on shit, and how I reacted to it?

I can tell you from the way I was on it from the way I am now, are two totally different aspects. I was cranky, irretable and the only thing I wanted to do was be at the gym. Fuck work, fuck my relationship, everthing else was second to the gym.

Maybe if you had some real shit then you would understand. Oh, and by the way, I look just as good now then I did when I was on the shit.

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Originally posted by webeclubbin

How are you gonna sit here and tell me how I felt when I was on shit, and how I reacted to it?

I can tell you from the way I was on it from the way I am now, are two totally different aspects. I was cranky, irretable and the only thing I wanted to do was be at the gym. Fuck work, fuck my relationship, everthing else was second to the gym.

Maybe if you had some real shit then you would understand. Oh, and by the way, I look just as good now then I did when I was on the shit.

Not sure what exactly you were taking but testosterone is actually, being studied right now to fight depression.

What steroids usually do is make a person more of what they are if they are nice, then while on they are very nice, if they are cranky then they are very cranky. However, the steroids which are more androgenic and less anabolic do tend to cause aggression in some users. But, the user must understand this going into a cycle and if he chooses to use highly androgenic steroids then he MUST keep this in mind and if he feels like he/she is going to loose his temper then they need to realize what is the cause and deal with it appropriatly. Someone who can not do this needs to stick with anabolics with low androgenic sides.

Another possibility for your crankiness and the fact that you did not look much better then than you do now would probably be due to OVER TRAINING which is a very common mistake that beginners make.

and btw - I am not judging how you look and I am sure you are happy with the way you look. But you are the one who made the blanket statement about steroids and users.

Good luck


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