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Where the hell was everyone last night???


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so my cousin and i ventured out to andalou's to begin the night...pretty girls, but totally dead...so we headed out to OG & Pope at 5....pretty good music, though still dead and not really much of my scene...

so we decided to head over to modern at about 1 and Georgetown was simply bombarded by construction...so we said fuck it and went back home....totally dissapointing night not seeing ANYONE...

so the question begs: WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE??

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Originally posted by highmay

so my cousin and i ventured out to andalou's to begin the night...pretty girls, but totally dead...so we headed out to OG & Pope at 5....pretty good music, though still dead and not really much of my scene...

so the question begs: WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE??

Ok time for me to fess up, I made the mistake of going to Dream for the Louie DeVito CD release party. Needless to say I should've stayed home. I just hate that place now I know why I haven't been there in over 6 months, once every six months is fine though. But I did win me some money at pool.

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Originally posted by highmay

so my cousin and i ventured out to andalou's to begin the night...pretty girls, but totally dead...so we headed out to OG & Pope at 5....pretty good music, though still dead and not really much of my scene...

so we decided to head over to modern at about 1 and Georgetown was simply bombarded by construction...so we said fuck it and went back home....totally dissapointing night not seeing ANYONE...

so the question begs: WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE??

oh man...i'm sorry you missed modern last nite. it ended up being a good nite. yeah - the construction is kinda fucking things up....what the hell are they doing to georgetown?? although not too many cp'ers were there mr.spinsaikel was there!~

because of all the construction problems, i am talking to the club about a deal where if you park in the lot across the street, they will buy you a couple of drinks to make up for it...i'll keep you posted.

anyone going to buzz tonite?

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Personally, I was at a lovely little establishment in Richmond known as "Easy Street" meeting my three very HOT girlfriends for cocktails and giggles.

Hey!!! Why have I never heard of these HOT girlfriends???? :tongue:

You coming up here tonight or not??? :confused:

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Originally posted by nourishment

Isn't Dream the place where the cabs won't go after 11pm?

What was it like? What were the people like? Why was it so bad?

It's not that bad of an area, of course I wouldn't wander too far from the venue itself. But the immediate area is ok, plus the cops are all over the place. The place itself is very nice, kinda upscale, plenty of bars, small VIP but nice couches, a few booths, the one on the second floor is the only good one. Basically 3 floors, although I think they call it 4. They have like a salsa thing oin one room, pool tables, some TV's, a rooftop yad yada yad, I really don't feel like reviewing the place, it's not even worth it. The worst thing as always is the crowd, which is where I tend to think the crowd makes a party. Two words ghetto fabulous..........

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Originally posted by nourishment

Personally, I was at a lovely little establishment in Richmond known as "Easy Street" meeting my three very HOT girlfriends for cocktails and giggles.

whoa how did I miss this, you were at "Easy Street" with 3 hot girlfriends:eek:

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Originally posted by highmay

so my cousin and i ventured out to andalou's to begin the night...pretty girls, but totally dead...so we headed out to OG & Pope at 5....pretty good music, though still dead and not really much of my scene...

so we decided to head over to modern at about 1 and Georgetown was simply bombarded by construction...so we said fuck it and went back home....totally dissapointing night not seeing ANYONE...

so the question begs: WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU PEOPLE??

I was actually at modern before buster came on. and stayed till about 1 or so. after that i ventured to 5. it was 5 min to 2 when I got there and it was sorta dead but good music playing though. So I stayed till closing. After that my friends and I hit up the gtown cafe for some breakfast. def hit the spot! I didnt see ANY cp ppl at either. Its funny how we club hopped but didnt even run into each other highmay. I'm fine with that cuz I have no desire to see your mug anyway.:D

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