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This weekend at DT & DH...


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Hey everyone,

Hope that you all made it home okay! I made it home okay, but don't exactly know if I am okay at today at work.

Just wanted to say that it was great to finally meet you all! I had a great time talking to everyone. I had so much fun on Saturday night, wish it would have never ended... The music and vibe were unbelievable!

I am going to give a little roll call to all of you that I met on Saturday night, if I forget any names don't brow beat me. I am little slow today...;)






And I know there may have been one of two more people that I am forgetting.... But again had a great time, and I should really come down to DC with A1 sometime soon to hang out!


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For all of you that I met, It was great meeting you. And Jess, make sure you cut your shirt a little bit shorter next time.

As for my little review....got there at 12:30 1/4 til 1 (I think), and the Steve the guy that drove is friends with the security and Danny T so no wait in line but still had to pay the 30 to get in, DH's set was good, but didn't rock me, I think it was because of the alcohol intake from friday night and the LLLLOONNNGGGG ass ride to NY that was bringing me down. I did dance (for what room there was to dance in) but it didn't get me moving like DT. That guy just amazed me. I stayed til the very end 1:00, and the last 15 min was awesome, Dropped Micheal Jackson's "man in the mirrow" mixed it with some disco song that I just can't remember the name of, I am not a fan of MJ but the mixing that DT was doing kept me in suspence to what he was going to do next. And then he ended it all with the acappella "safe from harm" Then afterwards got to meet the man and thank him for a wonderful night and great tunes. If only I could've grabbed that damn record bag. Also said my thanks to Danny Howells. Great people and very fan oriented, they both know how to please the people.

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ok i only have about TWO second so i'll write more later but i had such a great great weekend....tenaglia definitely stole the show from howells...and what was up w/ the sound system? on kinda low throughtout most of the night, although the clarity was really nice

awesome time w/ y'all...mwah

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yeah, great time on sat.. great seeing everyone, especially millie, since it's been so long!

if anyone wants to get out of DC swamp town, boston has some good events coming up this month... would love to see ya :)

july 19th - satoshi, dfuse @ avalon & steve porter and cass for afterhours

august 15th - sasha

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Originally posted by MadamMillie

ok i only have about TWO second so i'll write more later but i had such a great great weekend....tenaglia definitely stole the show from howells...and what was up w/ the sound system? on kinda low throughtout most of the night, although the clarity was really nice

awesome time w/ y'all...mwah

It's funny how people never have the same opinions about the music. So far I've read reviews that said that that was Howell's worst set ever and other reviews that it was his best set ever. Some people thought DT was really weak and that Howells blew him out of the water, and some people loved his set. Everyone agrees that raising the price over the course of the night was bullshit, though.

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Nice to meet you to prplhz, although I don't exactly remember meeting you, just seeing you...... but I was pretty tired around that time so.................................................

I thought the place was really done up well - granted there were too many people in there, but what are you going to do.... it was a special night. I must say however that for how crowded it was people were generally nice, minus a couple of the meatheads that just pushed everyone out of the way. People were nice and appoligized for stepping on you and such. The chillout room could have used some fans though.... REALLY bad..... I mean it's the "chill"out room..... not the "dear lord it's hotter in here than the dance floor" room. The sound was AMAZING.... I didn't think it was too low...... It certainitly didn't leave you like Glow does - deaf for the next 3 days...... I spent most of Howells set on the floor and he played well I thought. He did kind of jump around a little with the emotion.... 20 minutes of hard deep music and then like a less emotional song.... not to say his track selection was off, he played some of the most amazingly deep prog I've heard in a while and I wish I knew the names of some of the tracks or even when he played them, but I was too into closing my eyes and getting lost in the music, just bouncing and swaying around in the middle of the floor with like 500 of my closest friends ;) (for those of you that didn't know I went sober, just caffeine for me) I loved it.... great night. I just wish I didn't have to get up and drive -, cause then I would have stayed for DT too, but I got about 10 mins of him and shut it down and grabbed some sleep. I definitely will come back to listen to him though and DH once again proves why he is one of the best!!!!

I love NY!!!!

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I think Howells set last month was better, but I still loved his set. Started off slow with nice groovy beats, built up a bit to progressive stuff then put in tech house and then a very tribal selection and threw in some breaks. This guy amazes me more and more each time i see him. Who else can spin a regular 10hr set on a regular basis (monthly inthe case of Vynil/Arc...and it was only 6hrs this time) and spin completely different stuuf each and every time? Very few can do it and Howells is one of them.

Tennaglia blew me away. Of corse it was the first time I had ever seen him live, but he was pullin the nastiest shit. I didnt mind the talking he did during his set, 'cos hes known to do that. I really could have stayed on for another 2 or 3 hrs but we neede d to check out from the hotel.

I agree with Millie, sound system could have been turned up a bit more, but the clarity is great. The place certainly looks nicer now. Fresh paint, remodeled VIP area, A/C sucks (my main complain..and only complain basically) but I had a great time.

Company was awesome too. Tiny, sauvee, kuro, nautilus, shlongus (and their contingent), raver (and his contingent), runner, millie, & spinsaikel from DC. A1, prplhz (i second runners suggestion on the t-shirt :D ), nyis4meatheads, teamj5 and the rest of the Boston contingent & highmay from the NY board (why do we alwyas run into you? :D)

Had a wonderfull time all in all, and definiltly looking fwd to the next trip up there.

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Yeah, I was digging the shirt, prplh (and not for the writing on it). When Howells was at Buzz he banged it out. It might have been cuz he was the headliner only playing a couple hours at peak time (for DC). I expect him to rock Buzz the next time he's there, no matter how long he plays.

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Originally posted by Kuro

Yeah, I was digging the shirt, prplh (and not for the writing on it). When Howells was at Buzz he banged it out. It might have been cuz he was the headliner only playing a couple hours at peak time (for DC). I expect him to rock Buzz the next time he's there, no matter how long he plays.

according to the buzz site, howells is playing for 6 hrs. we'll see how it goes.

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i'm one of those people that considered saturday night absolutely NOT worth the price. it was dangerously crowded and hot, and neither DT nor DH blew me away; quite the opposite, in fact. i danced the most between 12-3 and then i just couldn't be bothered. i dance energetically, and so 3 hours early on basically dehydrated me thoroughly enough that i was feeling a bit lacklustre the rest of the night.

*big kiss for sick Kuro*

... and i hope, again, that i can meet more of you when i'm 1. awake and 2. enjoying my night out.

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Originally posted by Kuro

A huge part of the reason of my enjoyment of this past Saturday was the people I was with.

Yes, most definitely. If i were there with only like...2 friends. i wouldnt have as much fun as I did sat night. This one is going down in the books. I wish were allowed to bring camaras in though. Hey kuro, at one point during the night, some girl was standing in front of you with her rack system right in your face. How was that?:D It wasn't jessica's though. but the girl was quite hot i must say.

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