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pvd nightmare!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by xpander

I noticed this too. Oddly enough, Exit seems to bring out this aspect of people more than anything that I've noticed recently.

There's fuckers like this around everywhere. Phunk's right in the sense that amongst Minorities, Blacks may actually be the least marginalized out of all. If you want to see marginalization, take a look at the Native American population...

<off topic>

If you REALLY want to see marginalization, look at the handicapped population. For one day, everything you do, ask yourself if you'd be able to do it in a wheelchair... take the subway near your home, go to the supermarket, buy a sandwich, whatever... handicapped people are the most invisible of all marginalized populations in this country, for the simple fact that discrimination against them comes not from individuals, but from the very environment they live in.

</off topic>

And on the subject at hand... people who go to Exit are like battered housewives -- they keep going back for more of the same abuse.

I don't care if S&D, DT, DH, PVD, and Jesus himself were all spinning on the same night... it's guaranteed to be a shitty crowd, and quite simply not worth it.

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i had fun despite the crowd and the heat...i expected it...it's pvd.

but then again i had fun just watching the guy spin. props to him...good music...good music. about seeing him in exit...wish we could all live in ibiza for the summer and see him spin every two weeks, but that's not quite possible for me...so i deal with the hords of people and i make the best of what is here in town...and if exit is the one bringing in all the big dj's then i'll go despite the fact that the crowd always suck and the management is always trying to jam more people in than they can. oh and for those of you who saw him in march, i didn't, but my friend said it was better in exit because the dance floor was bigger.

i was sad to see him leave without really hailing him good bye:)

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Originally posted by hoke

I don't care if S&D, DT, DH, PVD, and Jesus himself were all spinning on the same night... it's guaranteed to be a shitty crowd, and quite simply not worth it.

jesus in the white room would get at least $60 at the door ($59 w/flyer)

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Originally posted by hoke

<off topic>

If you REALLY want to see marginalization, look at the handicapped population. For one day, everything you do, ask yourself if you'd be able to do it in a wheelchair... take the subway near your home, go to the supermarket, buy a sandwich, whatever... handicapped people are the most invisible of all marginalized populations in this country, for the simple fact that discrimination against them comes not from individuals, but from the very environment they live in.

</off topic>

And on the subject at hand... people who go to Exit are like battered housewives -- they keep going back for more of the same abuse.

I don't care if S&D, DT, DH, PVD, and Jesus himself were all spinning on the same night... it's guaranteed to be a shitty crowd, and quite simply not worth it.

Yeah, you overlook the handicapped. My bad.

It's just that I remember reading something about the literacy/suicide rates of Native Americans/Native American Teenagers. They're THROUGH THE ROOF!

Anyways, random observation.

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Guest tilly
Originally posted by hoke

<off topic>

If you REALLY want to see marginalization, look at the handicapped population. For one day, everything you do, ask yourself if you'd be able to do it in a wheelchair... take the subway near your home, go to the supermarket, buy a sandwich, whatever... handicapped people are the most invisible of all marginalized populations in this country, for the simple fact that discrimination against them comes not from individuals, but from the very environment they live in.

i learned this lesson when i sprained my ancle badly and not only had to navigate through this city for 3 weeks but had to travel to new orleans with change planes in atlanta..talk about a difficult world to live in!!!! WHOA!!! you learn so much about ppl when you are faced with this situation...and the short of it..there are some INCREDIBLE ppl out there! I had a really positive experience between the woman wheeling me to differnet terminals in the airport to nyc cab drivers to reg pedestrians on the street. I was really humbled and happy with humanity after that experience!

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Learning one's lesson seems to be the key here.

Last time i was at EXIT, it was RIDICULOUS . There were people getting squashed on the staircase, and security didn't do jack s#it!

It's just not fun when you have people pushing and shoving , no dancing room, no matter how good the dj is.

I'll wait for next time :cool:

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I cannot not say that I had the best night last night. I have never felt so uncomfortable in a crowd before. I missed most of PVD's set because I spent most of the night trying to find a place that I felt comfortable and needless to say, those places had extremely inferior sound.

That being said, the only REAL problem I had last night was the shear number of people there. I did not meet a person that I didn't like (excluding the exit staff, who molested me on my way in, as usual). The few songs that I got to really listen to were good and I was in great company. ;)

I didn't get to meet up with too many CP people, maybe next time when there is some space.

The funny thing I found about last night was that in all my searching for a place to settle, I realized that I like the set-up of exit. The sound sucks, but if there were 3000 less people there last night, it could have been awesome.

