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MAC vs. PC...

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I have a flat panel Imac running OSX and i love it to bits.I've used pc's at work and stuff but i wouldn't say one is better than the other cos i have no real experience of pc's at home as this is my first computer.What i will say though is that OSX is an absolute pleasure to use.

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It really depeds on what you want out of your machine.

If you want a top of the line benchmarking beast....go pc.

If you want a stable..just use notepad...queer looking paperweight....go apple.


My current beast:

Case - Dragon Full Tower

Power - Enermax EG465P-VE 431 Watts

Motherboard - Asus P4TE- Intel 850

Processor - Pent 4 2.0 400mhz fsb / 512 cache

Memory - 512mb Rambus PC-800

Hard Drive - 80Gb Western Digital Ultra ata..damn thig has 8mb of cache too

Video - VisionTek Extacy Geforce 4 Ti 4600 overclocked 8%ish

Monitor - 21" Sony Trinitron

Sound- SoundBlaster Live 5.1

Speakers - Alec Lansing Dobly digital Lucasarts 4.1 500watt

I have to pick up a dvd-rom drive and a cd-r one of these days.


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Originally posted by gothzane

It really depeds on what you want out of your machine.

If you want a top of the line benchmarking beast....go pc.

If you want a stable..just use notepad...queer looking paperweight....go apple.


My current beast:

Case - Dragon Full Tower

Power - Enermax EG465P-VE 431 Watts

Motherboard - Asus P4TE- Intel 850

Processor - Pent 4 2.0 400mhz fsb / 512 cache

Memory - 512mb Rambus PC-800

Hard Drive - 80Gb Western Digital Ultra ata..damn thig has 8mb of cache too

Video - VisionTek Extacy Geforce 4 Ti 4600 overclocked 8%ish

Monitor - 21" Sony Trinitron

Sound- SoundBlaster Live 5.1

Speakers - Alec Lansing Dobly digital Lucasarts 4.1 500watt

I have to pick up a dvd-rom drive and a cd-r one of these days.


Nyce specs!

Got any benchmark result for that system?

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Mac : Everything multimedia production oriented (although a really fine tuned Scuzzy based PC with NT or 2000 can compete, you just gotta tweak the shit out of it . . ) . .

PC : Surfin the web, downloading pr0n, word processing and other office document oriented things, gaming and . . no . . I think that's it . .

. .The new Mac OS is based off of BSD, so it's rock fucking solid, . . . I have a feeling we're going to be seeing some very amazing things from apple in months to come . . The tide may just turn . . I can only hope quickly enough . .

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sure ill contribute to the thread on my once a month pass through..haha -->

3 pc's, 1 SUN Ultra 10

2 old pc's runnin linux (work horses/ to keep up with the opensource world), 1 new pc, amd xp 1900 runnin .net enterprise server (my play machine, porn, multimedia, video/audio editing, etc.)

sun ultra10 runnin solaris 8 - (critical shit// to keep up with the commercial world.)

i have used os x before...and i dont know...i just dont see the mac dominating in any area besides what it already has dominated in, the video and audio/ multimedia arena (but we shall see in the next year or so...). the risc is so much more optimized for that type o shit than the x86 architecture is. its not fully based on bsd's architecture though, just the networking pieces (what isnt based off of that structure these days though..haha), and a few pieces of the kernel have been modified. but its still a mac, based on mac principles/ most of mac's core architecture and what-not. i don't know the specifics, just the jist, cause im not a mac person. the mac people can eleaborate further on this integration.

they totally fucked up in the past by making themselves totally proprietary. they have eased up on that, but to truly get ahead, they need to jump in to that market and meet some of the other competitors in the middle somewhere (as convoluted as that sounds).

personally, i would love it if we could take MS's kernel out of the picture but keep its shell (explorer) and put in a linux kernel. then we'd never have any more complaints, but itll be a cold day in hell before that happens, haha. it would be truly funny to see linux dominate in the desktop arena. i doubt that will happen anytime soon, because they really need to revamp X (*nix's gui envm't) and try to streamline in it in to the scheme of things. there are pros and cons to that, of course (we all see the product..windows).

happy computing :)

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I like MAC's new line of systems, they got a vicious 3000K system with a sick flat screen display, only problem is PC are dominant in this world. So just cause of lack of software I would stick with a PC. But if Open source and Linux ever beat out MS, I would go with LINUX. :D

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Originally posted by joeg

beOS still exists??? jesus...

Company's gone but there's still people doing stuff with it. But check out this bad boy, is super duper rare:

Dual Power PC box tons of shit.....for 1995 this was like the FUCKING SHIT. I'd still love to get my hands on one.


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I use power machintosh 9600 which is a bit old

and couldn't handle Audio files.It sucks.

If you want to make a electronic music without much money

I recommend you custmize Windows machine and buy Cubase SX.

Those system is very economy and let you handle many tracks and plug-in effect.

I hope oneday Apple let us use MacOS on other platte home PC.

Steve,You can beat windows and Bill !!!!!!!(joke)

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Guest tilly

MAC's..i recently purchased an iBook and I LOVE IT! I am still trying to figure stuff out but I wouldn't go back to a PC for my home computer!

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unfourtinatly be we under, but beOS is still around as a hobby system. i would pick os x over windows anyday of the week (XP is microsofts worse os since WinME), mostly cause its built on bsd. in terms of linux, you gotta go either slackware, suse, or gentoo.

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well i personally use redhat. been usin them since i started out with linux. i wouldve dumped them a long time ago, but since im too lazy to switch to a new distro, ill stick with em. redhat 7.3 is a really primo release, and they fixed a lot of their previous qualms. but every distribution has its own qualms. and the way that redhat is marketed kind of puts a damper on the GNU/ opensource community. but i digress. as far as distributions are concerned, debian seems to be the most rock solid distro from what ive heard (although redhat 7.3 is a really good release and will make them shine in my opinion (wait i said that already, haha). suse truly sux, and ive heard some good things about mandrakes newest release.

MS did a good job with xp, ill have to admit. i run the server (.net enterprise) version bumped up to sp1 (not for anything critical, but for play..i would never trust ms with anything critical) and they def. are workin towards refining the os. but of course the pure nature of the beast will hold them back. every os has its pros and cons, of course.

we can also debate everything i said, and thensome till the cows come home. thats what makes this industry koool. a lot of different sides, and if you dont get too bogged down to one side, and be as open-minded as you can, then the community as a whole will benefit and shine.

wow i posted twice in the same day span. thats been a first for me in a long time on clubnyc..er oops..mean clubplanet (thats what its called now, i gather...)


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hehehe i use dr0ne's distro 0.666 beta. basically i compile the kernel, throw some gz's some rpm's and put whatever i want in it. much better that way than to have a 2 Gig /usr with shit i'll use once in a fucking blue moon.

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