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business-wise..roxy's got it goin on. they have their name plastered all over ktu, they're bringin in large crowds every week now. and im sure they're rakin in tons of money. they've decided to cater to the ktu commercial crowd, bring in commercial dj's, have commercial performances of songs that came out a year ago. but they're makin money like u couldnt believe im sure.

let's look at the other side:

Johnny Vicious: apparently he's only a monthly resident now. when Tsettos spun johnny was there but never came on. last nite he was in seaside, so obviously not at roxy at all. so the dj that roxy brought in and gave a residency, the dj that brought us all to roxy in the first place, is now not there on a weekly basis. who knows wut went on, whether it was roxy mgmt's decision, maybe it was johnny's decision, either way...the ONLY reason we started goin to roxy in the first place is GONE.

we have a brand new phazon system. and yea, it does sound great. but i dont think any of us expected mike rizzo and jason ojeda to be the dj's "rockin" this system.

roxy missed all the int'l talent. guys like tiesto, pvd, oakie, ferry corsten....they only come around nyc every 6-12 months or so. tiesto was here in december and february. pvd was here twice in the past few months, oakie is around the nyc area now, and corsten was here and left. but the thing is...its summer time now. all these guys are gonna be busy with the area 2 tour, ibiza, and parties in europe. they're not comin back to nyc any time soon. i doubt for the rest of the year. SF and exit snatched these guys up and got them to play. while this was goin on, wut was roxy doin? they were CLOSED. so any chance of bringin in these dj's anytime soon is prolly slim. so it looks like we're lookin forward to a long lineup of local dj's, esp ktu dj's. who's next? dj boris? shawn ink?

o, and right before roxy closed they made the stage bigger for us. now its back to regular size and filled with even more juiceheads and little girls. and all they do is stand there and take up space and feel "cool" cuz they're on the stage. this isnt really a big problem..but wutever..it bothers me. i got no room to dance.

these are the problems i see with the "all new roxy". feel free to comment, add ur opinion, wutever.

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lmao roxy is a piece of shit and so are most of the promoters. lets go out and spend a shitload of money on a sound system and put crap on it... you can put the best sound system in the world in but if you have shit playing on it shit will also come out of the speakers.. ya think they realize this...

and the Johnny Vicious only being a resident was made by Johnny... he will be there the first friday of every month.... so hey look at the bright side of things... got three weeks a month that we can go to a better fucking place than the shithole named roxy!!!

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Your right about the Johnny Vicious thing. That's the reason what started most of us going there. I would like it more if he was there more often then just once a month.

About the International DJs thing, I could personally care less. I'm all for the local talent. I'm not that big on the whole international DJ thing. If I wanted to hear them though I would just go to Exit or whereever there DJing. Plus Vicious ripped it up the first week as he usually does, Tsettos was destroying it the 2nd week, and Ojeda did a great a job last night. So I think this whole local talent thing is workin for Roxy. I like it how it's going.

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Originally posted by karch

Tsettos was destroying it the 2nd week, and Ojeda did a great a job last night. So I think this whole local talent thing is workin for Roxy. I like it how it's going.

i gotta admit that tsettos did tear the place down. and there's no prob with bringin in local talent too. but look at july 3rd. we got jerry springer. wonnnnnnderful. i dont even know who's spinnin that nite. there are some quality local dj's, but only so many. they have to go to the int'l talent eventually and work that phazon!!!

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Wait... u went to Roxy for Vicious?? :laugh: :laugh: j/k, sorry had to say it...

Yeah Roxy is making shitloads of money but losing their original crowd(us?). But let us face it, the only reason we went is because of the card. Girls get in before 12 for free, do you think that many would come otherwise? I would never pay that much to go there. I went to hang out with you guys and dance I definetely didn't go there for the music.

... another one bites the dust!

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Originally posted by teklord310

Wait... u went to Roxy for Vicious?? :laugh: :laugh: j/k, sorry had to say it...

Yeah Roxy is making shitloads of money but losing their original crowd(us?). But let us face it, the only reason we went is because of the card. Girls get in before 12 for free, do you think that many would come otherwise? I would never pay that much to go there. I went to hang out with you guys and dance I definetely didn't go there for the music.

... another one bites the dust!

no u got it wrong. we started goin the first nite they opened...and we went like 4 or 5 times before we even got the cards. i went the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th weeks cuz i wanted to hear vicious. it was that simple. it may be noise to u, but when he's workin it like only vicious can, with that classic vicious sound..they'res nothin better and nothin with more energy
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Originally posted by xtcgspot

o, and right before roxy closed they made the stage bigger for us. now its back to regular size and filled with even more juiceheads and little girls. and all they do is stand there and take up space and feel "cool" cuz they're on the stage. this isnt really a big problem..but wutever..it bothers me. i got no room to dance.

how about the dance floor?