Well I hope i never have any reason to return to that club while it is under it's current management. Even if PVD was there again, I really don't think I'd go which makes me quite sad. Next time he comes to New York they should set him up outside somewhere like Randall's island so that they can handle the crowd that he draws.

I hope others had a better time than I did.

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now listen everyone...i am far from a racist. never had a thing against anyone...especially asians. but last night...they did nothing but continually push my buttons. first of all, they dance without having any regard whatsoever who they're stepping on or bumping into. i had this kid constantly jump into my kidneys as if he was trying to become part of me, w/o even the slighest" oh excuse me". i know its packed and its gonna happen but these people had no regard for anyone at all. this girl stepped on my girls foot with her stiletto heal to the point of making my girls toe bleed , looked at her w/o an apology and walked away. the smell was retchid. should i go on. it was nasty. i guess some people went out w/o taking showers. lata

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How can we beat hese guys at Exit at their own game? what if somone called the fire marshalls before he came on? would they shut the place down for the whole night and ruin the show or would they limit the inflow of people? I don't want to ruin any show but what I'm getting at is: Is ther anyway to fuck the Mgt. at Exit so that we can somehow enjoy Oakenfold on July 3rd or is it a losing battle? I didn't go last night because of this and would like to see Oakenfold on the 3rd even though Rabbit in the Moon and Infected Mushroom are elsewhere.

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I was at EXIT. Lord Van DYK was amazing. Im still feeling it in my bones. But the crowd was a mess. I dont know what the deal is...surrounded by a bunch of trashy asians. Jumping in your face with their gang like there was a secret code to bump you. I can take care of myself but geez..enjoy the show, the music, be respectful. Not to pinpoint the asian community but it always seemed that when i got bumped or elbowed. i found their trippy face in my space. Place ran out of real estate. Up the cost of the ticket and bring some crowd control. I rolled but ended my night early cause of the mess there. Couples BEWARE! You ladies were being molested. Sorry couldnt be there to stop it. TIll nx time. Hasta la proxima vez y esperamos el dia que la noche sera perfecto. DIEZEL..your the man and thanks for the invite. I see and know what you mean. For the rest of you that cry foul and say im a racist.WRONG!! TRY AGAIN! I lived in JAPAN for a year 92-93. CIAO.

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Ok, I'll admit the number of people last night was out of hand but I knew it would be...it always is when there is a big name dj there so that was something you just had to expect and accept. As far as all the "smelly asians" go that's really fucked up to say cuz you know what....I was in the front by the stage where there are a lot less asians than in other sections of the club and all the white people were doing the same exact thing. Just because you happened to be near the asian area and you got pushed and shoved doesnt give you the right to say those kinda things because it's like that with all the people in the club, not just the asians. Personally I thnik the asians push a lot less than all the dumb musclehead guidos who think they are tough shit. There really is no way around the pushing. With that many people in the club, everytime someone wants to go to the bathroom, get a drink, meet up with a friend somwhere, or just take a breather they are gonna be forced to "push" their way through. Yeah, the whole situation sucks but thats what happens when a superstar like PVD or Tiesto comes to a club. I had a lot of fun last night. The music was good and the people seemed VERY into the music and the mood. And personally, I felt people were polite in general last night. I had many people say "excuse me" to me when they wanted to get by (including an asian kid). I made little small talk with some friendly people here or there. With a place crowded so much pushing is inevitable. Try not to always see the bad side of things and just be happy at the fact that you got to see a great DJ spin a great set, something that you don't have the oppurtunity to experience. And if you really can't do that, then stay home because it's not a secret that the dance floor is going to be packed.

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Check out the smirnoff experience with good music and great people .....

and free to some liucky people ...who contact smirnoff

– Get a free ticket to the Smirnoff experince event on june 20th answer the Smirnoff experience survey (Applicants must be 21 years and older).

Reply to survey@juggernaut.to with your name and e-mail address and Smirnoff will send you a link to there web-site to complete there survey .


– The SMIRNOFFâ Experience arrives in New York this summer bringing with it the best electronic music from around the world. The series of high-energy parties will also visit thirteen other international destinations as it travels across four continents.

– On June 20, the SMIRNOFFâ Experience comes to the Metropolitan Pavillion combining the best local DJ’s with international superstar artists featuring Slam, Derrick May, Christian Smith, Dave Ralph, Tom Middleton, Dominique, Gilles Peterson, DJ Grandmaster Flash, Terry Casey, Satoshi Tommei, John Creamer, John Kelly, Funk D’Void, Touch Brothers and DJ Wool for the most memorable night of unexpected excitement. The seven-hour event features a multi-story environment with three separate rooms highlighting tech-house/techno, deep house and progressive styles; more than 20,000 square feet of space; 33 monitors; 6 giant screens; 14 projections; 7 plasma screens; 3 lipstick cameras in each of the DJ booths; 6 handheld cameras throughout the venue; and live visual mixings to create the ultimate connection between the audience and the music

Tickets Availability : While supply lasts .

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I got there mad early with larry and debbie and we secured a spot on the second floor balcony. Didn't move from my spot till about a half hour left in PVD's set, when I went in the crowd on the main floor.

I had a great time, danced a little, and tried to zone out the crowd, which worked except for this one girl and dude making out pratically on us.

Went for the man and the music, and had myself a blast. I didn't really get pushed around, so I have no complaints about the crowd size... we all knew it was goin to be crowded as fuck, so there's no point in even complaining about it.

The one thing that did piss me off is that, on the balloons, they fuckin spelt his name wrong. Paul Van Dykc. WTF?

Also it was funny to see paul keep getting pissed off when the lights would shine on him. hahah he kept sayin to kill the light when it did so.

Also, his new track, with Jan Johnson that he dropped 3 times is amazing, can't wait to get my hands on it.

With that, I fuckin love PVD, and will be where ever he is next time in NYC.

Pics to come soon.


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Well like Rob stated I met up with him and Larry and then Jessie met up with us.. Also so Lillizzy, her b/f Kenny, Bamitsme/Jimafterhours (same person) and Highmay... nice seeing all off you. Oh and of course I cant forget Draper. hehe.. "Lets get his autograph"....:laugh:

The floor was waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too packed to even think about going to the meetup.. sorry I knew I wouldnt go. I dont like that spot where you guys picked.. We stayed by the balcony all night.. walked around a little.. I got pissed off a few times b/c of the crowd but then I realized "Im at exit".. so I cooled down.. When people were pushing and shit... i just jumped around dancing to piss them off back... I had soooooooo much fun doing it. I made an ass out of myself as well... embarassing Rob, Larry was used to it so he didnt mind :D.

Paul Van Dykc (LOL) was sick...I def had an overall fun night. But that will def be my last appearance at exit till something big is going on again maybe.. I dunno if I'll even go then! :blown:

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the place was 95% asian. your right it wasnt only them that smelled...its just that they were really rude and im not the only one to think that...overall the place was way too crowded to have any fun..and my idea of fun isnt being trampled on.

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First off, clubs are packed. All clubs that draw names get crowded. But anyway, PVD is still the man. I thought he threw down a better set than he did at SF. As for people who had a bad night, I'm not one of them. No one should overlook the killer set Luis Diaz spun either. That last hour of his set was amazing. Great lead in to PVD. Had a blast and met some cool peeps. Gotta watch the Mets now.

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Originally posted by njitpimp

Ok, I'll admit the number of people last night was out of hand but I knew it would be...it always is when there is a big name dj there so that was something you just had to expect and accept. As far as all the "smelly asians" go that's really fucked up to say cuz you know what....I was in the front by the stage where there are a lot less asians than in other sections of the club and all the white people were doing the same exact thing. Just because you happened to be near the asian area and you got pushed and shoved doesnt give you the right to say those kinda things because it's like that with all the people in the club, not just the asians. Personally I thnik the asians push a lot less than all the dumb musclehead guidos who think they are tough shit. There really is no way around the pushing. With that many people in the club, everytime someone wants to go to the bathroom, get a drink, meet up with a friend somwhere, or just take a breather they are gonna be forced to "push" their way through. Yeah, the whole situation sucks but thats what happens when a superstar like PVD or Tiesto comes to a club. I had a lot of fun last night. The music was good and the people seemed VERY into the music and the mood. And personally, I felt people were polite in general last night. I had many people say "excuse me" to me when they wanted to get by (including an asian kid). I made little small talk with some friendly people here or there. With a place crowded so much pushing is inevitable. Try not to always see the bad side of things and just be happy at the fact that you got to see a great DJ spin a great set, something that you don't have the oppurtunity to experience. And if you really can't do that, then stay home because it's not a secret that the dance floor is going to be packed.

Way to jump to the defense there chief.......

Well, I heard contrary information about the behavior last night from far too many people to actually believe or trust anything your saying. Plus, I was there for Tiesto and I saw the behavior first hand so I know what these people are talking about.

Oh well, thankfully I didn't go. Saw PVD at Twilo three times so I already know what the man is capable of. I'll wait till he comes to a massive or something or he gets booked at a huge venue that can accomodate him to go hear him again.

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