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Originally posted by teklord310

Yeah Roxy is making shitloads of money but losing their original crowd(us?).

we are not the scene

we are a few people who go to a messageboard

we represent 1% of the clubbing population

clubplanet could drop off the face of the earth and no one would notice

maybe bobg would notice because clubplanets list wasnt doing as well anymore, but as for everything else if i was in roxys managements position id be doing the same thing they are

im so sure im gonna turn down my name being all over ktu and making thousands of dollars just because a few kids have free admission cards

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my 2 cents, Gary u make a great point about the Intl dj's because I've heard those rumors as well "Roxy is brining in Intl Talent." But when you think about when will they really get a chance to bring them in? The thing that interests me is everytime I go to roxy with somekind of doubt no matter who's been djing (mostly vicious), I'm always proven wrong. Bottom line is I been in the recent months to Factory, Exit, Saci, Float, and a few other places and nothing does it for me as Roxy. I feel like it's close to home you know. Even if i dont get in for free. I just let myslef go there the most and if you ask me which club are you the best at, I would def say Roxy. The crowd not even once got on my nerves, I see the juicehead here and there but they stay to themselves, they dont bother nobody. Their very rarely on the stage or trying to show themselves off. And the girls might be young, but how young really are they? 18? 19? thats fine with me. I've noticed that majority of the girls are really easy going I mean not in the sense that they'll get with you, but rather attitude wise. Altogether roxy might be changed a little here and there but its the same ol' roxy to me from Jan. I just really hope that vicious stays they fuck around with local dj's such as Tsettos, Ojeda, Rizzo, Macaluso, Etc.

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Originally posted by echostar

we are not the scene

we are a few people who go to a messageboard

we represent 1% of the clubbing population

clubplanet could drop off the face of the earth and no one would notice

maybe bobg would notice because clubplanets list wasnt doing as well anymore, but as for everything else if i was in roxys managements position id be doing the same thing they are

im so sure im gonna turn down my name being all over ktu and making thousands of dollars just because a few kids have free admission cards

i def agree with u. i think business-wise roxy mgmt is doin a great job. they're doin wut they need to do to make money, pay their bills, and feed their families. cant blame them. but im just sayin that roxy's not goin in the direction that i thought it was goin to go in after they re-opened. dont get me wrong...i still love goin to roxy. i ALWAYS have a blast there. but i guess i had higher expectations. and im really pissed that johnny is not there very week anymore. that is the ONLY reason i started goin to roxy and made it my new home.
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Nychunk,i couldn't have worded that better myself,there is so much local talent that i feel has been turning that room out,and all i hear about is getting international talent.I have nothing agaist that once in awhile being that i'm a fan of sasha& digweed,deepdish,timo mass,etc ,there is always gonna be haters that no matter what you play or who plays it their gonna bash it.Thanks to all who have been supporting the party and i'm looking forward to this fri june 28th when dirty vegas joins me in the mix!!

Mike Rizzo


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~~~ for the record i still love roxy no doubt about it..........im sorry i missed ojeda this past friday and even tho i would like to see intl talent im content...not happy but content with it.....i just hope it doesn't turn into WH or some shyt like that...:shades2:

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definitely some good points.....but one thing I've noticed on this board is the HATRED for KTU and MTV being at roxy---

I've gone All 3 weeks since Phazon came in...and lemme tell u---u hardly even notice its a KTU event....The first week Mike played some KTU drops and vic intro'd Johnny but that was it...2nd week Julia was there and I have no complaints about Julia:D

last nite they had their booth set up but you never even heard from them....I think its more of an attitude thing like, Ohhhh ktu is there...but in reality...THIS IS A GREAT PARTY--

And as for Intn'l talent.....I really feel like everyone is entitled to their opinion but if u dont kno the whole story STFU--- do u think its as easy as just booking Sasha and Diggers and thats it...they come? I hope ya'll realize that PVD and Oakie's agents require that u put in madd other int'l dj's weeks before they come in just to even qualify to get PVD or Okay....why do u think exit did Chris Lawrence and Tall Pall??

The Management behind this party has watched Exit's follies and moves over the last few months and are not about to make the same mistakes.....but do not worry you international freaks...Piccotto is coming in October and HE WANTS to play roxy...PVD is also interetsed in playing on the PHAZON....possibly November...

Right now they are est'b a BASE CROWD...so that way when they do an international night...its not a one night deal where its packed then dead the next week...

And as for 'local talent'...doooooooood....Rizzo, Tstettos and then Ojeda last nite WORKED that Phazon and kept that place moving...I honestly can't wait for people like Peter Bailey, Mike MAC (pleeeeeeeeeze play roxy sooon), Bors and other NYC and Jerz DJ's to play there.... As for Johnny....once a month at roxy would still be awesome...remember before roxy we all bitched about "when is vicious gonna have a residency"...even if its not every week....once a month of Vicious on a phazon is the shit....imagine if u lived in Iowa and we couldnt even have this argument :laugh:

Gspot--u were missed last nite---it was fun

NYChunk--we had to take the stage back over for Lethal Industry bro!!

Legend, Bebby, vamptrix, Afterhours Jimmyy!!! Summer Tina and every else that made last nite a great time....see ya'll next time

Mike BuGouT

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I have to say, this was the worst club experience i ever had.

I'm going to roxy thinking it has a variety contained play-list but the entire fucking night it was hard house which im not a fan of the least bit. And prowling to move to the hip hop room, i come to find out it was basically empty as well. If they played more funk house it would have been more interesting and appealing to me but ey, you cant win em all.

I guess the roxy is no more for me.


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well i think its pretty well known that the genre and scene at roxy is not funk house. its trance, hard trance...and now theyve been bringin in some good tribal house dj's, which is a plus. i think the best nite is to start off with a great tribal set and then move into some bangin hard house/trance tracks...vicious style

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